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State secret: Thousands sterilized in USA !!

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posted on May, 17 2005 @ 01:15 PM
This is just plain wrong! I can not believe this was done in this country.

If I understand it correctly, North Carolina should be ashamed.

State Secret: Thousands Secretly Sterilized

Sterilized Without Her Knowledge

WINDFALL, N.C., May 15, 2005 — Beneath the surface of this Southern town, with its lush evergreens and winding riverbanks, is a largely forgotten legacy of pain, secrecy and human indignity.

"My heart still bleeds, and it will forever bleed, because of what had happened to me," local resident Elaine Riddick said.

Riddick was one of thousands of people secretly sterilized by the state between 1929 and 1974.

From the early 1900s to the 1970s, some 65,000 men and women were sterilized in this country, many without their knowledge, as part of a government eugenics program to keep so-called undesirables from reproducing.

"The procedures that were done here were done to poor folks," said Steven Selden, professor at the University of Maryland. "They were thought to be poor because they had bad genes or bad inheritance, if you will. And so they would be the focus of the sterilization."

Sterilized Without Her Knowledge

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 01:23 PM
wow...............that's just wrong.

i knew there were lots of experiments done on people.......blacks specifically......back in the early 1900's but didn't realize it carried on to the 50-70's.....good lord.

this is just really bad.

i guess if that happened to me i would sue the state that it happened in......take it all the way to the supreme court.

that's just terrible and i'm ashamed that people were so misguided as to do something that is so wrong.


posted on May, 17 2005 @ 01:29 PM
I can think of a few dozen people I'd like to nominate for sterilization. I'd also like to see laws where anyone convicted of a crime against a minor are sterilized, and all child molesters. (I'd add castration for those folks)

Anyone with more than 1 kid per $10,000 in household income ? get in line
Anyone with kids born with drug addictions ? get in line

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 01:43 PM
What's even more wrong...she was RAPED yet labelled by the state agency (akin to DCF) as "promiscuous" because of it!!!

State Rep. Larry Womble is crafting a bill to provide financial reparations.

Damn right!

One of these days, people will wake up to the absolute gestapo power such state agencies have to COMPLETELY violate your Constitutional rights.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 01:46 PM
Guess where North Carolina picked this from?

Burgdoerfer's Model

The statistician Burgdoerfer showed a diagram designed to illustrate what happens when the superior half of a population reproduces itself according to the two-child principle, while at the same time, however, the inferior or below-average reproduce according to the four-child system.' The result of this crude model, which in fact expressed nothing but the eugenicists' axiom that human beings are determined by their heredity.

Harry Laughlin demanded a "systematic identification of all the congenitally inferior, and an improvement in surgical techniques for female sterilization.''

Alfred Ploetz announced that the "life process of the race is destroyed by counter-selection, namely, by the maintenance of individuals even though their hereditary endowments are weaker than those of the strong. This includes so much humane protection of the congenitally weak through special care that they are enabled to reproduce, for instance certain chronically ill, feeble-minded, cripples, blind persons, or deaf-mutes.''

Ernst Rüdin, director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and Demography of the German Psychiatric Research Institute in Munich, spoke on "The Relationships Between Predictions of Heredity and Population Policy. What will be necessary, is thenatural or artificial elimination of members of the population who are inadequately adapted to life and the competitive struggle. For this purpose the science of making predictions based on heredity was to be further developed."

Eugenics, a word all but removed from America’s lexicon after World War II, is the "science" of improving the human race through controlled breeding. Much like the Trail of Tears, Tuskegee medical experiments, or the Japanese internment in this country, the word harkens us back to a shameful time most would just as soon forget.

Yep, one more step closer to Nazi Germany...


Eugenics and Population Control: The 1935 Nazi World Population Conference, and the 1994 U.N. Cairo Population Conference

The Sterilization of America: A Cautionary History

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 01:48 PM
If memory serves me, was this not also in conjuction with the witholding of medication / treatment for venerial diseases like syphilis?

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 01:49 PM
This is not surprising for anyone who has been following government programs for quite some time now. As a matter of fact I can think of worse cladestine operations ....such as..

1950 In an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Franciso. Monitoring devices are situated throughout the city in order to test the extent of infection. Many residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms

Or to see how we treat our own soldiers, perhaps Executive order#13139 might be of some interest to you as well. (forced experimental vaccinations)

If this old news scares you.......try to imagine what they are doing now

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 02:02 PM
You should be shocked EdSinger, the same govt we sometimes tout is the same govt that can be so apalling. Remember your government is capable of anything and will decieve us as long as they can. It up to people to educate themselves and let the govt know just how apalled we are. I'm glad you finally aware of this issue.

I'm very sorry for Ms. Riddick, she should have the right of choice. I do hope her state representative is successful in getting financial reparations for her and others like her.

this always gets me back to the abortion issue you really pisses me that the govt thinks they can impose sterilization on some people but yet they are opposed to logical thinking individuals choosing the right to have an abortion. Somethings just don't make sense. sorry to go off on a tangent. This topic is not about abortion rights but Eugenics and the unknown sterilization of individuals.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 02:43 PM
Forced sterilization is something that no one should be forced to do..........UNLESS........they had a sexual crime such as child molestation, rape, etc. Then as far as I am concerned cut it off stick it in a jar and let them look at it in their jail cell for the rest of their lives!

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
I can think of a few dozen people I'd like to nominate for sterilization. I'd also like to see laws where anyone convicted of a crime against a minor are sterilized, and all child molesters. (I'd add castration for those folks)

Anyone with more than 1 kid per $10,000 in household income ? get in line
Anyone with kids born with drug addictions ? get in line

I dont think you can get away with sterilizing someone because they are poor. But the molestors, drug addictis, priests could all use it.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by edsinger
If I understand it correctly, North Carolina should be ashamed.

North Carolina apparently sterilized 8,000 of the 65,000 total sterilized.


Even though the practice ended more than 30 years ago, some say the time has come to make amends. North Carolina was one of the first states out of 33 that once practiced sterilization to offer an apology. State Rep. Larry Womble is crafting a bill to provide financial reparations.

So what....North Carolina should be ashamed for being one of the first states to come to terms with its past. This is not something that just happened in North Carolina. I applaud my home state for doing what is right, and attempting to address this dark spot on its history.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Jamuhn

So what....North Carolina should be ashamed for being one of the first states to come to terms with its past. This is not something that just happened in North Carolina. I applaud my home state for doing what is right, and attempting to address this dark spot on its history.

Thanks I didnt catch the other states, Cheers for North Carolina for owning up to it then.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 01:15 AM
Its not really a state secret, but it does make for bad PR.

Here's a link to Delaware's voluntary and involuntary sterilization laws.

I can understand the need for sterilizing those who are permanently institutionalized like the severely mentally retarded. (you never know when the orderlies want to have some fun, sick as it sounds, I'm sure it happens quite frequently)

Here they basically right off any responsibility:

5715. Limitation of liability.

(a) No physician who performs a sterilization in compliance with this chapter shall be held liable for the respondent's loss of procreative power.

(b) No hospital or clinic wherein a sterilization in compliance with this chapter is performed shall be held liable for the respondent's loss of procreative power.

(c) No physician, psychiatrist or psychologist who provides a report required by this chapter shall be held liable for the respondent's loss of procreative power.

(d) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to excuse any physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, hospital or clinic from liability for malpractice. (65 Del. Laws, c. 148, § 1.)

I became aware of these laws years ago when a 18 year old woman who was arrested for shoplifting was sterilized by the state because she exhibited criminal behavior in the form of shoplifting. The excuse was they didn't want her to pass on her shoplifting genes to any future children she might have. The laws have some specific legitimate medical purpose like fixing the retarded but in some states it has been extended over to just basic criminal behavior. And this sort of punishment can be just handed out willy-nilly by someone whose aware of the law in the first place. There's definitely no rhyme or reason because everyone behind bars would be sterilized, and we know thats not true. I'm sure the person who requested the punishment for the girl probably had an axe to grind with her in some way.

Of the 64000 cases of forced sterilization, California by itself performed an astounding one third of them.

Better check your state laws, it might could happen to you if you piss the right person off. The laws are still on the books in some states and can be used whenever.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 02:00 AM
During t he first half of the 20th century, a lot of western countries sterilized people, including, I am shamed to admit, my home country of Canada. I live in Alberta, where we sterilized hundreds, if not thousands, of people, mostly the mentally retarded or others deemed 'unfit to reproduce' by somebody in charge. It was often done without their knowledge. Alberta is also notorious for being one of the last places to halt forced sterilizations.

I'm betting that if people look into it, most of the states have done this, and it's probably public knowledge as well, although certainly not advertised.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 04:21 PM
Well this is just wrong, unless its for some kind of medical condition, no one has the right to do that, although I know a few people who shouldn't own dogs, let alone be able to reproduce without first taking a test

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 04:39 PM
Sterilization should be use for, people that neglect and abuse their already born children.

Child molesters, sexual offenders and the ones that think that popping children is a job and a right as long as the state and the system keeps supporting them, while the women keeps pregnat every year from different partners

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 04:46 PM
I do not understand the need for forced sterilization when there are plenty of idiotic people out there that would do it for a very small amount of money, or some kind of preferential treatment.

Let's say a crack/speed whore mom on welfare with three kids, is given 1000 dollars to sterilize herself. Odds are she would probably take the money without thinking twice, and then would not be a parasite to the system any more. Problem solved. No one deceived.

Or how about an incentive to get out of incarceration, especially when, and/if, it happens to run in a family.

There are plenty of ways to weed out the "undesirables", I just do not see why you have to be soo deceptive about it.

[edit on 18-5-2005 by phoenixhasrisin]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
I'd also like to see laws...

The prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment applies to all. Consider why: Potiphar's Wife.

Never underestimate the power of the false accusation.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 06:59 PM
Hmmm, i wonder what those chemtrails really spray.......

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 04:21 AM
Forced sterilization was pretty common and normal in all western societies. I remember Oregon for the longest time was sterilizing all the mentally retarded people and people who were insane.

I really do hope the government is forced to repay these people, but Im not shocked at all, as I am aware this had been going on for some time evem 30 years ago.

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