posted on May, 19 2005 @ 01:04 PM
Actually, I think a little of both is necessary.
On issues such as Civil Rights, I think there should be no public opinion involved anywhere. It should be a "fair is fair" look at current laws.
Do you think rich white land owners would have given their slaves freedom? Or what about the man of the household giving the wifey in the kitchen the
right to vote? The gays to marry? The blacks the vote? These issues are far and above the common man. Also, war shouldn't be really swayed by
P.O. Nor should legal/illegal drugs be up for that.
But, I do think other things should be up for public opinion. The way we are taxed, for example. Retirement/SS, for example. There are many other
things that should be swayed by our opinion. But the main way to do that is to contact your congressman and senator. If enough people disagree, they
may actually vote your favor...ideally...