posted on Sep, 19 2003 @ 07:34 AM
Hi, I have just joined and would like to make a comment. I met a man last in a factory in Melbourne, I was looking for a to buy a printing machine,
and had found this company in the Yellow Pages. The owner was a very interesting man, looked much older than his 58 years. We talked and being about
the same age, had similar backgrounds and interests and struck up a friendship. He told me his old appearance was due to radiation and due to it
suffering a rare illness that effected his blood, but was coping with it. He said that he had worked in the USA as a physicist, accidentally exposed
to radiation, was made redundant and returned to Australia. He then worked for the Australian government at Pine Gap. He said that when one works
there a security check and a top secret document was signed. As we talked he began to open up as he was dying and felt he had been betrayed. He
said that there is a huge area under Australia that is an underground sea, the Australian continent is like an inverted dish and is the thickest part
of the earths crust. There is a drilled bore 8000 meters deep with an antenna the full depth. He estimated 10,000 people were employed at the site,
and all food is flown in from the USA. He said the reason is that if one is aware of how much food is consumed it is an indication of how many people
are being fed. Originally Alice Springs was to supply the food for the base, but was a strategic move to fool the population into going along with
the development. He said it was all build from below as the huge inland sea under it connects to the southern ocean. He had admitted he perhaps had
said too much to me, as he was under oath, but as he was dying he felt he wanted to tell someone. >
In essence he said that the government was part of a world order cult that was mixed up in weather control at Pine Gap, using the land mass like a
giant load speaker that vibrated sound waves of a sub sonic nature at night to influence the weather over Antarctica from Australia that drives the
world's weather. A week later I returned to see him. To my dismay, the entire building was empty, he the machinery, signs and the normal telltale
titbits of a business was also all gone, every scrap, not a solitary trace he existed. ???
Some time later I received a telephone call on my mobile, a man identified himself as being the secretary of a senator, who had been assigned to
investigate me, and said that I would be killed unless I was very careful. His precise words were, 'They will kill you.' I felt that this man was
not one of 'them' and was in the loop and perhaps was passing on what his boss had heard. In 1975 the then Prime Minister Geoff Whitlam, on
November 10th was sacked by the Queens representative John Kerr. The inside story was that the Prime Minister was about to make the announcement in
parliament that he was going to ask the CIA to leave Australia. This information was and still is, generally well known in the news media circles and
one does not open ones mouth if one wants to remain healthy. The former Prime Minster withdrew from Parliament and has remained silent. Its all part
of the World Order. The problem is the people in the know are a minority and the masses never get to hear what is really going on, as the media is
part of it. The depth of control extends to the likes of Rupert Murdock who owns the revised bible copy right and when you are handed a bible as a
gift by your pastor, Rupert gets a royalty. Over all however, ASIO, which is Australia's CIA, is not happy with what the dogs do here in the
service of the CIA, and there is a backlash among the Federal Police and ASIO as they have had enough with the way our government is sucking up to the
will of the UK and the USA and it is my belief that the undoing of the world order will begin here in Melbourne as Australian's are not stupid and
are sick of the way the government is the dog and doing all the barking in this neck of the woods. The treatment of boat people her I believe is the