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NEWS: Trump Has A Plan To Rebuild Twin Towers

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posted on May, 19 2005 @ 08:12 AM
From what I gather, opinions on this matter are mixed among those who lost a friend or family member in the attack and collapse. Many of them would like to see it remain a monument, since they consider ground zero to be a gravesite. The issue raises a few moral questions, for example leasing a space in the new buildings once they go up. Do you stay away out of respect for the dead, or do you lease a spot and feel honored to be part of a symbol of the American spirit to fight back and not give in to terror?

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 08:26 AM
what an awful idea. hmm lets go with rebuilding the old towers again which makes no sense and is based on old techniques, technology and styling or lets rebuild something that is modern and will give a look for New York in the 21st Century.

What i've seen from liebskinds vision of the WTC site is that it is absolutely incredible and far superior to the original site.

Trump is an old fossil and this is just another grab for media attention and some money for him. Th

My only gripe with it is that the tower isnt big enough. it needs to be higher.

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by drfunk
what an awful idea. hmm lets go with rebuilding the old towers again which makes no sense and is based on old techniques, technology and styling or lets rebuild something that is modern and will give a look for New York in the 21st Century.

I lived in Manhattan for 12 years and change, and I never stopped wondering how come the towers looked so modern despite being 30 years old. I guess it's in the design, stupid. Oh wait, we should tell teh French the Eiffel Tower should be scrapped because it's, like, dated.

What i've seen from liebskinds vision of the WTC site is that it is absolutely incredible and far superior to the original site.

What? That skeleton welded of plumbing pipes? The whole upper part of the builfing is a fake, a frame just to make it taller.

Trump is an old fossil and this is just another grab for media attention and some money for him.

Welcome to capitalism. Or are you writing form North Korea?

My only gripe with it is that the tower isnt big enough. it needs to be higher.

Nah. Bourj Dubai is going to be much higher than any WTC design anyway, so why bother.

We should keep the classic look of the towers.

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by Aelita
I lived in Manhattan for 12 years and change, and I never stopped wondering how come the towers looked so modern despite being 30 years old. I guess it's in the design, stupid. Oh wait, we should tell teh French the Eiffel Tower should be scrapped because it's, like, dated.

Why would you want to scrap the eiffel tower for? the last time i checked it's still there and wasnt targeted by terrorists. The towers are gone, its time to move on.

What? That skeleton welded of plumbing pipes? The whole upper part of the builfing is a fake, a frame just to make it taller.

that's right, love the skeletal frame and the glass, very cool looking. So what if the upper part of the building is 'fake'?? it still reaches an impressive 1776 ft, just because it doesnt have office space doesnt mean its 'fake'

Welcome to capitalism. Or are you writing form North Korea?

laughable coming from someone who is from backwards russia.

Nah. Bourj Dubai is going to be much higher than any WTC design anyway, so why bother.

We should keep the classic look of the towers.

because NYC is skyscraper city. it is famous for having the biggest and the best and its impressive skylines. If they wanna scrap the freedom tower design, they should try something that is going to give NYC back the no.1 spot for a long long time.

Rebuilding the towers says a lot about america. Building a new complex says that america wants to move forward and rise to the challenge of the future, rebuilding the twin towers says that america doesnt want to change and wants to go back to the past.

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 08:55 AM
Trump might be a fossil but man o man... to accomplish what he has in that city... I'd take it in a minute.... a New York minute to be exact

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 06:18 PM
Trump, go away. Your media spin may play with the "reality TV" trailer park crowd, but the rest of the world is tired of you. Your last major investments have failed, your Office Depot commercials are annoying. Your "plans" are the worst of visions that your talented underlings work their asses off to bring to fruition, while you take Warhol-esque credit. Go patent some common household phrases or something. If I want self-aggrandizing I'll watch pro wrestling.

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 11:56 PM
I dont mind the current design, oh and that "White House example" is a very poor one...If the White House was destroyed it would obviously be built back the same way, except it would use newer materials and be even safer. The World Trade Center buildings are infamous.

I'm not crazy about the new design, nor rebuilding it exactly the way it was.

BTW why does "The Donald" want it to be 1 foot taller???

I like having buildings that have a futuristic appeal, and I like the memorial and transportation hub and the Fulton Street Transit Center, and the other buildings look ok...but the main "Freedom Tower" is a bit odd, but once built i'm sure it will become a skyscrapper icon, grant it that wont happen for at least 10 years after completion because it takes time for a building to grow on someone.

Heres an article I found Ironic...
In early May 2005, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Gov. George Pataki convened with rebuilding officials, including representatives from the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, the New York City Police Department (NYPD), the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and developer Larry Silverstein, and together they reached an agreement that the World Trade Center's Freedom Tower must be redesigned to meet NYPD security standards.

Larry Silverstein's team, led by architect David Childs, will work closely with the NYPD in coming weeks to create a new design for the building, which will take into consideration security concerns while retaining essential elements of the original design, including the tower's symbolic 1,776-foot height.

Isn't it to late in the game, to be changing the design??? They have started construction of many buildings in that area, and the Freedom Towers final design will be complete in June, changing the disign to take out the Freedom Tower and rebuild the Twin Towers would require a massive change, loads of money would be lost, and projects that are under construction might have to be torn down if its where the Twin Towers footprint will sit, since obviously they wouldn't be built on the same footprints as the other two.


posted on May, 20 2005 @ 12:47 AM
Sorry,but the new design is a piece of crap

The design looks more or less like someone started building a tower and ran out of supplies,only to substitute and improvise with what he had left.

I say build them back as they were.These building werent some old ballpark only to be bought out by some corporation to have a new one built.These towers represented New York.Everyone knew what the Twin Towers were,where they were located.
The New York skyline isnt the same without them.
Too many are worried about morals with this issue and to me,building this tall piece of glass and pipe would be an injustice to those who died.

I mean,what the hell is that on the top?Someones definition of an 'art piece' to add the final touch?It's a god-awful geometric shape that has no relevance to the surrounding buildings.Out of place if you ask me.

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 01:25 AM
What do some of you think about this tower, A 835 foot tall residential tower, and should be completed in NYC by 2008.

835ft, but will be over 1000ft tall with antenna


posted on May, 20 2005 @ 01:34 AM
Man,,,they need to stop trying to update an old NOT forgotten city.
All these new designs are like building things out of Lincoln Logs and then some other guy comes in with his Lego just doesnt go together

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 02:17 AM
For starters, they need to scrap the name and come up with something better. Freedom Tower. It just sounds stupid. Knee jerk and cheesy. What the hell does that pile of metal and glass have to do with Freedom?

Memoria Tower has a nice ring to it. Hell, even Trumps Twins would be better.

I agree that a double tower structure would be preferable to the single tower pile of junk. But not exactly like the twin towers in design. That paticular design and feel of the towers belonged to a different time and place. Perhaps two futuristic towers would be better.

That false top of the tower on the Freedom tower is lame, and its a waste of space. New York traditionally is a very efficent, busy city where no square inch is wasted. The Freedom Tower seems to represent something that is totally Un-New York, a blight that will clash unpleasantly with the skyline.

I wonder what kind of drugs the port authorities were on to make Liebskind's idea look good.

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by Murcielago
What do some of you think about this tower, A 835 foot tall residential tower, and should be completed in NYC by 2008.

Butt ugly! In my humble opinion, that is--much more ugly than the Freedom Tower. I agree that the name Freedom Tower is not a good name, but it is derived from the idea that the space should be some sort of memorial. The more I think about it, I think Trump may be onto something, albeit, his motivation is purely financial and self-promoting. Trump wants to build the tower one foot taller as a symbol of American defiance in the face of international terrorism.

[edit on 05/5/20 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 02:56 AM
Regarding the name of the rebuild twin about we call them (the area actually) the World Trade Center?

Anyway, I think we should build Frank Lloyd Wright's Mile High Skyscraper.

That thing would really make the New York Skyline impressive.

Eh, but no matter what's built, a couple hundred years from now no one's going to even remember why. If they do it will only be an interesting historical building, like.....well I can't really think of any besides the Capital and White House. It'll probably be torn down and replaced by some super skyscraper, an arcology, or whatever the hell they'll be inhabiting in 150 or so years.

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 12:28 PM
SMR - what?...New York is not a forgotton city.

BTW, one of the many reasons for that name (Freedom Tower), is because it will be 1,176 ft tall, which is the year America was born (declaration of Independence).

By 2009 or so when the freedom tower is completed I bet a lot of you will change your mind, and relize that it actually looks good. It wont clash with other buildings...hell, it will blend in with the other various WTC complex buildings.

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 01:13 PM
Being a fan of studying and enjoying modern architecture, I saw a lot of wasted space in the Freedom Tower concept....I respect the artistic symbolism Libeskind was going for, but I just don't think it fits....

The greatest memorial a nation could provide the busiest city in the world is one that is both a emotionally striking and visually stunning monument that is also a highly functioning and maximized business center....

Trump's idea is an interesting one....Very simple...subtle...But it also sends a very powerful message....

I think they need to put a bit more thought into this though.....Do we really want Trump's name associated with this project? It seems a bit melodramatic and dogmatic....

I think we can do better....


posted on May, 20 2005 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Murcielago
SMR - what?...New York is not a forgotton city.

You didnt read my post correctly...

they need to stop trying to update an old NOT forgotten city.

I should have maybe added the word 'but' so it would read:

they need to stop trying to update an old but NOT forgotten city.

The freedom Tower design is crappy.The top is a waste of nothingness with strange angles that make it stand out,,,like a sore thumb!
We dont need a 'sore thumb',we want something that says,as many have,knock us down,but we get right back up.....

[edit on 20-5-2005 by SMR]

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 08:58 PM
Think about it, you've all heard about the rodeo rider that gets back on the horse a week after an accident and wins the rodeo, about the skier who breaks a leg then gets back on the skis again even with a cast.

For the September 11, 2001 it should be no different, replace everything the way it was previously. And for that matter we always have the Constitution so we do not have to ask for it back from people who pass null and void laws.

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 07:30 PM
Just wanted to mention...several people dont like the top...and think its a waste of space, and very inefficient, so I just wanted to point out that the top portion is where a large verticle turbine will be...providing 20% of the buildings power. and I like how on all the buildings they all glass look, and not the old look of a wall with a the Empire State Building.

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 08:35 PM
I've always thought they should be rebuilt. Build them bigger and better. It has actually taken too long. We should have went through a period of morning for the dead and then started rebuiling as soon as possible. The power and strength of a culture has always been represented in the size of their buildings and we are no different today. The terrorists attacked for those targets for a reason and we should rebuild the buildings for the exact same reason.

[edit on 21-5-2005 by zerotime]

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 09:29 PM
How much money douse he have anyway? With a few billion he lives in a condo. Well, made compleatly out of gold. Hello, Im new

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