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Is Earth a planet that aliens fear?

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posted on May, 18 2005 @ 02:10 AM
Throughout nature, on Earth, there are various animals and flora that are deadly -- either vicious or poisonous. Many of these deadly creatures are, perhaps as a warning, brightly colored or have distinctive markings. Essentially, other animals know thas st these "obviously" dangerous creatures are to be shunned or avoided. What I am wondering is whether Earth has some of these same characteristics. First, Earth is a bright planet, the oceans and snowcapped polar regions reflect light very well. Furthermore, the radio and microwave signatures from Earth are rather blatant. Unlike many creatures on Earth which try through stealth or camoflage their existance, as a planet, we are rather overt in making our presence known. For all intents and purposes, every intelligent alien surely must know of our existance....with their "higher technologies" this should be obvious. Perhaps they -- the aliens -- don't come right out and contact us because we "act" like a dangerous planet. After all, much like a dangerous snake or poisonous toad, Earth looks and behaves like a planet that can "take care of itself". After all, we are brightly colored, loud and, if viewed closely, we seem to be able to blow things up with reckless abandon in a manner that emits deadly levels of radioactivity. Are we a planet that is perceived by aliens as dangerous?

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 06:06 AM
Why would any space faring aliens be afraid of a planet whose people have not yet mastered space flight? Where a third of the population is starving? Where there are petty religious and material wars being fought daily?

C'mon, do you really think that any aliens would be interested in coming here?
They could take us over without a whimper from us if they really wanted to. We are nothing to them, we have nothing they want, and are not a threat to them.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 06:20 AM
This reminds me of a good outer limits episode(new) called the "deadmans switch". anyway i think aliens would be very interested in coming here when you take into account that most planets are inhospitable than earth is defineatly outside the norm.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 06:21 AM
Oh yeah definetely, with our guns, missiles and peanut butter we're definetly a planet to watch out for. I mean come on, the Goa'ould haven't killed us yet.........well actually in a parralel universe, they did

Anyway don't worry Ireland will take care of them,
*loads rifle*

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by celticniall
Why would any space faring aliens be afraid of a planet whose people have not yet mastered space flight? Where a third of the population is starving? Where there are petty religious and material wars being fought daily?

C'mon, do you really think that any aliens would be interested in coming here?
They could take us over without a whimper from us if they really wanted to. We are nothing to them, we have nothing they want, and are not a threat to them.

Insurance purposes. If your 300lb hungry pet octopus showed signs of intelligence and learned to unlock its aquarium lid, would you feel safe to sleep in the same room?

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Trustnone
...anyway i think aliens would be very interested in coming here when you take into account that most planets are inhospitable than earth is defineatly outside the norm.

This is a pretty bold do you know what most planets are? We have only discovered a fraction of planets, the universe is huge, there are more than billions of planets out there in our galaxy alone.
Odds are that there are millions of inhabitable planets out there.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Jiffy
Insurance purposes. If your 300lb hungry pet octopus showed signs of intelligence and learned to unlock its aquarium lid, would you feel safe to sleep in the same room?

I'd hardly compare the Earth's populace with a 300lb octopus....more like a sea worm. That would be more like how these Aliens see us.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 06:56 AM
Don't go for the cheese....... It's a trap.

If "they" exist, they have nothing to fear. I don't think are slingshots and sticks will have much effect against their bullet proof glass.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Atomix
I mean come on, the Goa'ould haven't killed us yet.........well actually in a parralel universe, they did

Actually, it was the Vogons who did us in...For the gory details, reference the book "Mostly Harmless" by Douglas Adams.

Originally posted by Jiffy
If your 300lb hungry pet octopus showed signs of intelligence and learned to unlock its aquarium lid, would you feel safe to sleep in the same room?

Not many octopi get that big (In fact, I've never even heard of a documented case where an octopus ever got that big), but I've seen an experiment done that proved an octopus was intelligent enough to figure out how to unscrew the lid from a glass jar...

Originally posted by celticniall
I'd hardly compare the Earth's populace with a 300lb octopus....more like a sea worm.

I'd also add squirrels & turkeys to that...

Seriously though...If they did have anything to fear & they have anything that even approches humanity's attitude of destroying that which was feared, we wouldn't be here to even ask the question. Manipulate us, perhaps, into freely giving to them that which they'd have to expend a great amount of resources to take by force...I could understand that. Merely consider the resources they'd have to expend simply to send a large invasionary force over such vast interstellar distances to conquer us...Compared to sending a small, lightly equipped force trained to manipulate us instead. That's only good economics.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:25 AM

don't come right out and contact us because we "act" like a dangerous planet

Maybe they don't contact us because they have no need to.
And maybe they are contacting us, just very discretely.
This would explain the abductions and other strange occurances.
I think they just wanna stay on the down low, there could many reasons.

They feel we are not ready have evidence of alien life (ATS excluded)
and all the facts that come with it.

They may see us as the same way as we see animals in thier natural habitat and they do not want to disturb us because it may distrupt our behavior....there could be many reasons

[edit on 18/5/2005 by SportyMB]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:31 AM
i think aliens WOULDNT be afraid if they knew where we were. i mean, the universe is huge, why would they just happen to land here?


posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:39 AM
If their anything like us they'd probably invade. Looking at our history when a technologically advanced culture met an inferior one the inferior one was either wiped out or made slaves.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 11:03 AM

why would they just happen to land here?

Cause maybe they just happen to pick up radio signals or whatever coming from here....

Maybe they just happen to have been surfing the universe for millions of years and eventually they will run into us

[edit on 18/5/2005 by SportyMB]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 03:06 PM
Most of them, of most experiences I have read dealiing with EBEs, eg Gen George Marshall, 1951, say they cannot breath our atmosphere.
My slight thought is hence Hybrids to most EBE races..


posted on May, 18 2005 @ 03:23 PM
The Insane Ones, May

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:00 PM
Perhaps you can enlighten us with more insight into your insight of a couple of words - yes?


posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:27 PM
I have heard from several people throughout the years that aliens are upset about & have caused the failures of the Billion's of $'s and growing Missile Defense Project "Star Wars" A number of different researchers on a number of different documentaries & specials have stated this.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:41 PM
Wow.. that's a new one on me. I'm not doubting you, but would like to see some links to sources that have any sort of circumstantial, inferential, or other sort of evidence to back this up.

On to the topic at hand... why wouldn't aliens fear us? If they are humanoid life forms that can die and they encounter an obviously savage race like ours with the capability of causing such destruction and misery among our own kind, why wouldn't they think that we're more capable than not of inflicting such destruction on other races? They might even be trying to make sure we never develop interstellar spaceflight, just to keep us from becoming a problem...

Want an analogy? Imaging being stuck on an island full of very hostile cavemen that are warring among themselves. Your carrying the latest and greatest military hardware, but you know that you're outnumbered by nearly billions to one. Not only that, but they are physically much larger and stronger than you are... and are quite capable of killing with the crude tools they have at their disposal. Sure... they would be foolish not to fear us as an uncontrolled savage race... perhaps we don't pose any sort of threat to their civilization, but I'm sure they wouldn't want to get trapped among an angry mob of us.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 08:02 PM
I would think aliens are afraid of this planet heck i would fear a planet with crazy rednecks with guns and crazy people all over!

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 08:34 PM
I don't know if Aliens fear us or not.
There is certainly something twisted and a little un-healthy in the actions on the face of the planet. And if they have observed that for any period of time? then it is possible that they may have a philosophical concern of letting us get too far out in space itself.
It's really not possible to say, with any authority.
All that being said, The planet Earth scares the shi= out of me.

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