posted on May, 19 2005 @ 06:12 PM
For a bit of a round-a-bout answer, try looking into
this website...Initially,
it concentrates on how the Bible had been
changed by those with "authority" in the Religious Hierarchy, but there's also some related links
about how other topics were changed as well.
In a nutshell, if you want to read the
real scriptures, start with the Dead Sea Scrolls (Good luck!). With a bit more investigation, you'll
find that The Church has been responsible for potential mistranslations & even outright
editing of the Bible's contents over the
millenia...This is why there are so many different
versions of the Bible in print. Most of them still contain inaccuracies, but you'll also
find a few that try to be as honestly accurate as possible.
Another thing you'll find while you're perusing the related links from that website is what the real attitude some of those in "authority" had
when dealing with their congregations...Let's just say that quite a few of those people had a very derogatory viewpoint about most people.