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My trip to Groom Lake. And a possible sighting of the "Fastmover".

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posted on May, 15 2005 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by White Widow
Phantom I did some looking around, and found a "black project" craft that could possibly have been what my team saw.

The SHARC - Subsonic High Alpha Research Concept.
( - Black Projects - Other known projects) They got a damn nice convincing pic of the craft at NASA Langley Research Center.

It's way smaller than most one-man fighters.

It is said that its very possible that the craft could be in the testing process. It tops out at MACH 8. The craft that I saw out ran the two Thetas almost instanly.
As for the engines sound. The SHARC in a single engined jet, must be a large engine to reach MACH 8. They say the only thing strange it that the air intake which is located underneath the cockpit, seems to be too small for an engine that produces so much power.

We assume that it may not be as large as said. But rather two very small engines that could produce tremendous speed, so that the size of the craft can be reduced for better manuverability.

I agree with, of the way a craft with this speed would be needed. MACH 8 is probably mind bending in a craft thats half the size of an F15.

This could explain why firefighters were dispatched. If the pilot was new then A51 probably to precautions. A pilot flying MACH 8 craft for the first time might be a little "rusty."

[edit on 15-5-2005 by White Widow]
This sounds accurate. I live les than 15 miles from langley Research center. Im going to check out the plane you are talking about on the site right quick and tell you what i think. As for the green light ive heard a lot about green lights on testbed planes and etc. Ive also heard about research at area 51 into:
1. Advanced cockpit design
2. A variable geometry wing design plane with variable stabilizers.
3. a somewhat super thrust vectoring engine.

Also in About August 2004 a White sands scientist said 12 planes are soon to be declassified and 4 of them being manned so we just have to wait i gaurantee you your plane will be one of the 4. The same guy also said that weve tested far beyond star wars things in the past and present. And from what i hear about the time the raptor was declassified we moved on to the drawing board for the replacement. That how it works when one plane begins to enter service the replacement is already thought out even though it maybe 20 or so years in advance. We are far beyond the age of just upgrading radar systems and etc. we basically are just going to replace planes more rapidly from here on out.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 12:48 PM

This image was taken on: Oct 30, 1994.

I am starting to take it seriously now that my team and I may have quite possibly witnessed the SHARC. The more we study our findings the more we can utilize the information. It makes more sence that it is a SHARC because of the speed and manuverability it showed that night.

This is an intersting read.

[edit on 15-5-2005 by White Widow]

[edit on 15-5-2005 by White Widow]

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 01:21 PM
If it can go mach 8 then why in hell do they call it SubsonicHARC

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 01:25 PM
Nice story man i wish i could of been there to hear it i bet it was fun heh next time i suggest you bring a scanner with you and punch in the frequencies so you can hear whats going on the ground such as the cammo dudes. Im a scanner buff i own one usual scanner and one digital the standard one runs around $150-$200 and the digital cost me $300 on ebay
but runs for more then 500 because you need a digital card, i doubt they have gone digital but i suggest you check it out and you can check google just type in area 51 frequencies should we some good listening i wish i had time to go there and do that.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by phantompatriot
If it can go mach 8 then why in hell do they call it SubsonicHARC

Very good point. Also, I'm assuming that you didn't hear the aircraft break the sound barrier, in which case I think the "thetas", assuming they were F-15s, could have stayed with Jacob, but didn't (my bet is that they were there for a different reason).

Just two add my two cents: Assuiming that the aircraft traveled at very high speeds but stayed subsonic, and the ATC was continually asking about the status of the pilot, I would guess that they were probably testing some kind of thrust vectoring system and/or construction technique to to how well the pilot and aircraft handle high G loading while manuevering.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 01:54 PM
Phantom I have no idea why its called SubsonicHARC.

Shadowman, thats a great idea about scanning the ground. The next time we go I'll be sure to grab scanners. Know of any good makes?

Para. That is true. When I read your comment about the craft breaking the sound barrier I went back to my findings. And no, there is no sound of the craft breaking it, although it did move extremely fast compared to the Thetas. And that is a good point about the Vectoring system.

Thanks all.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by White Widow
Know of any good makes?

Sure i do, you want something that has range and can pick up a good signal i suggest you get a handheld scanner(s). The two companys that are great and come to my mind are radioshack and uniden both make great scanners. I own a pro-95 and its great for scanning and my digital one is made by uniden, I HIGHLY doubt they have gone digital even though they are the government. I suggest you get a radioshack handheld scanners because they are cheaper and are rugged and can pick up a good signal from miles away. I can provide you with links to both companys and prices so you can see and know what you are planning to buy, I suggest getting th pro-95 like i have because its fairly easy to use and it will work with the known area 51 frequencies. Also if you dont know how to work a scanner ask someone at the company or call up and ask them how to show you to program frequencies so you know what to do when you get there or program them before you go so all you have to do is scan and listen or just read the manuals. If your gonna be far far away i suggest you get a bigger antenna so you can hear everything going. Also most scanners take 4 double A batteries.

RadioShack Scanners
RadioShack Pro 95
Uniden Scanners
Portable Scanner Antennas
Area 51 Frequencies

[edit on 15-5-2005 by ShadowMan]

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 03:51 PM
Update on current status.

Paul and I have been trying to clean up a section of the audio that we think can answer some questions, don't worry sooner or later we'll get the whole thing clear. Anyway, here's what was made of it, transcribed:

(What we think is one of the Thetas): "He's too hot"
A51 Tower: "Slow down...(couldn't understand)"
Theta 1 or 2: "Thats good enough"
Jacob 1 kept answering "Okay" through out that section of audio.

Paul and I timed the audio to picture. What resulted was, when Theta 1 or 2 said "He's too hot" probably meant he was overheating or he was going way too fast, since they were not near Jacob 1.

Then A51 possibly told Jacob 1 to slow down.

Could Theta 1 and 2 be training Jacob 1's pilot? Could the pilots of Theta be vets and flying Jacob 1?

Any thoughts / opinions?

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 03:53 PM
Shadowman, thanks very much for the tips on scanners. I think we'll buy a digital just to keep handy. You never know with A51.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by White Widow
Shadowman, thanks very much for the tips on scanners. I think we'll buy a digital just to keep handy. You never know with A51.

Sounds good, if you need any more info just ask ill be happy to help.

Also with the uniden digital scanner you need to buy a digital card thats seperate that goes into the back of the scanner. Or Just get the radioshack pro-96 and you wont have to worry about cards and its cheaper and its the most advanced scanner on the market today,check it out i suggest it.

RadioShack Pro96

[edit on 15-5-2005 by ShadowMan]

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 04:53 PM
" "fastmovers" were confirmed to be "Birds of Prey" but the same source claimed BOP to be a "modified F-15" which is wrong. Bird of prey is a UAV so it wouldnt be talking to a control tower. so if you saw a fastmover then the fast mover isnt a BOP and if you saw something else then it wasnt a fastmover..."

This thing, whatever it was, could not have been a BoP. That program has been cancelled for quite a while, and it now resides in a museum. I am curious, however, to know why some people think it was referred to as "Fastmover", considerring it was definately a subsonic and even underpowerred aircraft.

There is a long recording of tower radio traffic dealing with a Fastmover and a Janet flight (as well as fire crews), but i'm not sure when it was taken. It is possible that the moniker Fastmover refers to several types of aircraft; ie, any supersonic, classified project. Hence, the pilot was expressing his... well, joy, that this aircraft really lived up to the moniker.

[edit on 15-5-2005 by TheeStateMachine]

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 04:56 PM
White Widow- Have you considered writing in to one of the radio mags, such as Monitoring Times? They'd love info on the freq's and times of the radio signals you were able to pick up.

Also, I would recommend getting an unblocked scanner, as a lot of federal agencies are switching over to the 800mhz band. Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but make sure it can do trunking as well (the winradio I believe can do trunking and be unblocked via a software patch, but I'm assuming you want one for the skies and one for the ground.)

-koji K.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by White Widow
(What we think is one of the Thetas): "He's too hot"
A51 Tower: "Slow down...(couldn't understand)"
Theta 1 or 2: "Thats good enough"
Jacob 1 kept answering "Okay" through out that section of audio.

Paul and I timed the audio to picture. What resulted was, when Theta 1 or 2 said "He's too hot" probably meant he was overheating or he was going way too fast, since they were not near Jacob 1.

I'll throw my two cents out there again (almost a nickel so far for those of you keeping count). "He's too hot" could mean a few things, but since you mentioned that Jacob was going on and off radar for both the ATC and F-15s, it could mean that he was pentrating the envelope of some sort of active-stealth technology with whatever he was doing. Or, it could mean that he was pushing the aircraft beyond what the F-15 pilots though was sustainable for the airframe of the test aircraft. Lastly, it could be taken in the literal sense to assume that the aircraft was getting to hot, but I have no clue how the F-15 pilots would know that, especially while in-flight.

I doubt the F-15s were providing any kind of assistance to the pilot of the test aircraft. I would guess that they were there to provide a defensive perimiter in the off chance that someone penetrated restricted airspace (fat chance) but more to provide airborne radar feedeback to corroborate with the ATC's radar. From sheer assumption, it seems to me like you witnessed a test of a new stealth technology of some sort, if it indeed happened.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 09:39 AM
Para, I got about a buck-five from you, lol j/k.

Anyway, I agree, how could the Thetas monitor Jacob 1's craft to say he's overheating? We threw that senario out the window.

We believe they may have meant his speed. Jacob 1's pilot was probably pushing the craft to its limits.

Para, Paul and I are hoping that by the end of May to have most of the audio cleaned. But we'll give you a heads up, it may be a little difficult to understand it at some points.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by White Widow]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:44 PM
Update on our progress:

Hey folks,
Paul and I got to a section of the audio that caught our attention. Alot of beeps and clicks were going off, we don't know who's they are. We assume Jacob 1 but it could have been the Theta's. We can't really understand whats being said for those 2 minutes of audio, only some words here and there, too much distortion. We'll keep posting.

End of the month the audio should be cleaned (to the best of our abilities).

Take care all,
White Widow.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 03:49 PM
Upload the audio to yousendit cause im good with audio editing, i can tell you if theres anything i can do.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:06 PM
Thanks for the offer Phantom, but Paul and I can manage it, we're using Pro Tools to clean up the audio. It just takes time, we play segments over and over to hear and try to understand whats being said.

Once again thanks for the offer.

White Widow.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:22 PM
The "plane" can not go in and out of stealth mode, what it can do though is transmit a signal making its aircraft noticeable to other friendlies.

I think its call FAI or some accronym like that. Its a radio transponder type deal that allows Friendly Stealth aircraft to be picked up by other friendly stealth compliant systems to see the stealth aircraft, that way tower control and other aircraft dont run into them on accident.

both the F117 and B2 has this system as well as I am sure the F22 and YF-35.

If the system is off, and the a/c is not transmitting any radio signals that can be coorelated to the radar system, then the aircraft is invisable. If the system is on, the aircraft is still virtually invisable to the radar sweep but instead returns a type of encrypted aircraft identifier on their radar screen which turns up a marker where the aircraft is in real time. Thus allowing the other "operators" to see him.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
The "plane" can not go in and out of stealth mode, what it can do though is transmit a signal making its aircraft noticeable to other friendlies.

I think its call FAI or some accronym like that. Its a radio transponder type deal that allows Friendly Stealth aircraft to be picked up by other friendly stealth compliant systems to see the stealth aircraft, that way tower control and other aircraft dont run into them on accident.

both the F117 and B2 has this system as well as I am sure the F22 and YF-35.

If the system is off, and the a/c is not transmitting any radio signals that can be coorelated to the radar system, then the aircraft is invisable. If the system is on, the aircraft is still virtually invisable to the radar sweep but instead returns a type of encrypted aircraft identifier on their radar screen which turns up a marker where the aircraft is in real time. Thus allowing the other "operators" to see him.

Probably or it could be new stealth technology. Cloaking on demand.
Hopefully the tower, the Thetas or the Jacob 1 pilot might have said something about the technology while we recorded.

Only time will tell.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by White Widow]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by robertfenix
The "plane" can not go in and out of stealth mode, what it can do though is transmit a signal making its aircraft noticeable to other friendlies.

I think its call FAI or some accronym like that. Its a radio transponder type deal that allows Friendly Stealth aircraft to be picked up by other friendly stealth compliant systems to see the stealth aircraft, that way tower control and other aircraft dont run into them on accident.

both the F117 and B2 has this system as well as I am sure the F22 and YF-35.

If the system is off, and the a/c is not transmitting any radio signals that can be coorelated to the radar system, then the aircraft is invisable. If the system is on, the aircraft is still virtually invisable to the radar sweep but instead returns a type of encrypted aircraft identifier on their radar screen which turns up a marker where the aircraft is in real time. Thus allowing the other "operators" to see him.

Its called IFF, Identify friend or Foe. Almost all planes have them now days. It is what enables planes to fly over friendly sam sites and AA defense networks and not be fired upon.BTW White widow can you upload it to yousendit or rapidshare anyways so we can hear it and get on it a little bit.

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