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Pro-Israel bias found in US TV news

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posted on May, 20 2005 @ 07:45 AM
For the statement, written above you get mine Way Above Top Secret Award.

You have voted twitchy for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

I just wish there were MORE people like you - Wide Awake with Open Eyes.

Thank You!

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
Just a thought. Could it be, possibly, because the attacks on Israel have been directed purely at civilians, much like the attacks on 9-11, while Israeli attacks have been directed towards Hamas and other terrorist networks?

Um...the Israelis have targeted civilians, for your information. They have attacked and bulldozed entire villages just to hunt down one or two terrorists. So the Israelis are as guilty of terrorizing the Palestinians.

No media is unbiased. If you believe any media source is unbiased, you are truly guillable. It simply is different shades and slants of bias.

I do not like the country of Israel. My experiences with them have been less than pleasant, and I find them arrogant, ruthless, untrustworthy, and racist. Yet the Palestinians are no more innocent. They, and the other Arab nations that support them, are guilty of perpetuating a continued tribal warfare that has been going on for thousands of years. Its stupid, wasteful, yet both sides really have no desire to end the violence. If they did, there would be some sacrifices made. Both sides want to cling to their miserable, homicidal superstitions and religous or idealogical institutions.

My problem is that my govoernment gives billions of dollars a year in aid to Israel, which is a wealthy, industrialized, devloped country. Giving a country like Israel that much money in aid would be like our govoernment giving Bill gates millions of dollars a year in welfare. There is absolutely no good justification for giving Israel this money. They repay us by stirring up conflicts that we get dragged into, setting up spy rings and extortion rackets in this country, smuggling drugs here, strong arming or spying on government employees (see Israeli Art Student Racket).

Oh yeah, and there was the attack on the USS Liberty, which those who know what Im talking about, we can see the arrogance and contempt Israel regards its only friend and patron in the world. Wer should not reward such a racist, underhanded and unscrupulous country with billions in aid, which would be better spent in truly needy countries to devlop good will, trust, and friendhsip.

However, Israel has a right to exist. Beofre its creation, Jews have been at the mercy of hateful, bigoted host nations that have persecuted and massacred them with impunity, the Holocaust being the climax in this cycle. There was no other choice: jews needed a homeland after thousands of years wandering, lest they continued to become victims of one anti-semite government after another. The main perpetrators of Jewish abuse were European nations, especially the nations of Spain, Germany, and Russia. Yet strangely, these same countries silently oppose the existance of Israel, and behind the scenes, give money to their enemies to help destroy Israel. So, Europe has shown that it did not want Jews living there, yet when a Jewish homeland opens up so that millions of Jews can leave their host nations, they try and destroy it from behind the scenes. This sends a message they either are sadistic and simply want to torment Jews, or they want them utterly destroyed. And the Arabs are more than willing to oblige them, as the Arabs and Jews have been blood enemies since Issac and Ishamel. Since the day Israel was created, Arabs declared war on them.

And Israel is more than happy to stir up # with them to push for war.

We have two sides of the conflict, both are guilty as sin, so both are equally to blame. We have one powerful country giving billions of dollars upfront to Israel, we have acoalition of nations across the ocean who keep funneling support to Israel's enemies from behind the scenes.

And the media in both Europe and America will continue to paint whatever picture suits their side of the fence best.

I think the first step in getting out of this nasty mess would be both America and Europe completely cutting off any aid to either side. At least, if the Arabs and Jews wish to carry on their ages old juvinile conflict., they can do it without a friggin dime from us.

I personally think some of the reasons the US favors aiding Israel is because of fundementalist Christianity, which still believes the Jews are god's chosen, and the powerful pro Israeli lobby in Washington.

But its not just our media who holds bias in this conflict. Go to mainland Europe, and youll see the opposite: Jews demonized and Palestinians shown as unarmed innocents who did nothing wrong.

Your choice: pick your BS burger and which condiments you would like served on it.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by junglejake
Just a thought. Could it be, possibly, because the attacks on Israel have been directed purely at civilians, much like the attacks on 9-11, while Israeli attacks have been directed towards Hamas and other terrorist networks?

Isn't this amazing! Israel uses American made F-16s to kill children in the West Bank, Gaza and Lebenon. The Butcher of Beruit didn't exactly single out soldiers of mass execution in Lebenon. Israel kills civillians at a truely staggering pace and the remainder of the gutless world turns their back. Oh yes, by the way, when you get forced out of your home at gunpoint and moved to a concentration camp as the Palestinians had happen to them, do you think you will recognize any of the people who now occupy your house, men, women or children, as "innocent". There are no innocent Israelis.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 02:05 AM
What really makes me is Israel claiming that they have some divine right to the lands, when in reality, if it wasn't for Britain and the US, Israel would still be a scattered and obscure cult. They aren't the first people to cross the River Jordan, hell if the lands in question belong to anybody, they belong to the Edomites, who were decent enough to grant passage. They got wiped out for their samaritism. What if I came up to you and told you that you were going to have to leave your home because I was a descendant of Edom that was scattered across the globe thousands of years ago, my god told me your land was mine, so your going to have to go live on this 'reservation' and learn what Infitada means. If you don't, these big friends of mine are going to stomp the piss out of you and demonize you to the rest of the world.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 02:10 AM
Makes you wonder if the israelis think their actions are justified because of the holocaust.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Makes you wonder if the israelis think their actions are justified because of the holocaust.

If you are interested in Isreali - Palestine conflict, I suggest you read a book by Noam Chomsky,

Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians

Here is an exceprt from this book:

The historically unique U.S.-Israel alliance has been based on the perception that Israel is a "strategic asset," fulfilling U.S. goals in the region in tacit alliance with the Arab facade in the Gulf and other regional protectors of the family dictatorships, and performing services elsewhere. Those who see Israel's future as an efficient Sparta, at permanent war with its enemies and surviving at the whim of the U.S., naturally want that relationship to continue — including, it seems, much of the organized American Jewish community, a fact that has long outraged Israeli doves. The doctrine is explained by General (ret.) Shlomo Gazit, former head of Israeli military intelligence and a senior official of the military administration of the occupied territories. After the collapse of the USSR, he writes,"Israel's main task has not changed at all, and it remains of crucial importance. Its location at the center of the Arab Muslim Middle East predestines Israel to be a devoted guardian of stability in all the countries surrounding it. Its [role] is to protect the existing regimes: to prevent or halt the processes of radicalization and to block the expansion of fundamentalist religious zealotry." To which we may add: performing dirty work that the U.S. is unable to undertake itself because of popular opposition or other costs. The conception has its grim logic. What is remarkable is that advocacy of it should be identified as "support for Israel."

With some translation, Gazit's analysis seems plausible. We have to understand "stability" to mean maintenance of specific forms of domination and control, and easy access to resources and profits. And the phrase "fundamentalist religious zealotry," as noted, is a code word for a particular form of "radical nationalism" that threatens "stability."

Here are some more chapters of this book:

South End Press

Institute of Historical Review

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 06:22 AM
Hey, thanks souljah for the link, you always come up with some interesting and pretty respectable stuff

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 03:03 AM
Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein are just about the only rational Jews in the USA when it comes to this subject. I hated Chomsky in school, lingusitics via adverbs--what a crock or crap--yet on almost everything else he is right on the money and I am not a lefty.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 03:47 AM
Well, this has been one of the most interesting threads Ive ever read.

And twitchy, damn that was a good post...incredible. You just opened my eyes up to a few things. Honestly, thats the best post Ive ever read on ATS in 2 years.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 06:28 AM
Guess that's why the US is planning to give support to the Palestinians.......

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 07:14 PM
No bias in the media? What turnip truck did you fall off of?
The news media plays right into the hands of the terrorists (Palestinians), by spreading only the portions of the conflict that put Israel in the worst light.

Amazing how the Israelis are painted as being the invaders in the land.
Could not be farther from the truth. The Palestians are the invaders.

When the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations gave the land title to Israel, the slogan was "A land with no people for a people with no land" ( or something of that effect). While there were indigenous tribes there, it was a barren wasteland of swamps and deserts that man could scarcely live in.
Go read your history, see if I'm lying.
( Of course, if you're American, you wouldn't know because the government has constantly rewritten and changed the history books , the same way they accused the Soviets of doing in the 60s, as they looked down their noses at them for it)
The Jewish settlers moved in, gave their sweat and blood, faced malaria, and other things, but eventually the desert began to bloom.
The simple truth of the matter is the land belongs to Israel, deeded by the one true God, the Palestinians will never let there be peace because all they want is to drive Israel into the sea, they do not want peace.
Surah 9:5 makes it plain that Islaam is to 'kill the infidels where it can find them'. It gives instructions to make pacts with them or whatever it needs to do, honor is of no value. There is nothing I can see that's peaceful about Islaam.
The conflict goes back to Abraham's two sons, Isaac and Ishmael.
It will never go away until the end of time.
You can take all I say with a grain of salt if you like; facts are facts, you can't change them.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by banjo_guru
The Palestians are the invaders.

Now there's an informed opinion...

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by twitchy

Originally posted by banjo_guru
The Palestians are the invaders.

Now there's an informed opinion...


Poor Isreali's! - these friggin Palestinians dont give them any Peace at all - they are attacking them since Day One!

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by banjo_guru
No bias in the media? What turnip truck did you fall off of?
The news media plays right into the hands of the terrorists (Palestinians), by spreading only the portions of the conflict that put Israel in the worst light.

Amazing how the Israelis are painted as being the invaders in the land.
Could not be farther from the truth. The Palestians are the invaders.

When the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations gave the land title to Israel, the slogan was "A land with no people for a people with no land" ( or something of that effect). While there were indigenous tribes there, it was a barren wasteland of swamps and deserts that man could scarcely live in.
Go read your history, see if I'm lying.
( Of course, if you're American, you wouldn't know because the government has constantly rewritten and changed the history books , the same way they accused the Soviets of doing in the 60s, as they looked down their noses at them for it)
The Jewish settlers moved in, gave their sweat and blood, faced malaria, and other things, but eventually the desert began to bloom.
The simple truth of the matter is the land belongs to Israel, deeded by the one true God, the Palestinians will never let there be peace because all they want is to drive Israel into the sea, they do not want peace.
Surah 9:5 makes it plain that Islaam is to 'kill the infidels where it can find them'. It gives instructions to make pacts with them or whatever it needs to do, honor is of no value. There is nothing I can see that's peaceful about Islaam.
The conflict goes back to Abraham's two sons, Isaac and Ishmael.
It will never go away until the end of time.
You can take all I say with a grain of salt if you like; facts are facts, you can't change them.

I think I know you. You are David Asman of FOX News. He said things like "We know Saddam has weapons of mass destruction", hyping the invasion.

Israelis--yes, they are such open minded, tolerant, fair-playing, equal opportunity, non-descriminatory people. Would the world be even better with more Israelis in it---well of course---the would is always better off with more rather than less Jews in it. After all a Jewish life is worth thousands of Palestinian lives, aren't they? After all, since the Jews arrived the USA has laid down enough dollar bills to completely cover Israel to a depth of several feet in greenbacks. No wonder Israel is so green and lush. And look at how the Israelis treat their friends--they never spy on them or sell their secrets to the Chinese for cold hard case--do they? And they would never even think of illegally funneling money to politicians so that the flow of billions of USD to Israel--the pipeline--would remain uninterrupted. You know, I don't really think Senator Hillary R. Clinton's chief fundraiser, David Rosen, the guy who under reported a million dollars at a fundraiser in a private Beverly Hills home---who got the "campaign contribution" from an as yet unnamed "Hollywood personality"---yea--I don't believe for one minute that David Rosen is even Jewish. What would the world do without Israelis?

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 02:30 PM
All the crap about a Jewish plot is just that.
David Rosen, or whoever; a crook is a crook, and the whole Clinton camp fits that description, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or agnostic.
Facts is still facts, the middle east battle still goes back to Issac and Ishmael, and the Palestinians will never be happy until Israel is completely destroyed.
They want peace about as much as Slick Willy wants a chastity lock on his genitals.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 03:24 PM
By now you should know that israel has very powerful control things but the worst thing is that us Arab we dont go along together with each other where Lebenon-Syria are getting tenser and forgeting the bigger danger.

I seen a couple docementry comparing one life with another directly and indirectly

There is the CNN which about the "BlackHawk operation" in Somalia where one of the soldiers said

The Life of one Amercian is equal to the life of 10,000 somalis

This is a bit Harsh in a way because we are all the same at the end we all end up dead.

And there was the BBC stuff where one the Isreal militian attacked a reporter and the translator the worst part is that the person who was one the tank was an Arab not an Isreal and he was puting loud music and making fun of them while there life is on the line. I think the Camera man dead i dont remeber .

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 03:30 PM
All media is biased.
We are taking notice of a site with an overt anti american and anti Irsael bias talking about bias themselves.

Talk about throwing stones in glasshouses.

So what? Is there a point to this? I wouldn't give Al jaz the vailidity it craves on this, anti american and anti israel article.

The entire concept of a biased news agancy pointing out biasness is stupid...

[edit on 22-6-2005 by Netchicken]

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 03:33 PM
I take it you are Arab, so just in case you don't know about the American media, you can't believe half what they publish.
Their bias is left leaning, and paints a skewed story of everything.
As for the harsh stuff, I agree, but that was some air-head saying that, most Americans are NOT that way.
Banjo Guru

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
All media is biased.
We are taking notice of a site with an overt anti american and anti Irsael bias talking about bias themselves.

Talk about throwing stones in glasshouses.

So what? Is there a point to this? I wouldn't give Al jaz the vailidity it craves on this, anti american and anti israel article.

The entire concept of a biased news agancy pointing out biasness is stupid...

[edit on 22-6-2005 by Netchicken]

about this not everything is wrong sometimes some thing are right.

As for all baise some risk there life just to give the news. There are many Jazira reporters amd corspont died in Iraq by Amercain troops. Tought job.

It rude to call it stupid because those risked there lives just for use to some stuff. Sometime al-Jazira talks with the Iraq people they are the ones who liveing it and sometime they talk to the Palestine they are the ones who lived it we just hear or see in the TV and say what are this guys doing .

About the anti-Amercain and Anit-Isreal thats they way the people hear look toward them or you but consider the media there is anti-Arab and anti-Islamic also so its the same thing just different ways.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 05:43 PM
What I considered stupid (maybe not the correct word) was the concept of a pro arab, anti america and anti israel biased news organization, pointing the finger at other news agencies callling them pro-american and pro israel.

Now if american news agencies said "Look AJ is pro arab, anti american, and anti israeli" what would be the reaction here? Nothing except to say that it is self evident. And for this it is self evident as well.

There is no neutral media, that is one of the first things you learn about media reporting.

All news is all colored by the organization who pumps it out. To assume that it is neutral or should be neutral is niave, it can never be that way.

All you do is select a news agency to follow and believe that matches your OWN biasness. So not only is the sender of the information biased, so is the reciever of the information.

So a thread like this is merely people talking about their own biasness in relation to the biasness of the news organization.

[edit on 22-6-2005 by Netchicken]

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