posted on May, 20 2005 @ 08:05 PM
? Nice! I am Freedom Man! But am I fighting for or against freedom?
Insert, not part of the contest.
"These people are my enemy. They want to liberate the people of another country, and they are doing well." But, are the people being "liberated"
like the Iraqi people were "liberated" by Bush, or are they "liberated" like Lincoln did with the blacks, if they were in the south, which didn't
follow the law for they were the CSA at the time, not USA. Or are they being "liberated" from the harsh cruel ways of the leader by killing them?
Or are they actually liberating them in the fullest meaning of the word liberate? SO I could be against the corrupt liberation like Bush's, or
against the true liberation, like how the Jews were liberated from the Nazi/conservative death camps in Germany? Good idea JJ, great idea! But needs
a conspiracy....
Edit: Poor Ash, murdered by Big Tobacco companies, well, the people addicted to ciggarettes.
[edit on 20-5-2005 by James the Lesser]