Some info on Solana's Family history...
Solana was born on July 14, 1942 in Madrid, Spain as "Javier Solana de Madariaga". On his maternal side, he is the grandson of famous Spanish
diplomat/writer Salvador de Madariaga de Rojo (1886-1978). Salvador de Madariaga at various times served as Spanish ambassador to the United States
and as chief of the Disarmament Section of the League of Nations. He also had a teaching career at England's Oxford University. Salvador de Madariaga
was admiringly said to be one of the ten best conversationalists in all of Europe in his day. His writing career ranged from books about Christopher
Columbus to analyses of what he considered to be the growing Communist threat to Latin America. Solana's maternal grandmother, Constance Archibald de
Madariaga, was born Scottish. Like her diplomat-writer husband, she was also a well known scholar. She was professionally and academically known as an
economic historian.
Javier is the younger of the two sons of de Madariaga's daughter Nieves (1917-2003). Solana's mother, like her more famous father, was also a
recognized scholar and writer. Her full name at the time of her death was Nieves Hayat de Madariaga Mathews. She was employed for upwards of 20 years
by the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), a United Nations agency headquartered in Rome. Her Yale University published book on the life of Sir
Francis Bacon was released in 1996. The 606 page volume is entitled, Francis Bacon: The History of a Character Assassination.
Nieves de Madariaga Mathews claimed in her acknowledgements that the book was suggested and blessed by "my teacher, Osho, who thought highly of
Francis Bacon and gave the book his blessing." "Osho", Solana's mother's teacher was better known to Americans as the highly controversial Oregon
compound cult leader, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. He was deported from the USA in 1987 and died in India in 1990.
As well as Rajneesh (Osho), Solana's mother was equally deeply and publicly influenced by the works of Immanuel Velikovsky. She devoted much time to
her pursuit of both Velikovsky and Sir Francis Bacon literacy and causes.
Javier Solana's only maternal aunt is Isabel de Madariaga, a professor emeritus of Slavonic Studies at the College of London. A brilliant and
thorough scholar, she has published extensive historical works, most notably about Russian empress, Catherine the Great.
Javier Solana is the younger of Nieves de Madariaga Mathews' two sons. His older brother Luis Solana is a retired Spanish telephone company chief
executive officer; he was the first known Socialist party member to join the Trilateral Commission. He was ardently opposed to the Spanish presidency
of General Franco and was reportedly imprisoned for his political activity. Like his older brother, Javier Solana, is an active member of the
Trilateral Commission. Although not eligible for membership as he is not an American citizen, Javier Solana is a frequent speaker and enjoys excellent
relationships with members of the prestigious US based Council on Foreign Relations Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) He is likewise active with the
Foreign Policy Association (FPA) as well as the New York city based East West Institute.
On Solana's paternal side, his grandfather was Don Ezequiel Solana de Ramirez. He was reportedly a revered educator and text book author who died in
1931. His son, Francisco Solana was reportedly Luis and Javier's father.
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