posted on May, 24 2005 @ 02:33 PM
Here's a couple of suggestions; I think they just might help out.
It might be a good idea to see if your potential thread could already exist. If this be the case, it is better to post your thoughts in that thread,
rather than starting another thread that is identical or very closely related.
Another thought might be to post in the proper forum. There are several forums here at P-ATS, one of which is Religion in Government Issues. This
really sounds like a thread for that forum.
Why, looky! Trickmaster started a thread dealing with this very concept several months ago!
Today, it is even the top thread in the forum!
Enough with the tongue in cheek thing; my tongue is hurting!
Nygden, read my rather lengthy post (Yeah, I know, I talk too much), and you'll see that was very much their intent that this be a Christian nation.
You might suggest that their hopes didn't pan out, as the nation seems to have gotten corrupt, anyway. My response to this is, I don't think there
was any way for them to foresee large corporations that would operate without a human heart to keep Christian ethics and principles at the forefront.