posted on May, 19 2005 @ 09:19 PM
Sometimes I just have sudden flashes of ideas. I thought I'd run this by you all.
We all know that there are some messed up people out there who will stalk someone with some purpose. These stalkers are tangible and can actually be
Let's go down another road. Spirits that stalk people. Let's say a person has the tingling feeling that they are being watched, but they see no one.
That's because the stalker is not on the same plane of sight.
I believe these "Stalker Spirits" all have a different agenda, each a different type of spirit. They could be a guardian looking out for your well
being, a malevolant force wishing to do harm, maybe a spirit that grew affectionate toward the person. Or these stalkers could be doing none of these
things, and are just watching. True, it is odd behavior just to follow someone and watch, but if that spirit is stuck in some plane and can't escape
maybe that's all they can do.
Perhaps these stalkers are trying to connect with the person being stalked. Maybe they're just trying to send a message, offer guidence, or ask for
Here's another thought. What if a person is being stalked by more than one spirit? The only way the person would be aware is if their mind is open
and there senses detecting engeries in the air. What would that person then believe? That there's demons following them? I doubt that. Most likely
it's only two or three spirits interested in that person each with their own purpose to stalking that person.
I might have dragged this topic out a little but I thought it would be interesting to see some reactions to the idea being stalked by spirit. Who
knows, anyone of us could have one or two tagging along where ever we go.