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America kept in dark as carnage escalates

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posted on May, 21 2005 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Souljah, I'll not entertain as evidence articles from "news outlets" such as the ones offered. The Arab propensity to lie for strategic gain is well-known, and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to realize that a "news outlet" reporting from an "Occupied Iraq" might be just a wee bit biased, huh?

They are biased to the same level, as are biased the news from the American side, coming from Iraq. You think you the news tell you the real story in Iraq? I dont think so - from just one source, you will receive just one side of the story. By viewing many news sources, you will see more views and news from many sides.

Lies and distortion are not only from the opposing team, and I am totally aware of this. The fact ofhte matter is not that America is being kept in the dark, but EVERYONE is being lied to and propagandized.

You are right here - but is Everyone involved in this Conflict? I think that the American people represent the Backbone of the Military Personell in Iraq. So, ofcourse the Image from Iraq, for an average American, must be perfect.

But I agree all sides use Lies and Deception - just ask yourself how many TV news stations and networks your current goverment holds in hands, and how many the Insurgents have.

Still, its a war for Information.

There will be no peace (absence of struggle; submission), until one faction has ultimate control and the others are dominated. That is to say, another Hussein.

Well - there is another option, since the United Iraq cannot work, the next step is fragmentization of the state into ethinc/religious homogeneous territories: Iraq split into 3 states - Shia, Sunni and Kurdish.

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by csulli456
Now is not the time to argue about whether or not the population is better off. Idle thinking about the past and second guessing every move will not make anything better. Whether or not it was right to invade is not the point anymore.

Its not thinking about the Past - but comparing the Past to the Present, to see the difference. How can you say that, "Whether or not it was right to invade is not the point anymore"? Thats like this - I shot your cousin, because they told me, she had a gun, and wanted to shoot me, but later I find out, that she did NOT have a gun, and that I shot and innocent person, just because a pack of lies. Now, what good does that do to your cousin - he is dead. I agree on the statement, that now it is not the time to argue, but to ACT! So, tell me - how come, that Iraqis Endure Worse Conditions Than Under Saddam (UN Survey Finds)?

Are you just another America hater Souljah or do you have some real opinions about what should be done?

I do not hate America - I hate your current goverment, that has gone Inseane!

I hate American Money Hungry Corporations, that do not care for value of Human Life or value of Natural Enviroment - their only concern is the GDP.

I hate to watch such a Powerful Country do NOTHING to help World Hunger and to exterminate Diseases that threaten the Third World.

I hate to see YOUR taxpayers money - 500 Billion dollars - to go into the Military Sector, while Social, Educational and Health Sectors suffer!

I hate to watch 4,000 children die each day from a lack of safe water.

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 11:17 AM

Are you just another America hater Souljah or do you have some real opinions about what should be done?

I do not hate America - I hate your current goverment, that has gone Inseane!

I hate American Money Hungry Corporations, that do not care for value of Human Life or value of Natural Enviroment - their only concern is the GDP.

I hate to watch such a Powerful Country do NOTHING to help World Hunger and to exterminate Diseases that threaten the Third World.

I hate to see YOUR taxpayers money - 500 Billion dollars - to go into the Military Sector, while Social, Educational and Health Sectors suffer!

I hate to watch 4,000 children die each day from a lack of safe water.

Ok, why should we have the responsibility of relieving world hunger? If we decide to spend a trillion dollars on our military what business is that of yours? If you hate to see kids die because of unclean water maybe your government should help us eliminate insurgents that are responible for civil services not operating.

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Ok, why should we have the responsibility of relieving world hunger? If we decide to spend a trillion dollars on our military what business is that of yours? If you hate to see kids die because of unclean water maybe your government should help us eliminate insurgents that are responible for civil services not operating.

I was showing these numbers, so that you can compare and see what good work it could be done by this money - instead of turning it into steel beasts.

I wasnt saying, that the United States should take responsibilty for relieving world hunger - but it would be really NICE, you know? Its not really HELP, if you have to ask for it numerous times (and still dont get it...) - its Help, if you offer it all by Yourself, without any hesitation, to the Man who needs it.

my goverment is kind of helpless, and is in charge of a really small country - when compared to the Power and Might of America.

We do not have 500 billion of the military budget to spend.

Ofcourse that is the decision of your goverment - and it just shows the True Nature of it - a MILITARY STATE.

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 06:35 AM
The US has been trying to spark cival war in iraq since the war began.

Even hiring groups like the "badr brigades" to try to increase secterian tention.

It has not suceeded, and it will not suceed.

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by Syrian Sister
The US has been trying to spark cival war in iraq since the war began.

Even hiring groups like the "badr brigades" to try to increase secterian tention.

It has not suceeded, and it will not suceed.

You said it Sister!

Oldest Empire Tactics in the Book - from Roman times on.

Its far more easier to control 3 smaller states (or at least 2 of them) - then one big state, with 3 fractions, that just cant live with each other.

Who really cares for these people - as long as the Money is good, its ALL Good!

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 06:47 AM
I dont think the US is trying to start a civil war in iraq although now it is likely unavoidable. arabs are difficult to control unless your beating them into submission, loping off hands and heads, and preaching islamic hate, and have rape rooms open. I say turn saddam loose again

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
I dont think the US is trying to start a civil war in iraq although now it is likely unavoidable. arabs are difficult to control unless your beating them into submission, loping off hands and heads, and preaching islamic hate, and have rape rooms open. I say turn saddam loose again

I see your Knowledge about "Arabs" is as wide as your point of view - near zero.

I think that the American media, designed to stir up anti-islamic propaganda among their people are doing a Great Job - you are the perfect Example.

The United States openen up this "Can of Worms", and cant deal with it.

You cant win this war by simpy saying: "Mission Accomplished".

If you are such an "arab-hater" - why dont you go to downtown Baghdad and show them your anger and hatred.

Your Country need people like that on the Frontline - not on the Forum!

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 07:08 AM
no, the arabs opened this "can of worms" on 9/11 and im glad you have such an enlightened view on arabs.

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 07:24 AM
Syrian Sister, why don't you put your money were your mouth is and go to Iraq and fight with the insurgency. Maybe you could aspire to become a suicide bomber. Or is the comfort of Australia too much for you to tear yourself away from? Having a strong conviction is one thing but not doing anything about your conviction is simply spineless.

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
no, the arabs opened this "can of worms" on 9/11 and im glad you have such an enlightened view on arabs.

Well - as far as I see this 9-11 its one big Hoax, and it has more to do with your current american goverment and their corporate friends, alongside CIA ofcourse, then it has to do with any Arabs.

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Souljah

Well - as far as I see this 9-11 its one big Hoax, and it has more to do with your current american goverment and their corporate friends, alongside CIA ofcourse, then it has to do with any Arabs.

Do you have any evidence of this besides hearsay? I really have no problem with your opinions its just you turn everything into a hate america fest.

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by cryptorsa1001
Syrian Sister, why don't you put your money were your mouth is and go to Iraq and fight with the insurgency. Maybe you could aspire to become a suicide bomber. Or is the comfort of Australia too much for you to tear yourself away from? Having a strong conviction is one thing but not doing anything about your conviction is simply spineless.

HEY - dont repeat after me!

And have some Respect for my Sister here!

"I guess you do put your money where your mouth is", by fighting alongside the Coalition Forces in Iraq?

Or are you just another "armchair general"?

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Do you have any evidence of this besides hearsay? I really have no problem with your opinions its just you turn everything into a hate america fest.


Man, this site is FULL of it- type 9-11 in the search engine.

Or try Google and find for yourself, brother.

And, if America is what your goverment is representing the World right now - they DAMN RIGHT, I AM ANTI AMERICAN!

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Souljah

And, if America is what your goverment is representing the World right now - they DAMN RIGHT, I AM ANTI AMERICAN!

You have got problems. Besides that i dont think your country owns the moral high ground.

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Besides that i dont think your country owns the moral high ground.

So you know everything about my Country also?

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 10:20 AM
no, but were they not the ones who were "ethnic cleansing" or in other words commiting genocide?

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
no, but were they not the ones who were "ethnic cleansing" or in other words commiting genocide?

Wait a minute - the country that I come from, Slovenia, there were NOT ethnic cleansings happening. In fact we received the most of the refugees from conflict zones in the former Yugoslavia.

So please - dont talk about something, you have no idea of!

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 10:44 AM
just a question souljah, you speak really good english to come from that part of the world where did you learn it?

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
just a question souljah, you speak really good english to come from that part of the world where did you learn it?

I learned it from english books, well first english comic books, then books and later when we got satellite tv, from english speaking channels - and ofcourse in school for 8 years.

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