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Contact Studies (Brookings, etc.)

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posted on May, 18 2005 @ 10:05 AM
I know that there's been a handful of studies on the possible human reaction if contact was made, like the Brookings Report. Does anybody know of any other ones that may exist and where I might find them? Preferably online copies and quasi-official--not just something that was thrown together for a website by Joe Blow. I've tried Googling, but the Brookings report is the only one I can find. Also, does anyone know where I might find a copy of the original Brookings in PDF form? I'm doing a research paper for a class, and it looks a little better in the works cited instead of "" or something (my professor is a little wierd like that...) I really appreciate it.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 10:17 AM
Not pdf. but photocopied pages...

I don't know of any other official obtainable studies on it... NASA FOIA might be a good place to look though....

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