I for one understand exackly how you feel. The world is in such pityfull shape all around us. I'm not going to say i'd fight for my country, but I
would my countrymen and women. Fellow fighters fighting for the same , beside me, moreso for each other.
Well yeah I can understand protecting your neighbours.. IF your country was invaded or something. But whats going on these days? This isn't war for
freedom or safety or any usefull and decent or positive change.
But I understand what you are saying.
This though...
I wish the people could take over and start from scratch. Teach every man to live like God intended. Everyone that steals will lose a finger,
then a hand, then his/her life. Everyone that murders someone would be publicly hung. For everytime anyone was raped, someone would get death by
public beating.
.. that is the stuff that got us in to this mess in the first place. And dude, if you had a country run by the people for the people... sick stuff
like what you are talking about would NOT happen. That stuff happens because of the mess we have made (and btw.. it ONLY happens it seems in the US..
other countries have bigger populations.. and do not have those kind of things happen) out of our country and the mess it makes in peoples lives. Some
of the stuff the state does man... REALLY drives people insane. It really is abuse in a lot of cases. I won't like.... that the guy doesn't have
life in a small room coming to him.... but do you ACTUALLY THINK he is SANE? He isn't.. something DID something to him to make him do that.. think
about what is required to DO what he did... that is a major leap that the brain has to take to do that (or that COP who shot his wife and kids today)
because when it comes down to basic human nature.. I really don't think that we WANT to hurt each other... I think THAT is what TPTB want us to
believe. That there are BAD people by nature.. and I don't think that there are... I think we set people up for thing like that.
I'd bet dollars to donuts that the two guys who did what they did to those defenceless childeren were ALSO abused as childeren. AND I bet they were
on some serious medication that probablly was working against them as well.. they usually are.. I mean.. if they had been WELL medicated.. then that
stuff wouldn't have happened right?.
Well Lets see, If you were recently unemployed our goverment (USA) supplies you with "Unemployment Compensation". If you are starving and are
unemployed they issue "Food Stamps". If you are un educated they issue grants. So if you are in need, the United States actually stands up and helps
us out!
Can you please explain to me why so many of the people in the USA are living BELOW the poverty line? The MAJORITY are stuggling like hell to make ends
meet.. most of them are in unwinable credit card debit situations. Did you know that the most common reason for bankrupsy is unplanned for medical
expencies? In other words.. you get hurt.. you lose your job.. you couldn't even afford insurance in the first place (OR better.. yet.. you use to
have a decent life.. then got injured and the insurence ran out.. THEN your family lost everything). BTW, have you ever used any of the services that
you are talking about? I hope you never do, because they work VERY poorly and in a lot of cases either not for very long or only for certain people.
There are SO MANY insane, homeless people in the USA.. why? And why is a country that is RICH and yet allows that to happen to their population worth
fighting or dying for?
Nothing that can do that to someone.. or allow that to continue.. is worth keeping around. They WANT you to THINK there is a social safety net in
place but its not in the condition YOU THINK it is.. and Bush is thinking about getting rid of what little there is left or haven't you heard?
And btw... I HAVE IT better then anywhere else on the planet (I'm in Canada) .. I HAVE free health care. Why don't you? You have more people, way
more money... your country could afford health care that would make ours look like the dark ages.. but its not implemented for some reason. However..
things are going south.. and whats being done to the USA now in a way was done to my country not to long ago on a smaller scale and over different
issues.. but the end result was the same. Less for the people and more for a select few.. and even then.. there were so many people who thought they
were part of the select few.. and that THEY had it good. And now some of them can't get operated on in time to save their lives because of the state
of our system now (its still not as bad as yours.. still awhile yet before they take our health care away completely).
Besides.. in THIS day and age.. isn't a country that's best solution to MOST problems is to kill and destroy it a thing of the past? So many smart
people and none of them are leading any people.. instead there are rich men who failed school leading you.. why is this? Why is THAT worth DYING
This one is great...
People like you piss me the hell off!!! You talk so much trash about America and act like your country is soooo isnt.
I never ever ever said my country doesn't have problems (number one being you guys to the south.. but that is another story completely). And actually
I'm not picking on any particular country.. I'm asking you if you think that any of the leaders of any of these countries give a god damn about you
personally or your family. This women in Indonesia who got caught alledgedly smuggling in pot.. she was set up and everyone knows that. Why is
australia not mounting a SERIOUS FREEKING campaign to get her back? You think if it was a US person that the US would be there saying "If you go
through with locking up this innoncent women for life or even CONCIDER giving her death then we will cut off millions of dollars in aid and come up
with some excuse to bomb the crap out of your capital.. and don't think we haven't done it before.. because you know our record."? No.. they
wouldn't do that for you or anyone else. Maybe if you were warren buffet and you got caught with 4 pounds of weed that you were smuggling in to the
country at a proffit loss of about $1500 a pound THEN they'd talk to them for you. But otherwise.. no.. they don't care and they are not going to
save you either.. no one is going to save her.
Americans can vote right, We have freedom of speech, freedom of whatever...yeah we have our problems and issues....but at least people like me
try to make a difference...unlike you.
First of all.. I know people who fight to make a difference daily. ATS is fun but it isn't making a difference in your local community or state or
whatever so if that is what you do to make change then.. argh.. anyways. Don't you go judging my activism without knowing me buddy.. you have no idea
what I've done to make things better for people.. and I CAN PROOVE and I CAN GET YOU FAMILIES WHO WILL TELL YOU "VIS MEGA MADE MY LIFE BETTER
BECAUSE HE STOOD UP!" .. so chill out.. I wasn't even attacking YOU or YOUR COUNTRY.. I was attacking all of them.. specially the ones that want you
to go die for them.. they are the last ones that you should do that for.
What bothers me people.. is that we could be doing SO MUCH BETTER right now. Do you not agree? Are you dumb? I don't think you are dumb so lets try
something.. pick a problem in the USA.. ANY problem.. think of a BETTER SOLUTION to the problem then the way the problem is currently being dealt
with. Just do this on your own spare time later and then ask yourself.. if YOU, someone who is NOT DUMB but also has no REAL training in civil and
social structuring.. you are just a 'good' human/citizen .. then if YOU can at least think of a better way to solve the problem that SHOULD work..
shouldn't they be able to figure out a way to solve the problem that WILL work?
And if they can then why are they doing it the way they are doing it now?
The biggest point? War in general.. I mentioned this up a little earlier in the post. I think if a counties BEST way to solve disputes is to kill and
destroy. IF THAT is what it has come to.. that THIS is the way we make progress in the 21st century then why is that worth dying for?
If the message that a country sends to its youth is.. "You are SO NOT worth our time.. you are to die for us.. get maimed for us.. we won't even
equip you properly for the job. We will reduce your benifits when you get back here too. We'll give you DU poisoning because we could care less if
the stuff is toxic or not."
I mean right there.. if they are willing to poison you (or RISK poisoning you in the case of "we are not sure if its bad for you.. use it anyways")
then this is an insitution that you want to throw away your life for?
These are ideals that are worth giving up everything you love for?
Do you REALLY think.. that your country is going to be there for you EVEN AFTER you fight and lose ALMOST everything for their goals?
They are cutting vets benifits all over the place.. and you know that so what are you fighting me for on this?
Why die for these people who made things this way? Who HAD the power to MAKE THINGS BETTER and didn't ... just did not care to make things better ..
like YOU WOULD if YOU were in power (I know you would.. I am sure you would do a better job.. and I mean any of you.. even ).
For that matter.. why take someone elses life just because people told you to.. people who YOU KNOW won't ONLY lie to you about anything they feel
like lying to you about (including why they want you to kill that person) but WOULD PROBABLLY KILL YOU TOO if it suited their needs (just like those
3,000 a couple years back - don't argue with me.. YOU KNOW at the LEAST that they LET it happen.. at the LEAST).
And for the reactionary.. No, I wasn't knocking JUST the USA but I suppose either you have a guilt complex about what your country has done and
having to LIVE in a country that is doing that to their own and other people all the while TELLING EVERYONE ELSE what a GREAT THING it is they are
doing for those people.. and then you go and repeat it for them on a message board like this. Tell it to the people who were sleeping on the street
that you walked over top of when you were doing your shopping for crap you probablly did not need. Then when you get sick and start losing all of your
savings you can burn the cheep plastic crap for heat.
We could ALL be doing SO MUCH BETTER.. and yet we NEVER ever allow our species to reach its full potiential.. look at the difference between the haves
and have nots...
.. now.. if the difference between the HAVES and the HAVE NOTS was the same as the difference between where we are as a global society today and where
we could be (if we got rid of these horrible leaders and these rich men who abuse us and the system) ... if THAT was the size of the difference we
could have as a society for the better if we stopped killing each other and stopped allowing each other to be destroyed for the benifit of some rich
guy. If the entire world could have what us Candians have up here.. and much much more..
.. now isn't THAT worth dying for?
You said you would die for your fellow man .. fighting beside him for freedom .. you think THAT is going to happen in Iraq? Do you really think that
another man is going to invade your country and try to take your land and kill your wife unless he was told to do it by some rich guy? No, he
wouldn't.. because he has his own and he is happy and does NOT want to risk his life in an action that might cause him to be killed. Its just the
wealthy and greedy that want you to go and kill and be killed so they can get MORE wealth and power. How much do they need? It never will end.
The only thing worth dying for anymore.. is getting rid of these people who are doing this to our planet and to us.
Because we can be so much more. No more dying.. no more unnessesary suffering.. we can fix all of this.. we can make it ALL go away.. for the first
time in history we can make EVERY MAN EQUAL! We have the opertunity to do that now! And I assure you it is the only thing worth dying for.. the whole
ball of dirt or nothing.
But you know as well as I do.. that.. there isn't much time left.. and we all know it don't we?
So do 'they'.
PS: this was the serious post for the day.. get the diff now?