posted on May, 12 2005 @ 07:32 AM
"There are many needs for biometrics beyond Homeland Security. Enterprise-wide network security infrastructures, secure electronic banking, investing
and other financial transactions, retail sales, law enforcement, and health and social services are already benefiting from these technologies. A
range of new applications can been found in such diverse environments as amusement parks, banks, credit unions, and other financial organizations,
Enterprise and Government networks, passport programs and driver licenses, colleges, physical access to multiple facilities (e.g., nightclubs) and
school lunch programs."
This article is written very "ho hum" matter of fact about biometrics. They need is clear in the modern age, but is it really a NEED. With the
lack of punishment for crimes, it seems the "pubilc" must be protected from crimminals through "perfect" identification. Kinda backwards isn't
it? How about ID-ing the crimminals............