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About 1 an half years ago i posted about seeing a UFO like a STAR but when military came along it mo

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posted on May, 15 2005 @ 05:49 AM
About 1 an half years ago i posted about seeing a UFO like a STAR but when military came along it moved an left weird green traial of light behind it, way it moved was unlike any craft known today could move like, weird little half circle then instantl full circle and a spiral upwards then round an round an all that in like 10 seconds or so then it just dissapeared.

WELL i was looking out my window other night an i should say i have moved since i saw UFO, and i saw the NOrth star in sky and near it was something that was very very similar if not exactly same as the UFO star like glow of diff colours from distance, in 1 an half years i have not seen anything same as it except on these 2 occasions, very spooky weird like its just observing us fromm distance, i cant be sure if it was UFO this time like last time though but it sure looked same an wasnt moving from what i saw which was like last time until military jets flew by an helicopters too thats when the 1st one i saw moved (it looked like a star but diff colours came from it if you just glanced up at it you would thought nothing of it but i was actually looking at sky for bit longer thats how i noticed it first time, it stayed still for like 3hrs i think it was rest you know from above)

i was wondering of anyone else has recently seen anything similar as at time of first sighting i had other people in USA were seeing these things too and i live in UK.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 07:40 AM
My sighting involved 2 lights on the craft wich sort of emulated star light. They were very weak, but just a tad stronger than ordinary starlight, and they had that characteristic twinkle that stars have, only it seemed it was a little off, just a little different/fast to be actual atmospheric interference. Hope it helps.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 07:58 AM
I have, as have others, seen the same pulsing star-like UFO in Wisconsin. Did it pulse red, white, green and blue? When I saw it the back ground stars were dim in comparison.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 11:40 AM
I saw something like this last night, but identified it.
I saw a star that appeared to ocassionally sway, and which appeared to glow red, green and white. (i know you're thinking aircraft nav lights, but it wasn't).

I did some looking up, checked and found it that it was actually the constellation canis minor, which has a double star, and then after looking in an astronomy book at home i found out that double stars can appear to be several different coulours due to the atmosphere refracting light (or something like that anyway). The swaying was just an illusion too.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 03:31 PM
this is about the 1st sighting i had 1 half years ago:

yes it did pulse rotate red,blue, green, sort of yellow white, fairly often it was motionless for hours when i watched it thoru binoculars and when military planes did come along it moved dunno why but it mustve of feared the planes an choppers i heard cause like 7 planes over flew at fast speed very fast speed thats when it moved an left weird green trail an it colour changed to green which was deff not star lke but like an ilumious green hmm sort of pale green did some funny manuvaours and disapeared upwards, about 10 mins after the planes flew by buzzing area there mustve been like 15 choppers fly over big choppers like double blades choppers very loud it was lasted like for 25 mins or so then they died out the sound into distance.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 03:45 PM
Blobby, do you live near a military airfield? I know here, when I lived between Camp Pendleton and 29 Palms, there were always huge formations of choppers. It was right before the Iraq War. Fighter jets arent too uncommon either, since there are tons of air bases around this area.

Assuming your military commanders spotted this UFO on radar, I dont think sending in slow moving, low armored choppers is going to stop anything. I would think the choppers would be a coincidence. Also with that many choppers in formation, they would produce a loud noise for a longer time than maybe just one would.

Also, it is possible your government is working with the UFO and the choppers were there in some kind of support role, or to give a ligitamate excuse for any sightings.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 12:45 PM
Fall '02 , North Texas ,I had a sighting up close of a luminus sphere that looked alot like a yardlight from a distance. Up close at 50 yards it clearly wasn't anything I can recognize . I'm estimating the size to be about the size of a beach ball. It had many rays of light eminating from it and they moved slowly and as they moved the colors of individual rays changed colors. Sounds similar to your sighting though not exactly.

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