I think melanotan could be one of the biggest selling drugs to hit the market. I think everybody loves a tan, and this will defnitely be a big seller
in Russia, UK, most of USA, Canada, Scandaniavia, Germany - anywhere where the sun is weak. And it will also sell well in countries where skin cancer
is prevelant.
Wouldnt anybody want a safe natural tan?
More info on the link
I've signed up at this site and am keeping a close eye on it. They have just worked out a new batch that involves a slow release "thingy" with less
side effects. If they can perfect the technique I know what stocks I'll be investing in.
Yes it is still in the trial phase. But it wont be long now until the subjects dont suffer any side effects at all. The big turning point during the
phases of this drug, is going from an intravenous drug to oral tablet form which is by far the better and safer method. I couldnt imagine some people
injecting themselves for a tan.
I was talking about this with friends the other day. My biggest question is, why has it taken them this long to come out with it. This should have
been out a decade ago.