posted on May, 16 2005 @ 10:02 PM
When we dream we live in the world of what we really think of during the day(even if we dont know what we are really thinking). this our subconscious.
What if we could have total awareness in our dreams, or what if we can decide what we even dream about. Being able to control your dream could maybe
lead to a better awareness aswell as more self control. Being able to control your mind in the state of sleep is something i have never heard of
happening. if anyone knows of this happening i would like to know. but being able to control our minds in this way could lead to some kinds of new
break through of our mind and our self. When we die it is said we go into some world that is like a dream, so if we can control our dreams and mind
would that make us more aware and able to control thing when we die?