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How Does David Blaine Levitate? Do You Know?

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posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 05:34 AM
Thing is right, anyone that was watching someone standing on their tip-toes and claiming it's the same as levitating has to be in on whatever's being filmed. No-one could be fooled by having to stand at a precise place and look at a specific spot in order for a trick to work, you'd know right away it was fake as soon as there was any kind of 'oh but you have to stand here' stuff going on.

And David Copperfield flying?! What like when he made a building vanish 'before your eyes' on a TV Special? It's on the TV, haven't you heard of CGI and SFX before? Or for that matter, mass hypnosis.

"Look into my eyes, not around the eyes, into the eyes. You're under."

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 09:14 AM
For the TV shows, this is exactly what angel Does.

Balducci (or Kings Rising) method up close. Get shot of "real people" (not actors) reacting with disbelief. Then, later they use a winch to raise him higher. Edit THAT with the original crowd reaction and viola!

BTW, I DO know someone who saw Blaine doing this in NYC. They had him hooked to a winch exactly like the clip above showed. He explained to the small crowd that he was just demonstrating how tricks are sometimes done. Later that same footage was used in the exact same manner as above.

Large staged productions by Copperfield and others use very eleborate, expensive, custom made sets and props to achieve the disbelief factor. If you can't easily explain it, it must be real. Siegfield and Roy had a multi-million dollar set custom made for them at the Mirage. When they fly through the air with a girl and you can't SEE any wires do you really think it's real???

That's the whole beauty in it. You can't (easily) see the wires that angel used to go from building to building. You can't easily see the clear plastic/glass that he used to walk on the water in the pool. And, when they use clever edits (cut away for a second) for TV purposes, ANYTHING is game.

Believe me, I have seen many illusions that I couldn't explain at first. The human brain is conditioned to process information based on experience. If you see something that doesn't make sense, and can't explain, it must be real magic, right? That's why so many people believe some of these guys might actually be performing real magic. I can't explain it. I saw it. it was real. Blah blah blah.

NONE of it is real. It's still good though and fun to be tricked...

posted on Jun, 19 2006 @ 05:00 AM
I won't claim that it is a fact Blaine, Angel, and Copperfield did not use cables, or some sort of mechanical device to make it appear they levitated. I feel they likely did not. This is based on my own observations, and all of the experiences that my life contains. If someone told me, years ago, that a man could float in the air, I would have scoffed. Now I wouldn't. It is many peoples' opinion that, if sleight of hand, smoke and mirrors, cables, trapdoors, distraction, etc. are found to be the way a particular trick is done, then that proves ALL of that performers tricks are also deception. This maybe the case, but that is not proof of it at all. I have seen Angel and Copperfield do tricks which have a simple and very 'unmagical' explanation. Does this prove all their 'tricks' must also? It is an appealing and popular notion, but though it does suggest that may be the case, it by no means proves it. I trust myself, knowing I can be fooled. But, until I learn otherwise, I trust what my own eyes, mind, and past history add up to conclude. If someone says I am wrong, I will gladly change my view if they provide me with something more compelling than my existing theory. If not, why should I? Not just because they may call me a putz, or say that it just can't be so. That's not enough. As Einstein said, 'Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.'

posted on Jun, 25 2006 @ 02:39 PM
David Blaine in my honest opinion is wholely legitimate. How he came to possess such supernatural abilities, I haven't a clue... But an "Illusionist", he most certainly is not.

The most revealing thing this thread exposes to light is the fact that there will forever be amongst our society, those who adamantly will refuse to accept or acknowledge that which requires a measure of faith in order to believe.

posted on Jun, 27 2006 @ 11:50 AM
I'm not sure what you mean by "legitimate." David Blaine is legitimate in the fact that his endurance feats are real. The block of ice, holding his breath underwater, and standing on the pole were all tests of endurance that he trained for weeks and months to accomplish. Very few others could have pulled them off without the exhaustive training that he put into it.

Everything else, however, is a magic act, sleight of hand, or an illusion. There is no "real" magic, only tricks that deceive the eye. Anyone who believes otherwise is foolish.

NONE of these guys (Blaine, Angel, et al) claim to be doing anything supernatural. They would be laughed out of the business if they did. They even call themselves illusionists.

There are numerous websites, videos, etc where you can learn how these tricks are done. Here is one...

posted on Jun, 30 2006 @ 03:01 AM
'David Blaine in my honest opinion is wholely legitimate. How he came to possess such supernatural abilities, I haven't a clue... But an "Illusionist", he most certainly is not.
The most revealing thing this thread exposes to light is the fact that there will forever be amongst our society, those who adamantly will refuse to accept or acknowledge that which requires a measure of faith in order to believe.' Tombstone

Originally posted by Calcas
I'm not sure what you mean by "legitimate." David Blaine is legitimate in the fact that his endurance feats are real. Everything else, however, is a magic act, sleight of hand, or an illusion. There is no "real" magic, only tricks that deceive the eye. Anyone who believes otherwise is foolish. They even call themselves illusionists.
There are numerous websites, videos, etc where you can learn how these tricks are done.

I am, and have always been, an extreme skeptic. At least since I was in grade one. 'Why?', I asked each teacher, prof, boss, and friend, any time I had missed the point, on any topic. Teachers hated that, but some used my knowledge base to their advantage, asking me when they forgot some name, date, or method. In many cases, my queries went unanswered, and if able, I found out myself. Libraries, then, and mostly, online, now, are where I do my research. Still, I have a strong need to see for myself. At work, this often caused me grief, when I 'did it any way' when told it wouldn't work that way. Then, when it didn't work, I knew they were right after all. I agree with tombstone, and have more faith now than ever before, but am still working on it.
Re: magicians, first, you can't learn how to do these tricks online. Please u2u me with the explanation of Copperfields laser illusion, flying illusion, Angel's building to building levitation, etc. There are lots of illusions that can be explained, of course. But if you could duplicate those ones, you'd be very tempted to do that, and make millions at it. Maybe you do know and just decline to become wealthy by it, on principle. I know this: They do things that I cannot fathom a possible explanation for. I have seen it live, and have eliminated many of the above named methods of execution as being unlikely. Is it magic? I don't know. Is it public knowledge how it is done? No. Illusionists, yes, they are, illusionists who much enjoy performing for scientists, and skeptics, since, as Copperfield put it, "They are so sure they can't be fooled." I admire Tombstones point, and aspire to have more faith myself, but as for now, I am still very much someone who says, "show me" I saw the man fly. Show me how its possible he didn't. Till then, I cannot change my mind. That would be foolish.

posted on Jun, 30 2006 @ 11:05 AM
Sigh. The flying tricks are divided into 2 kinds. The big ones that Copperfield/Siegfield & Roy, etc perform in Vegas and other venues always use eleborate wires/harnesses that are, for all intents and purposes, invisable to the naked eye. This always takes advantage of precise background and lighting that enable the supporting devices to be unseen. I once spoke with Copperfield *in an informal setting) and asked him what bothers him most about fans. He said it was the ones who don't inderstand that everything is a illusion, and that most can't just be performed on the spot. Now, most of these guys are very skilled at sleight of hand..they have spent years learning the trade. "Forcing" someone to choose a certain card, manipulating that card anywhere in the deck, seemingly retreiving it from somewhere else...all are skilled tricks that do in fact take time to learn. But, the big stunts, making the Statue of Liberty disappear, are just that. stunts. Would you like to know how he pulled that off? if you were in the audience, and witnessed it, you might also swear it really happened. Because you can't explain it, does that make it real?

The other flying/levitation tricks are bogus. Criss Angel is the worst. Paid accomplices, serious post production editing, and numerous cuts and edits during the shoot are de rigor. For example, the building to building levitation.
Pay close attention to his feet the entire time. The entire way across his feet are flat and a few inches apart from each other. They never move. Now, AFTER he is across, they are speaking with the "crowd", and they show a 3 second slo-mo replay that clearly show his feet CROSSED. Proof of post production editing and numerous re-takes. They simply iusd a big crane and creative crowd shots and reactions 9some by accomplices) and edit the # out of it.

Watch it here.

The rest of the levitation feats of more than a few inches are bogus as well. There is another clip out there that shows exactly how they are done...i'll find it if you like.

NONE of it is real. If you personally can't explain it do you really think it is? Strange way to live life...

posted on Jul, 2 2006 @ 07:34 PM
I'll watch for the crossed feet next time I see that. As for the wires, harnesses, etc., while I can't say it is impossible, it sure looked like Copperfield was sealed into a box, with a lid, which seemed to discount the cable explanation. I have also heard Copperfield state that it is all 'illusion'. I have also noticed at least twice, during Copperfield shows I attended, obvious signs of how the trick was faked. I am not saying its real, if I did, I'm sorry. I only meant to say that I don't know how they are done, and that any explanations I have so far heard proposed for some of them seemed very unlikely to me. In the first show I was seated in the 7th row, very near the center, which was very close to the stage (20 feet?), and at one point Copperfield was maybe a foot away from me, as he did a trick. He also took the woman who was sitting directly behind me up on stage and after the trick, and for the rest of the show, she seemed very convincingly shaken, blushing, etc. If she was acting, she deserves an oscar. I should also mention that my reasons for not dismissing the possibility of it being real come from other experiences in my life which were, to say the least, puzzling. These include phenomena such as OOBE, precognition, and apparent contact with the deceased. If I had not had those things happen, I probably would look at it all very differently. I actually am a pretty critical thinker, believe it or not.

posted on Jul, 4 2006 @ 09:22 AM
Heya BlackGuardX111,

You and your buddy Paul Richards have been on this thread for the best part of two years now, while many contributors have come and gone.

I love the way you wait in the wings until a new user comes by and dares to suggest that magic tricks aren't real magic. You immediately pounce with your same alien zetan powers (or whatever) and TK superior "knowledge" and quickly put those non-believers in their place.

On behalf of all of us ignorant simpletions, thank you for enriching our pathetic lives with your learned other-worldly insights!


posted on Jul, 8 2006 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by Harry_Q_Hammer
Heya BlackGuardX111,I love the way you wait in the wings until a new user comes by and dares to suggest that magic tricks aren't real magic. You immediately pounce with your same alien zetan powers (or whatever) and TK superior "knowledge" and quickly put those non-believers in their place.
On behalf of all of us ignorant simpletions, thank you for enriching our pathetic lives with your learned other-worldly insights!

I almost detect a tinge of sarcasm in your post, Harry. I must strongly disagree with you on a few of your points. I have no superior knowledge of anything. It is the opposite, most of my knowledge is, admittedly, worth very little at all. Also, I would not call others ignorant, nor simple, or at least no more so than myself. And my bet is that I am more of a simpleton than most in many respects. If your life is pathetic, I'm sorry, but at least it's yours. It may be so, but like sure beats the alternative. To my knowledge, I am of this world, but if anything I have shared with you was deemed by you to be insightful, then I am glad. In this site, many more insights have been shared with me by others, imo.
PS, I used to love watching Harry Hammer's ads on the tele. He was great.

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 08:22 PM
Like this.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Lanotom
Like this.

I like the link, but it doesn't add anything substantial to my database of information regarding illusionists and their illusions. I know that lots of the illusions are easily explained and learned, and very convincing when done right. The art of magic is a combination of many talents. But, what I have to come back to is even though I can see how some are done, that doesn't prove that the ones I can't figure out are the same. They may be. But from my eyewitness observations of many unexplained illusions, I can only say that I am amazed. Flying around an arena with a girl in your arms is impressive in person, and your link does not change that.

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII

Originally posted by Lanotom

Flying around an arena with a girl in your arms is impressive in person, and your link does not change that.

If I snipped the cable it would.

[edit on 3-9-2006 by Lanotom]

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 11:13 PM
We have a comedian here who has a personal crusade against DB (actually we have a large part of the population with similar aims but anyway).

David Blaine is now known as the 'Git-Wizard'. Everytime your hear his name or one of his pathetic stunts mentioned just think 'Git-Wizard' to yourself.

Helps me manage that DB-induced anger anyway

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Lanotom

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII

Originally posted by Lanotom
Flying around an arena with a girl in your arms is impressive in person, and your link does not change that.

If I snipped the cable it would.
[edit on 3-9-2006 by Lanotom]

If you had been there you would have seen that there was no cable to snip. It is easy to criticize if you did not see it. You can say what you want. However he did it, I don't know, but I know it was not with a cable. Funny comment though.
Go see him sometime, then we'll share theories.

posted on Dec, 5 2006 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by KB3
I would like to know how he "levitated" the girl in the middle of Fremont street with all those people around.

She is suspended from the end of the microphone boom (which is being used a lever) by a nearly-invisible thin, strong filament. Go to YouTube and watch the clip. You'll see the microphone boom for a few frames in some of the 360 degree shots.

He also uses the microphone boom in the trick in the park where he leans way back and looks like he is supporting himself with one foot. In a few frames, you can again see the microphone boom.

Microphone booms and video cameras are used a lot by "street" magicians for various tricks, because all of the spectators immediately assume that they're innocuous bits of audio/visual equipment.

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 02:01 PM
for crying out loud!!!!

he has a STRONG electro magnet in his shoes (which he can switch on at will),, and he stands over another REPELLING magnet.

with HEAPS of practice (in private) he has mastered the art of NOT FALLING OVER when he is pushed into the air by the repelling magnetic forces).

similar to "maglev" train in shanghai, the whole train is lifted half an inch off the ground from repelling magnet forces. so its not a difficult thing to lift a man a few inches or a foot off the ground!!

i am suprised that no one on this forum figured it out!!!

posted on Feb, 16 2007 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by like_it_is
for crying out loud!!!!

he has a STRONG electro magnet in his shoes (which he can switch on at will),, and he stands over another REPELLING magnet. i am suprised that no one on this forum figured it out!!!

No one figured that out cuz its not very likely at all to be true. Where do you get shoe sole sized magnets that can lift a man? Did he bore below the city street to place the other magnet? Besides, some people levitate high into the air, like Copperfield and Angel.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by Mister Skeptic

100% correct on all counts. You know what you are talking about.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by Vector J

Funny thing about the chicken and pigeon tricks. I saw that masked guy who tries to debunk other magicaians tricks and this is what he said and happened:
the chicken trick:
the guy used a dove (instead of a chicken ) and then during the 'reveal' actually said that the dove is the only bird which can have its head completely concealed to look headless. I was stunned! my partner also saw the mistake he made after seeing blaine's chicken. I guy the coward behind the mask didn't pay much attention.

the dead pigeon on the park trick:
the guy used some dry ice and caught some flies, put'em in the ice book for a bit then rested them on a sill to be woken later.

The cup of coins made me dumbfounded and in his book he shows pics and tells how he later let the bum stay in his apartment for the night, gave him a bath and a good meal (inc breakfast ) and let him on his way the next morning!
I have only seen him do the balducci levitation (yes i've seen the others on tape) but his balducci is the only one thats not cut. But if you say you saw him rise from 4ft away then i believe you. There is another called the king rise which is amazing, when both feet come off the floor, some rippoffs are similar but still pretty good.
Finally Criss angel admits his an illusionist and is really pretty corney actually when you really watch him in some of his stuff. you can always tell he's on a lift or rope and the people are in on it, but he's great to watch on some things.]

I believe blaine was more likely to have trained his art in india somewhere but this GE does sound interesting. Theres a girl from brazil on youtube who does some great PK stuff, just an ordinary chick who practiced.

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