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is area 51 gooda for america?

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posted on May, 21 2005 @ 08:50 PM
well i dont think the hell so at all but i want opinions here people git streesed out cause they freack out of what it is and what is there

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 08:58 PM
I don’t think it’s healthy for a group of people to basically be above the law and beyond the scrutiny of our elected officials. This mixture can only create one thing…a criminal.

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 09:58 PM
I have two sides on this issue...

First, I agree with kinglizard it is not at all good for a group of people to have unlimited resources, free from the law, and absolute secrecy. It isn't good to think, that for all we know our government could be meddling in affairs in other galaxies, creating super weapons that could easily destroy our planet, and possibly capturing and doing experiments on extra-terrestrials. (I'm kind of aiming this more at all types of secretive bases and not particularly Area 51) I don't think it's right for them to withold all of these secrets from us, and be able to break the law as much as they want, however...

Think what might happen if we didn't have secret bases such as this. What if all of our technology was instantly revealed to the public. Other countries, our enemies, could easily recreate this technology when it was released, and possibly that may be one of the safer places to conduct extremely dangerous experiments: out in the middle of the desert, free from the law, and away from most civilization. Also, what if there wasn't an Area 51, and instead of taking an alien that somehow landed on our planet and was heavily armed, even though he was killed on impact, and the government released to the public that some sort of extra-terrestrial being from an unknown location crash landed on our planet with super-powered weapons...I don't think it would be a very good thing to tell our country, because I don't think that would do anything but raise immense amounts of panic.

So, I must say that I am two-sided on this matter. Perhaps, keep Area 51, but give the public a little bit better of an idea what goes on there? I think it is possibly better that they are immune to the law, though. I also think that government should stop denying its existence when hard evidence is here that it does.

Just my thoughts.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 06:39 AM
Hmm! This is a good question. Here's my two cents:

As orginally concevied, I'd have to say yes! As it is used now, Probably not! Allow me to explain my thinking:

Back in the 1950's, Groom Lake was created as a top secret research center for improtant projects, such as advanced spy planes, and stealth aircraft. The research that was being done at the base allowed the US to keep the threat of the Cold War in balance. At that time espionage by the Russian KGB was rampid in the US. Groom Lake gave the Pentagon a secure location to hide it's most important research. The purpose of the base was purely defense research and spy plane operations for the CIA. These activity were and still are (in my oppinion) a ligitment and important part of our nation's defenses.

Today, Groom Lake is become "AREA 51" the symbol. AREA 51 represents corruption and waste, and a government that isn't being responsible to the needs of it's people. Our government has gone from using secrecy as a tool to protect it's citizens from those who would do us harm, to using it to hide from the people it was created to serve. Sorry to say it, but the Pentagon has turned into that spoiled toddler in the candy store. They are fighting o get things they don't need, just because they think it looks cool, or it's a neat new weapon. Much of the Research they are doing seems out of step with what's going on in the world around us. Many of the secret programs are left over from the cold war. Since the collaps of the USSR, the threat we face has changed greately, Yet many of the weapons being developed have not. For example: Why are we still building Mach 5 spy planes? Today, you are more likely to be looking for terrorists than mapping a missile base hidden in the mountains. If you want to conduct photo and electronic survallence, it's better to loiter than to zip by. Yet, we still hear reports of objects streaking through the area around the base as speeds that sound almost unreal.

The Bottom Line is This: Groom Lake in it's role as a defense research center, still has an improtant role to play in US National Security. In some ways this role is as critical as ever. However, in order to continue to fill this role, the base needs to evolve beyond the old Cold War mentality it seems stuck it. The base is long overdew for a major overhaul and a face lift. Our military is trying to tranform itself, to meet a new threat in a new melennium. As our enemy changes and evolves, we must do like wise. Hiding from reality will not help us be safer. All of the rest of our defense inferstructure is being overhauled and realigned to meet the new threat. Yet, America's most advanced defense research center seems desprate to hide in the fading shadows left over from the cold war! It is LONG Past time for a Change!

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 12:56 PM
Hell no. Have you any idea about the COST to run that place? Its about as good for america as the cleanup bill after 911 is.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 03:20 PM
Yes, so much money, of OUR money, and they won't even admit that it exists.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by merka
Hell no. Have you any idea about the COST to run that place? Its about as good for america as the cleanup bill after 911 is.

A good estamate of the cost of the base is around $6.5 Trillion per year, not including the cost of the individual programs going on there (each of which has it's own budget).

Note: The exact figure is classified, but a reasonable guess can be made by reviewing the budgets of known large facilities like Nellis, Edwards, and White Sands. At a base like Groom Lake, security costs probably account for almost 1/3 of the costs of operations. Also, The funding is split between several groups: DoD, USAF, NSA, CIA, DARPA, ECT. By splitting the costs, it's easier to hide a large amount of money.

If you ask, I will answer!

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 12:35 PM
Not to mention they probably got a few companies set up to help out with personal funding and they probably keep money from other illegal businesses they shut down. After all the money has to go somewhere

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 01:56 AM
I think it's Needed, it may cost a LOT of money, but it's important for us to remain as the Rank 1 army, we have a handful of enemies on this planet, and having a card up our sleave will NEVER hurt, our economy is doing fine compared to others so we have the easy option of running the base. We also have a chance of not being dominated by some alien a couple of days. As long as our economy isn't in a depression, I support government weapon research etc. fully. Out of my own curiosity I would like to know what they're developing, but it is a matter of nation security as we all know.

Edit: Although I do agree we need to move on from the coldwar era.

[edit on 6/2/2005 by Anicrow]


posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 08:09 PM
i wanna say no.
but im gona have to say i think it is a good thing for us to have.
shure it costs alot of cash, but we will always have the uperhand in aircraft and other things they mite test there.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 09:37 PM
It is important to have some things kept and developed in secrecy, some things. These are for our own security. This is a fine line though. Read my quote by one of our former presidents. We must be aware of what has happened and continues to happen in our country that is even beyond the knowledge of our elected officials.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 03:33 AM
Well, Area 51 gives a lot of publicity, and as they say... All publicity is good publicity...

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 07:27 PM
There has to be an ultra-secret location to test the latest weaponry and technology. Area 51 is definitely needed.

The problem is the lengths the government has gone to in order to keep it so secret. When Americans are dying from work there and the government won't allow them to get treatment there is a problem. That has to stop. People have given up an chance of a normal life to work there and help our military maintain it's edge, and they are left to die when exposed to exotic checmicals, radiation, or whatever it was.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 04:57 AM
Oh wow, I never knew people were dieing, that said, your opinion has definately swayed me, I still think we NEED it, but we can't let people die for the well being of millitairy research.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 05:49 AM
I still think that the base is necessary... i said that "all publicity is good publicity", but there's more to it... Without the base the F-117 might not have been made... And if not... Amerca could have lost big battles... Then again If the F-117 wouldn't have been developed... Nobody would hva died...

Area 51

F-117 "Nighthawk"

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 07:36 AM
Yeah, several workers have had very strange illnesses and symptons from being exposed to toxins at Area 51. They were told by the base authorities they couldn't tell their doctors what they were exposed to so the doctors couldn't treat them. They all ended up dying. Their families sued the Government for their deaths, but the Government denied Area 51 existed and the cases were thrown out of court. Absolutely horrible.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by PeanutButterJellyTime
Yeah, several workers have had very strange illnesses and symptons from being exposed to toxins at Area 51. They were told by the base authorities they couldn't tell their doctors what they were exposed to so the doctors couldn't treat them. They all ended up dying. Their families sued the Government for their deaths, but the Government denied Area 51 existed and the cases were thrown out of court. Absolutely horrible.

Agreed! Why didn't they have protective gear for the people, or adlease get a military medic with security clearance to help these people? There is something very dark and scary about a supposedly democratic government that is will to sacrafice the lives of its own citizens to protect itself. Forget Starwars, the darkside has fallen over our world!

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 08:13 AM
I don't think like not knowing whats going on with out our country. I don't like things being kept a secret. But on the other hand secrets are what makes our government interest. Not knowing what goes on, or even agencies exists. It makes it very interesting, and cool. So basically I like the whole area 51 situation.

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by alias101
I don't think like not knowing whats going on with out our country. I don't like things being kept a secret. But on the other hand secrets are what makes our government interest. Not knowing what goes on, or even agencies exists. It makes it very interesting, and cool. So basically I like the whole area 51 situation.

You have a point! It is kind of uncomfortable when someone keeps you "In the Dark". I ask you now, to look at it from the other side: Think of someone like Osama Bin Laden. Would you want someone like him to know all the strengths and weaknesses of our country's defenses? Do you see the danger?

As hard as it is to believe at times, that is why our government keeps these secrets. As bad as is sounds, secrecy does serve a purpose! Places like Area 51 make it possible for our government to keep those secrets.

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by ghost
[As hard as it is to believe at times, that is why our government keeps these secrets. As bad as is sounds, secrecy does serve a purpose! Places like Area 51 make it possible for our government to keep those secrets.

yep secrets sometimes need to be kept secret. like for example the Manhattan project during WW2. but later one it was revealed so Area 51 will be reveal in the future.

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