posted on May, 12 2005 @ 01:51 AM
Just read an article about a documentary I've been hearing a lot about lately, but haven't yet seen (and probably won't for a while, being in
America, if the authors of the article are correct). An excerpt:
"But the film is even more incendiary for its analysis of what Curtis controversially insists is the largely illusory fear of terrorism in the west
since 9/11. Curtis argues that politicians such as Bush and Blair have stumbled on a new force that can restore their power and authority - the fear
of a hidden and organised web of evil from which they can protect their people. In a still-traumatised US, those with the darkest nightmares have
become the most powerful and Curtis's film castigates the media, security forces and the Bush administration for extending their power in this way.
"It has really touched a nerve with people who realise something is not quite right with the way terrorism has been reported."
For these reasons, one might well think that The Power of Nightmares would provide a usefully chastening corrective to the prevailing orthodoxy if it
were shown on US television. But it seems extremely unlikely that it will be. While a two-and-a-half -hour film version is to be given a prime-time
Cannes screening, and while the original three-hour series will be shown tonight on al-Jazeera along with a live interview with the director, US telly
has run scared from showing it. "Something extraordinary has happened to American TV since September 11," says Curtis. "A head of the leading
networks who had better remain nameless said to me that there was no way they could show it. He said, 'Who are you to say this?' and then he added,
'We would get slaughtered if we put this out.'" "
It sounds intriguing, and I was wondering if anyone on ATS has seen it yet?
-koji K.