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Something weird happend to me today, very weird!

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posted on May, 14 2005 @ 01:48 PM
Everything I'm about to say is 100% true! I work at a grocery store. At about 8am this morning a large guy walked past me and was looking at me funny. He was wearing a green Navy one peice suit and had an ear peice in his ear. I stoped him and asked him about Area 51, UFOs and alien technology. He said Nellis AFB lies about Area 51 and that underground laboratories DO exist there! Also he said there's stuff there that would shock society and he said he couldn't say anything more. He has a Top Secret clearance with the Navy. So I thought that was cool I was happy the rest of the day and now I know alien technology does exist at Area 51 or at least he implied that.......

[edit on 14-5-2005 by meshuggah1324]

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 01:51 PM
Hmm, how are you sure that what he said was true and that he really has a TS clearance? It seems kind of weird that we would admit that alien technologies are true to a random person that approaches him at the grocery.

[edit on 14-5-2005 by Omniscient]

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 01:56 PM
He said his TS clearance was nothing compaired to what you need to work at Area 51. The guy was real, and I'm not making this up. I would never do such a thing. He had all kinds of Navy stuff on his green jump suit and had an ear peice with a white wire going into his jump suit. After I mentioned alien technology he kinda just walked away from me. I also mentioned Richard Doty and he said he knows about him. Believe what you want, but this was great and now we can lay to rest the question about undergroud laboratories at Area 51 because they do exist.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 01:59 PM
I don't mean to say that you were lying, but maybe that he was lying to you. It just sounds to weird to me that military personnel would walk into a grocery store with a TS clearance and release information to the first person that asks them about it. I don't question that it may of happened though, just maybe that he was lying to you.

[edit on 14-5-2005 by Omniscient]


posted on May, 14 2005 @ 02:04 PM
he was probably just bull#ting you man

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 02:09 PM
He wasn't bull#ting! I was talking to him man to man. I could tell if he was bull#ting. He was looking me dead in the eye. He didn't say anything specific, but he did admit to the underground labs at Area 51 and stuff that would shock society when I asked him about alien technology. Trust me, you weren't there. I could tell the guy wasn't bull#ting me. I didn't ask him about this as if I were joking and he didn't answer me like he was joking......

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 02:09 PM
Let me further my reason on why I find this hard to believe. I had an uncle that had a TS clearance, he was ALWAYS gone, it was very hard to ever locate him or know anything about where he was. I've seen him maybe once or twice, but that's about it. During those encounters with him, he would never discuss any type of government information, secrets, anything about facilities that he'd visited, nothing. He would just try to change the subject and leave. I told my father to try to ask him some of the same questions as I was desperate to know. My father did so, and was left with the same thing, my uncle trying to change the subject and would never talk about anything. This is why it seems kind of weird to me that he would walk up and even reveal a LITTLE bit of top secret goverment information to a person that he didn't even know.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by meshuggah1324
He said his TS clearance was nothing compaired to what you need to work at Area 51. The guy was real, and I'm not making this up. I would never do such a thing. He had all kinds of Navy stuff on his green jump suit and had an ear peice with a white wire going into his jump suit. After I mentioned alien technology he kinda just walked away from me. I also mentioned Richard Doty and he said he knows about him. Believe what you want, but this was great and now we can lay to rest the question about undergroud laboratories at Area 51 because they do exist.

Huh, should we just close the forum then? Wait, before we do... would you mind picking out the green jumpsuit he was wearing? It'll help us determine his specific clearance level for super secret Area 51 stuff and grocery store errands.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 02:13 PM
BTW, I'd say that you wouldn't be able to get in without this one..

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 02:18 PM
You people are retarded! He was wearing a dark green jump suit like you've seen Air Force people wear! But he said he works for the Navy and the suits look the same which IS true. He had those Navy things patched all over him like when you're high ranking. I'm not going to defend myself anymore. This happened and none of you were there.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 02:21 PM
Ha, don't take it personally, I'm just trying to say that it's highly highly unlikely that a navy officer with a TS clearance level would walk into the local grocery and disclose information to a person that works there unless they were of equal or higher status than themselves.


posted on May, 14 2005 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by meshuggah1324
I could tell if he was bull#ting. He was looking me dead in the eye.

actually when talking about a remote subject, a healthy person reaches to right upper corner of his vision with his eyes to gather the visual data. and a person who exhibits no eye movement is not normal and generally sign of a forced expression and there is very high possibility that this person is lying. and this behaviour is really emphasized in the body language reading articles, if a person is looking you in the eye without any expression when talking about a topic, then s/he is either being defensive or s/he is lying, even if these are not 100% precise rules they are 90% precise.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 03:10 PM
call me retarded or whatever needs to be done, but what does a guy in the navy have to do with a base in the desert.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 03:47 PM
First of all my computer has a virus so forgive me if I can't reply as fast as I used to. The Navy does more than just stuff on the water. He looked me in the eye most of the time, but of course he looked in different directions a few times. Why are you picking this apart? He was a Navy guy with a TS clearance and my helper who I work with at the grocercy store said he went to school with his song in 7th grade and his dad was in the Navy then, so he's been in it for many years. I don't know what else to say. If you're going to be skeptical, then fine. No one else was around when I was talking to him at 8am! We didn't talk very long, maybe 1 minute! I'm done, this happened and is real.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 04:12 PM
This topic was labeled "something weird happened to me today" .. and you know what? YOU ARE RIGHT! It is VERY WEIRD for a military man with TS clearance to talk about such things in ANY way at all (specially with an ear piece in his ear which usually are also mics, so someone had to hear him talking to you) .. I do not doubt this happened to you. And at face value its very very weird.

You DO understand though how people talk about things they "know" when they don't REALLY know what they are talking about though right?

Its quite possible that this guy has just heard as much stuff as we have and not only that but he is IN the military (which is worse then a sewing circle with the lower ranks) so he hears stuff from other enlisted men who also have heard stuff and then thinks the rumors have even MORE weight to them ... so he says these things to you "matter of factly" because he believes them. To you it seems like he "knows something" but he probablly really doesn't because what I've heard about 51 if you even aknowledege you work there you can lose your position and even your freedom. So.. I'm not doubting that this happened to you... you are so right.. something VERY weird happened to you today.. I totally agree.. however what was spoken about between the two of you isn't anymore evidence of what is going on there then UFO magazine photos (perhaps less even).

Right dude?


posted on May, 14 2005 @ 04:15 PM
Wrong. He didn't say "I think there's underground laboratories at Area 51" he said "Yes there's underground laboratories at Area 51" and "Yes there's technology there that would shock society and that's all I can say" as he walked away.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 04:23 PM
Funny Stuff...maybe he was looking at you because he wanted help finding somthing, you do work there....then you jumped to conclusions about what he was wearing so you fed him 20 questions and the guy was probably thinkin "im gunna tell this guy a bunch of phony bull to mess with his mind" and then said what he said and took said he took off
"After I mentioned alien technology he kinda just walked away from me"

Edit: Censor circumvention.

[edit on 14-5-2005 by intrepid]

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 04:26 PM
Yey another admonition to not circumvent the censors.

Edit please.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 04:31 PM
He had many patches that you see on high ranking military people. I asked if he was in the Air Force and he said no Navy. How many times must I say this? I just contacted Bill Hamilton and he said some military people will when approached by someone who they can sense is sincere about the subject blur the truth out in a way that they can. You would have had to have been there. I don't know what else to say. It wasn't just some guy in a green jump suit. You could tell it was a military uniform and that he was high ranking and he was shopping at 8am and no one else was around so he talked to me for about 1 minute. What's hard to believe about that? And I was serious, not some kid being stupid. You won't see me type another word in this thread. I've told you everything I can tell you. Please don't judge what happend because you weren't there. Ufology is my life, and I wouldn't ever lie or stretch the truth.....

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 05:10 PM

Thanks for sharing this. I for one believe you that this happened. However, this is not the first time someone with a high clearence has admitted sensitive information. I am glad for you that you had this personal experience. It will mean nothing to anyone else though.

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