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"Life" on other planets

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posted on May, 18 2005 @ 11:14 AM
If we did discover any sort of "life", meaning any sort of of organism on any other planet, all the religious people who believe we were created by a single "force" (God) would probaly just say that God created this also, and all other planets and life are part of His plan. No matter what we find in space, religious people will never believe the universe "just is" or was created by many different events/energies. BTW this is my first post, and I think this message board is the best one I've ever come across AND I love to read everyones opinions!!

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 11:19 AM
why are you dissing peoples religion?
what are you, an atheist??? how do you know that god DIDNT create the universe? what if he did? what would happen if the apocalypse happened now and you werent accepted into heaven? would you be happy then???????? well?
you make me sick

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Paranoid Pain
why are you dissing peoples religion?
what are you, an atheist??? how do you know that god DIDNT create the universe? what if he did? what would happen if the apocalypse happened now and you werent accepted into heaven? would you be happy then???????? well?
you make me sick

lol, it's just his option dude, cill out, besides he don't belivied in god and you can't make him belivied.

for me, religion is a form of brainwash, way to control the masses.
i will never sumit or bow to any god! lol

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 11:28 AM
yes i know he is entitled to his opinion, but he cant diss religion! its what most people believe in and he should let them believe what they want!

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Paranoid Pain
why are you dissing peoples religion?
what are you, an atheist??? how do you know that god DIDNT create the universe? what if he did? what would happen if the apocalypse happened now and you werent accepted into heaven? would you be happy then???????? well?
you make me sick

Seriously bud, you need to bring it down a notch. It's a valid question that deserves a rational response.

If life is found on other planets, it is obvious that many will claim that God created life there as well. If one can beleive that God is capable of creating life here, why is it so hard to beleive He couldn't create it elsewhere? Just because it's not specifically written in the Bible that there is life elsewhere doesn't make it any less possible. And if you don't beleive in God, or the Bible, then finding life on another planet is really no big deal right? It's just evolution working after the big bang right?

[edit on 18-5-2005 by mpeake]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Paranoid Pain
yes i know he is entitled to his opinion, but he cant diss religion! its what most people believe in and he should let them believe what they want!

well, yea, but don't try to convert him by saying that he going to hell when christ or whoever you can called come back lol to good old earth.

besides we all going to die anyway so...

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Paranoid Pain
what are you, an atheist???

I love the way you have a go at him for "dissing" religion, then basically imply that there is something wrong with him for being an atheist.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 11:40 AM
Well, the easiest argument (and this is coming from an Agnostic), is that the Bible states God created the Earth AND the Heavens. Since other planets would be the Heavens, then it'd be fairly easy, from a theological standpoint, to argue that alien life doesn't disprove God.

The church has often had to adopt new information that didn't fit their world view, such as the Earth being round, and not being the center of the universe, etc. For many (myself included), they find the argument that a book supposedly dictated by an omniscient being should certainly be free of such errors, compelling to say the least, but hey, people are entitled to their own beliefs...

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 12:04 PM
BTW I am a "she" . the bible says God created the heavens, but would everone agree the setting of the bible takes place on our planet Earth?
Why is there no other "bible" explaining space, or other planets to us? maybe because HUMANS wrote this book, and thought (and wanted others to think) we should live our life according to the stories told in the bible. I think there are other ways to live our life, and we humans are on the edge of moving beyong one trane of thought (living life by the bible). I really don't want to offend anyone!! also, I don't think God would turn me away from heaven for questioning what other people BELIEVE.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 12:18 PM

I really don't want to offend anyone!!

It's nearly impossible to discuss either religion or politics WITHOUT offending some people. Relax though, while online you WILL offend others, just as they will's how you respond to it that's important....

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 12:20 PM
NO ONE KNOWS ANY ANSWERS, INCLUDING MYSELF. If we could get beyond the opinion we were "created by God", WHICH MANY PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO DO, we would have to look at other ways of living our life. If we found life on another planet(which will most likely be very SIMPLE life not green aliens, etc), I would DEFINETLY start to put my "FAITH" in evolution, and my "FAITH" in US, meaning we as the human race are controlling our our life. What discovery could we make to prove we were created by God, and that He created the heavens? Give me some proof, other than the word FAITH, or BELIEF. I think religion may be the blind leading the blind. Why wouldn't God want us to know he created everything?

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by SHHCAGO
If we did discover any sort of "life", meaning any sort of of organism on any other planet, all the religious people who believe we were created by a single "force" (God) would probaly just say that God created this also, and all other planets and life are part of His plan.

That is right.And as Gazrock says on his post here,the church always adapted its views with the times.In my opinion i don't think it really matters how one choses to accept the new discoveries ( inlcuding life on other planets).If it makes it easy to say a certain God is responsible,so be it.I don't see any benefit for us to fight with each other over this....but accepting the truth as it becomes available and try to learn from it.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 01:06 PM

from Gazrock
The church has often had to adopt new information that didn't fit their world view, such as the Earth being round, and not being the center of the universe, etc. For many (myself included), they find the argument that a book supposedly dictated by an omniscient being should certainly be free of such errors, compelling to say the least, but hey, people are entitled to their own beliefs

Misinterpreting the word of GOD by man, is not evidence of errors in the bible. Of course things change as we learn more, nowhere in the bible does GOD give us a science lesson on the origins of the Universe or even Extraterrestrial Life. As long as we throwing out theorys here, what if E.T. shows up with a Holy Bible written in the same original text. Who knows i'm a believer and if we find E.T. tomorrow yes i will believe GOD was their creator. It is a matter of Faith i need no physical evidence to support it. It's our curiosity that drives us to try and understand it, and then we try to 'fit it' into the scriptures the mistakes are mans not GOD....IMHO

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 01:16 PM
While it is true that proof of alien life will simply be absorbed into modern Christianty and other religions, there is a reasonable concern about the effect that will have.

Personally I believe that the simple mind expansion that will come with seeing ourselves as part of a much larger Galactic stage will cause a major shift in the world's religions. If you think of religion as a sort of 'operating system' for the brain it is easy to see that when there is a significant expansion of capability or scope you need an OpSys update.

There was a time when it was perfectly logical, and helpful, to worship Thor. But we evolve and the stories we use have to evolve as well.


posted on May, 19 2005 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by Paranoid Pain
yes i know he is entitled to his opinion, but he cant diss religion! its what most people believe in and he should let them believe what they want!

you're the most blatant hypocrite ever

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Rren
Misinterpreting the word of GOD by man, is not evidence of errors in the bible. Of course things change as we learn more, nowhere in the bible does GOD give us a science lesson on the origins of the Universe or even Extraterrestrial Life. As long as we throwing out theorys here, what if E.T. shows up with a Holy Bible written in the same original text. Who knows i'm a believer and if we find E.T. tomorrow yes i will believe GOD was their creator. It is a matter of Faith i need no physical evidence to support it. It's our curiosity that drives us to try and understand it, and then we try to 'fit it' into the scriptures the mistakes are mans not GOD....IMHO

well, just hope E.T. shows up without any bible or book lol ... i don't think they can advance that far if they really use the same book our lowly humans use lol

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