posted on May, 20 2005 @ 09:46 PM
I have a couple of questions that weren't addressed in the other thread about this, and I'm sure that there are a few more members that have some
questions too. Since the other thread kind of moved on to a campaign area, I feel it might be reasonable to start a thread just for questions about
The main thing I'm curious about is the timeline for the nomination and voting periods. How long before the candidates are announced? When does the
actual voting begin? If there isn't an actual timeline yet, what exactly is the criteria? I mean, are you waiting for X number of nominations, the
next lunar eclipse, ...???
I also would like a little more detail on the responsibilities and capabilities of the new positions. Are they just representatives to the staff?
Are they "assistant mods" in any way?
I really like the idea, or at least what I know of it. If nothing else, just getting the membership involved in the organizational process is great.