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Alien Moon Base

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posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:55 AM
When we look at the moon we only see one side at all times. There is always one side we cannot see. Wouldnt this be a good place for some type of alien base close to earth. People with telescopes or anything similar will never be able to see it. It's just a theory ive been reading about recently. I wonder why NASA never shows pictures of that side of the moon.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by mastergallo....I wonder why NASA never shows pictures of that side of the moon.

AH!! But they do....

This photo was taken from Apollo 16 from this site

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:09 AM
Do you really trust what Nasa shows you or tells you. all or most astranauts are ranked people from the military. NASA also says it has no pictures of alien craft.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:14 AM
woah woah. that pic looks pretty good to me.

you want a point to look at, mabye that the picture is several decads old, mabye.

But the pic isn't trying to show you a base or a no base, it's just showing you that, yes, there are in fact pictures of the "dark" side of the moon.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by mastergallo
Do you really trust what Nasa shows you or tells you. ...

Why shouldn't I??
NASA invested a lot of money in going to the Moon, as did the russians. Consequently, there are quite a few photographs of the far side of the Moon - do a Google search and find that out for yourself my friend. My response to your post was to show that NASA has released pictures of the far side of the Moon, which your original statement denied. It was not about whether I believe in NASA's assertions or not.

And, before you go there, PLEASE don't say that the Moon landings were hoaxed!!

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:20 AM

Originally posted by AlfredENewman

Originally posted by mastergallo....I wonder why NASA never shows pictures of that side of the moon.

AH!! But they do....

This photo was taken from Apollo 16

Apollo 16. That's NASA right?

[edit on 16-5-2005 by Jaychael]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:18 AM
Well whats gets me with the Ailens on the Moon theory is that surely any ailen craft leaving or going down to the moon would surely by now have been picked up by astronmers ie Jodrell Bank etc. Additionally Hubble should have picked something up too. Just my 2p worth !

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:31 AM
hubble's not a motion detector. The instruments your talking about watch a very VERY small % of the sky at a givin time. Avoiding detcection isn't a science, it's down right simple!

Another thing to think of is that these instruments aren't public domain. Info of this sort isn't gonna just show up on the internet some day, simply because it's there.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 09:17 AM
This thread was started recently, and discusses this pic and a few others from the official Clementine Lunar Image Browser US Navy website.
Looks like your hunch may be right....

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 09:23 AM

Do you really trust what Nasa shows you or tells you. all or most astranauts are ranked people from the military. NASA also says it has no pictures of alien craft.

You do realize the amount of people who would have to be involved in such a coverup, right? EVERYONE in the control rooms for EACH such mission, EVERYONE doing the photo and vid development, EVERYONE even mopping the floors of the control room at the time, etc. Your supposition is that EVERY ONE of these people have stayed silent, to their deathbed (in many cases as some would have undoubtedly passed on by now). Or is it much more likely that there simply aren't any such bases, and that taking and developing a photo millions of miles away just may produce a few technical errors.

We're talking about a civillian agency here (NASA), as opposed to a military one with secrecy contracts, etc. While no doubt a certain amount of clearance is involved, keeping such a thing silent within a civillian agency would be next to impossible.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 10:15 AM
I'm not a follower of "the Disclosure Project". I'm just throwing this out there from a faulty memory. But, isn't one or two of those guys involved supposedly from the control rooms of nasa? Just thought I'd mention that.
Also I don't think you can correctly, in a real sense, describe Nasa as a civilian agency in much the way you can't call NSA or CIA a civilian agency.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by freddieb]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 10:27 AM
Still, my point is that it would need to be an even more massive coverup than alien existence in general. Also, soon we won't have the monopoly on moon missions, so lets see if China finds these "bases", hmm...

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 10:30 AM
Oh, I absolutely agree.
China , Japan and the many other nations that have access to space havn't talked about alien moon bases and that in itself is very telling.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 01:49 PM
those pictures prove nothing they can be just a 13 year old kid trying to jump into the conspiracy band wagon. with todays photshop you can do anything. i cant rule out the possibility it is real but it would be highly unlikey its just too big of a conspiracy

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Wirral Bagpuss
Well whats gets me with the Ailens on the Moon theory is that surely any ailen craft leaving or going down to the moon would surely by now have been picked up by astronmers ie Jodrell Bank etc. Additionally Hubble should have picked something up too. Just my 2p worth !

Your 2c worth is worthless...........

Hubble is designed to detect things in great distances. The optics in Hubble are not designed and cannot be reconfigured to view anything within this solar system with any clarity. However, there are other telescopes that are used for observation of the solar system, but heres the problem, relativity. The time it take for us to recieve images from say Mars is about 90 seconds. When you get as far as Pluto, images can take hours to get back to Earth. We do not have the technology to detect 'fast' moving objects in outer space.

If a telescope did happen to capture an image moving rapidly around the moon, ie alien spaceship, the effects of relativity would distort the image. The reason we get detailed images of other spacial bodies like moons, planets, nebula, are because they are huge and for the most part stationary. Stationary in the sense that we know the orbital rate and such. We do not have the data on UFOs since the aliens havent given them to us. If we had information about the UFOs, we might be able to detect them.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:26 PM

those pictures prove nothing they can be just a 13 year old kid trying to jump into the conspiracy band wagon. with todays photshop you can do anything.

I've seen (as can anyone) the pics right on the government Clementine site, they aren't photoshop, the anomalies are there. However, it's a huge leap to go from photographic anomaly, to alien moonbases. The technical difficulties in obtaining such images are hardly something to sneeze at, so yes, distortion isn't unexpected on occassion.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:46 PM
I think we were warned off the moon for a time at least.

China and a few others talking about going is just that... all talk. Won't happen. Not anytime soon anyway.

The US will be the next on the moon, but only with permission.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by whipnet
I think we were warned off the moon for a time at least.

China and a few others talking about going is just that... all talk. Won't happen. Not anytime soon anyway.

The US will be the next on the moon, but only with permission.

What makes you think so?
I'm not disputing you. I don't know.
I'm just curious as to why you believe they won't go to the moon if they so desire.
Actually if some nation was to go to the moon in todays time-frame. The mission would probably much more fruitful than ours was. Technological advances and so forth.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by freddieb]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:22 PM
hey the chances of there actually being a moonbase is alot less then a kid (or adult) photoshopping them

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:57 PM

Do you really trust what Nasa shows you or tells you.

Ok, then if they came out and said "There are alien bases on the moon," should we trust them? Maybe they'd be doing that for some other type of coverup. Also, if shouldn't trust them, then why should we believe there are pictures of the "Light" side of the moon? Those could be just as easy to fake as those from the dark side. I'm still fairly new on the scene, but the more time I spend in the gov't conspiracy world the more it seems that people only want to believe what goes along with their story, whether it may be true or not.

Your 2c worth is worthless...........

Was that really necessary? It's pretty easy to prove someone wrong without calling their input "worthless." While the poster may have been wrong, the idea isn't too far-fetched. Hubble, or any other imaging telescope for that matter, very well could've picked something up. The quality of the image is an entirely different issue though, and it may be so distorted that it wouldn't even be obvious unless someone knew the object was there to begin with. I'm sure everyone has taken a picture and something they didn't intend to shoot got in the way.

As far as the pictures from the other thread go, I really can't say one way or another. I think I commented on that thread (or maybe just intended to comment) that while they are interesting, they don't prove anything, as areyosicker said. I think if the government were trying to hide a base they could've done a much better job than blurring a couple of spots on the images. I think most likely they're some form of data loss, most likely in transmission from the satellite, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

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