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Is time travel possible?

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posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 06:31 PM
It would be very interesting to see everyones views on this.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 06:38 PM
Nikola Tesla mentioned the possibility of time travel once or twice in his surviving/known writings, although there is apparently no research notes relating to it extant. Of course, a great deal of his technical information disappeared after his death, so it is quite likely if he DID do any research on the subject it was part of what disappeared.

Rumors about about a "time slip" of some type associated with Project Rainbow/The Philadelphia Experiment. It is known that the incident in Philadelphia Bay was actually an accident, and the entire experiment was later conducted under more controlled circumstances far out to sea. Credible information about the exact outcome of this later experiment is not available, however it appears to have been successful.

During the early experiments with HAARP at Camp Hero, Montauk Point, several rumors circulated of opening a dimensional wormhole to other times, and indeed there was apparently a transfer of matter of some type, including some fauna that apparently caused damage and possible loss of life at Camp Hero.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 07:03 PM
At the CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland, tiny particles called muons have been made to travel at 99.4 % of the speed of light. Relativity predicts that for them time should pass much more slowly. And it does. Although they normally decay in a 2,000,000th of a second, they live 30 times as long- exactly as predicted - when made to move at this large fraction of the speed of light. - Quoted from Time Storms by Jenny Randles.

Nikola Tesla was one of the first scientists to demonstrate that a massive atmospheric electrical energy can create unexpected side effects on both people and the environment.

I believe we will be able to travel through time, but not backwards, only forwards due to the fact that we can't decellerate our particles to reverse time, only accelerate them to make time stand still. This in effect would stop the ageing process and allow us to be brought back down to earth (so to speak) at a later time.

Take care.

[Edited on 4-8-2003 by pixilair]

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 05:16 PM
Time travel is certainly theoretically possible, but we lack the ability/knowledge/technology to achieve it


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