posted on May, 17 2005 @ 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Lysergic
hey there, and welcome
about child sex slaves have you ever heard anything about Larry King (not the talk show host) He was a prominent black republic in the 80's and was
invovled in some boys town scandals... anywho thats another thread
again welcome
(ninja vanish)
I got a copy of "Conspiracy Of Silence" the banned documentary about the Franklin Bank Scandal and the Boys Town scandal.
I got to that through researching the Gosch/Gannon/Guckert case. Very interesting indeed!
I wish I had the time and resources to verify a lot of that on my own.
But I suppose I should go find an appropriate thread/forum to discuss that in?
In case Im too dumb to do a search and find it on my own, whats the proper forum/thread for that particular discussion?
One thing I hope to hone for myself is critical thinking and using pure scientific methodology when researching conspiracy theories: Meaning, DON't
start with a conclusion and then work backwards picking and chosing the evidence that supports it.
The problem is that often we dont see "evidence" for what it is, so many times one must just use "intuitive imagination" to envision a more
complete situation....but that leads right to starting with a conslusion and working backwards.
I hope a can find some constructive peer-review here! Thats another very important part of science. However "peer review" from other ideologues is
often not very objective!