posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Redsilas
The sugar is hidden in everything.
Hi Red. What you are saying is very true. I was diagnosed in December as a diabetic. Thankfully I am a Type 2 and can controll it with a Glucotrol
You are 100% right about sugar being in everything! However, something I learned very quickly was that a major concern isn't just raw or table sugar.
It involves starches and fruits as well.
I never thought about things such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and the like as "sugars". In actuality, they are. Once you consume them, they
break down in the stomach and are converted into sugar. It is my understanding that even though the nutrition label may not list sugar as an
ingredient, it is there. These are called "hidden sugars". Odd isn't it?
I have also noticed that more and more people are being diagnosed as diabetics. If diabetes is really a "hereditary trait" then how is it possible
that those with no family history of this particullar illness and who eat properly are afflicted with it?
I have to question the truth of the labels on the foods we consume. Is the government allowing more sugars into our everyday food products than they
are stating? I think they are. I also am inclined to believe that a lot of foods consumed may not list sugar but it is still used. While the labels
are supposed to be factual, I honestly don't believe they are and probably never will be.
Just my thoughts.