posted on May, 17 2005 @ 04:48 PM
dig out your old rosary and scapular. It's time for self flagellation and repentence. The end is near.......or is it? The saint that you are
looking for is St. Malachy, an irish monk from the tenth century who, like nostradamas, made predictions about the Popes' to be via short,
descriptive latin quatrains. And, yes, his predictions have been uncannily accurate. I believe that you can find plenty of material about St.
Malachy via google or, of course-- as others have noted -- right here on ATS/BTS. Just do a "key word" search. Regardless, it is probably proper
ettiquette to do at least a cursory topic search before you make a post that has, heretofore, been well covered..............benevolent tyrant