posted on May, 17 2005 @ 10:38 AM
great thread title. too bad it's turning into a moon thread.
what about holographic planes vs. missile pod. or thermite vs. mininuke vs. scalar weaponry.
what about the vatican vs. the illuminati? which side is 'good'? are they really 'against' each other?
will the antichrist really force everyone to lose christianity or lose their head? or will 'he' be posing as christ, and killing everyone who
doesn't bow down?
the whole thing with conspiracy theory, is you're trying to uncover stuff that has been very well, and aggresively covered-up. usually, coming up
with something concrete against uber-powerful conspirators gets you concrete shoes. ask hunter s. thompson what he has on 911. oh, wait. he's
dead. suicided. or any one of FORTY microbiologists who died 'accidently' by such methods as accidentally putting a plastic sheet over they're
head and wrapping a cord around they're neck several times.
so, little 'AMBIVALENT' facts are released, propogated, and allowed to mutate and morph. this makes it harder to find the trail of relevent facts.
certainly, it's always that one or two little anomolies(or nine hundred and eleven, in that case) that tip off the conspiracy watchers. however, the
theorists own religious, scientific, historical and logical biases all step in at that point, and that's where we end up with mutually exclusive
conspiracy theories. just like 'they' want it.
there is SO much misinfo, disinfo and plain wrong info out there in TEXTBOOKS, nevermind the internet, that it is hard to fault the conspiracy
theorist for wild theories. the world is clearly in chaos, but the new information economy and enviroment makes hiding things nearly impossible.
hiding them in plain sight is the new strategy of the controllers. try seeing the tree in the middle of the forest. it's right over there....