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Aliens Changed Roswell, Even Without Proof

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posted on May, 15 2005 @ 05:07 PM
Despite the dearth of credible evidence Roswell has been transformed by the strongly held belief by many that an extraterrestrial craft crashed on a nearby farm:

For those who believe that Earth has been visited by extraterrestrial spacecraft, a remote New Mexico ranch is hallowed ground.

The believers say that in the summer of 1947, 75 miles outside Roswell, the holy grail of UFO-ology was found — concrete evidence proving the existence of alien life.

The story begins when rancher Mack Brazel found some strange debris on his land. Maj. Jesse Marcel, the intelligence officer at the Army air base in Roswell, went to investigate and was convinced that the debris was "not of this Earth."

Marcel put the strange wreckage in his car and drove it back to the base. But on the way, he stopped home and showed his wife and 11-year-old son, Jesse Jr., what he had found.

Marcel died in 1986, but his son told ABC News in a recent interview that the memory of that day is still fresh in his mind. He said there were I-beams in the debris, "structural members with pinkish violet writing along the inside surface," he said. "It was more like geometric symbols. It was very impressive."

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 12:33 PM
Proof like many things is in the eyes of the beholder. For many, myself includeded, there is more than enough proof of events at Roswell.

These days many people point to the photo analysis of the letter shown in the original explaination pictures. It is rather hard to read the results without feeling like confirmation of the alien events is right there in black and white. And when you consider the line 'the next big find is' you get the impression that more was going on at the time.

For me personally, the smallest thing has always meant the most. The fact that Marcel, in 1947, went home and woke his wife and kid up at 2am to show them the material. Even today it would normally take something pretty amazing to get a Dad to wake people up at 2am to show them. When I consider Marcel went on to a brilliant career that rules out the possibility that he was so stupid as to mistake a weather balloon as an alien spacecraft.

Simple human things sometimes tell the story in a way all the investigation and witness reports cannot.


posted on May, 16 2005 @ 01:32 PM
My avatar reflects my feelings on the Jennings special...

Here's a link to the evidence for those interested...

The bottom line, is to think that just a balloon was responsible, one would have to believe that everyone from sergeants, airmen, intelligence personnel, generals, etc. can't tell the difference between tin foil and balsa wood, compared to something otherworldly. Such a belief, in my opinion, shows complete willingness to ignore the facts.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 01:47 PM
I would like to point out that just because the Air Force lied about the actual nature of the craft doesn't mean it was of alien origin.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:40 PM

I would like to point out that just because the Air Force lied about the actual nature of the craft doesn't mean it was of alien origin.

True. But then your contention would be that an experimental aircraft program from 1947 still has the need to be classified, when since then, the U-2, the SR-71, and even the Nighthawk and the Raptor, have become common knowledge.

That must have been one HELL of a plane!

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok

I would like to point out that just because the Air Force lied about the actual nature of the craft doesn't mean it was of alien origin.

True. But then your contention would be that an experimental aircraft program from 1947 still has the need to be classified, when since then, the U-2, the SR-71, and even the Nighthawk and the Raptor, have become common knowledge.

That must have been one HELL of a plane!

I have thought about Roswell much, even have a complete section dedicated to it on my site, but I have never thought about it still needing to be classified after almost 60 years.
Good point!

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:12 PM
Funny how such a simple point is so compelling, no?

Here's the thing... SOMETHING crashed at Roswell. Witnesses admit it, the military admits it. That much cannot be disputed. It is a FACT. So then, WHAT are the possibilities?

They are:

1. A US Experimental Craft or Rocket from White Sands, etc.
2. A Foreign Experimental Craft
3. A Project Mogul Balloon (Official USAF answer)
4. An Extraterrestrial Object

1. This is ruled out as no such project from 1947 would STILL be so classified....especially when revealing it would have easily put the case to bed for the USAF. Furthermore, generals then and since have gone on record stating they had NOTHING in the air in the area at that time.

2. Same issues as above, wouldn't STILL be classified.

3. The big problem with this is that one would have to believe that numerous high-ranking military personnel couldn't identify tin foil and balsa wood, a fairly easy identification even for a child who'd ever eaten a Hershey bar and/or made a balsa wood rubber band airplane!
Likewise, the USAF screwed up when stating that bodies seen were from Project High Dive, when this project was a) years after the event, b) of very human looking dummies, and c) wearing US army flight suits. Another problem is the fact that no such Mogul balloons were launched in the area at the right time.

The Army had Brazel lie about the initial finding date, in order to make that plan stick, and Brazel has since confirmed this. Another major issue, is that the actions taken (which are FACTS) by the Army following the recovery are NOT consistent with the recovery of a Mogul balloon. Why weren't other Mogul retrievals done with such secrecy and urgency? Easy, because there was nothing extraordinary about the components involved, only the mission OBJECTIVE was classified. It used off the shelf parts.

4. Which brings us to 4. This explanation is the only one that fits the evidence. The secrecy involved, silencing of witnesses, the eyewitness testimony of the properties of the debris, etc. It also fits the complete overhaul of the US Defense Department that took place virtually overnight after the incident. Likewise, it is the only explanation that explains why over half a century later, things connected with Roswell are STILL classified.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:50 PM
if it wasnt a military plane why the big cover up. i believe that aliens did come to roswell but why would the government cover it up. its much more logical to cover up something like a brand new military plane that the russians dont have right?

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

True. But then your contention would be that an experimental aircraft program from 1947 still has the need to be classified, when since then, the U-2, the SR-71, and even the Nighthawk and the Raptor, have become common knowledge.

That must have been one HELL of a plane!

I couldn't have said it better myself.

I also find Grady's ABC link to be very insulting, inflamitory, and deliberately misleading, as is to be expected from Peter Jennings. Terms like the Foster Ranch being "hallowed ground" is sound byte shot at Roswell researchers to try and re-enforce the false assumption that we are cultists of some sort.

The reason Roswell still attracts and generates the interest it does is because there is alot of supporting testimony, documents, and archived information available that show conclusively that something far more than a weather baloon, even a pimped out "secret balloon" crashed in the desert.

Gazrok has correctly pointed out that had it been a V-2 rocket gone astray, or experimental craft, then it would have long ago come out and been common knowldge. Even stealth craft are public knowledge now: anything built in the 40's would be far too primitive to even consider by todays standards.

When the government, the Air Force, and the likes of Peter Jennings quit lying, insulting my intelligence, and patronizing me with ridiculous yarns spun as the offical lines, then I shall be eager to listen.

But until then, all available evidence seems to point that most likely, it was a non human craft of some sort that crashed.

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