An Interpretation of the Apocalypse of St. John the Theologian
Vladimir Moss
quote///So, be warned,
my friend.
I have given you the signs of the antichrist.
Do not merely store them in your memory.
Pass them on to everyone without stint.
If you have a child after the flesh, teach them to him forthwith.
And if you have become a godparent, forewarn your godchild,
lest he should take the false christ for the True.
For “the mystery of lawlessness doth
already work."
St. Cyril of Jerusalem
I will not include all that is written because there is quite alot to read...If anyone wishes to read more can click on the server provided....I will
post a few passages from the site......
QUOTE//// Other signs of the end are the extraordinary growth of science,
the return of the Jews to Israel,
the unprecedented apostasy from, and persecution of, the Christian faith, and the appearance of false Christs and antichristian religions in
bewildering abundance.
As Fr. Seraphim Rose writes in his translator’s introduction to Archbishop Averky’s commentary: “We do seem, indeed, to be living in the last
times of this world’s existence, when the prophecies of the Apocalypse relating to the end of the world are beginning to be fulfilled.
The time is surely ripe – especially in view of the numerous false interpretations of this book which fill the contemporary air.”[8]
One of the passages from the Apocalypse that has found an almost exact fulfilment in our time is the description of the star called Wormwood –
“Chernobyl” in Ukrainian – which falls from heaven and poisons the waters (8.10-11).
Even the most hardened sceptics have been forced to admit that this is a quite remarkable foreshadowing of the nuclear catastrophe that took place at
Chernobyl in the Ukraine in 1986, which has contaminated the water supply of the region.
Again, the advances in modern computer and laser technology have thrown unexpected light on the possible meaning of the number 666 (Revelation 13) in
terms of bar-codes and microchips implanted under the skin, and how it might form part of a world-wide food distribution system controlled by the
Prophecies from different Saints of the Orthodox Church concerning the END OF TIMES....
The Study of the Book – The Signs of the End – The Time of the End – Attitudes to the End - The Nature of Prophetic Visions – The
Interpretation of the Book – The Sources of the Interpretation
I. The First Vision: The Seven Churches of Asia, or: The Church in
Introduction: The First and the Last……………………….………………….……..21
1. The Church of Ephesus……………….…………………………...…………..…...42
2. The Church of Smyrna………………………………...………………….…..…...48
3. The Church of Pergamum…………………..…………...……………………..….54
4. The Church of Thyateira………………………………...……..…………...….….58
5. The Church of Sardis……………………………………...…………….…………66
6. The Church of Philadelphia……………………………..………………...……….72
7. The Church of Laodicea…………………………………...………...……………..84
II. The Second Vision: The Seven Seals, or: The Church at the End of Time…………………………….……………………………..94
1. The Twenty-Four Elders and the Four Living Creatures…………………………95
2. The Lamb of God…………………...…………………………………………….102
3. The First Six Seals…………………..……………………………………………107
4. The Sealing of the Servants of God……..…………………………………..……123
5. The Seventh Seal: The First Six Trumpets….……………………………….…..129
6. The Seventh Seal: The Mighty Angel……………………………………..……..142
7. The Seventh Seal: The Two Witnesses…………..….……………………………160
III. The Third Vision: The Seven Days of Creation, or: The Church Sub Specie Aeternitatis……….……….………………….175
1. The Woman Clothed with the Sun and the Red Dragon…..…………………….176
2. The First Beast………………………………………….………………………..188
3. The False Prophet……………………………………….……………………..…202
4. The Seven Plagues…………………………………………………………....…..220
5. The Whore of Babylon…....…………………………………………………..…..233
6. The Beast and the Whore……………………………………………………...….243
7. The Triumph of Orthodoxy: (i) The Fall of the West………………………….....260
8. The Triumph of Orthodoxy: (ii) The Liberation of the East………………….…..277
9. The Triumph of Orthodoxy: (iii) The Millenium and the Last Judgement………283
Conclusion: The Eighth Day……………………………………….…………….…307
Appendix 1: Genetics, UFOs and the Birth of the Antichrist….321
Appendix 2: The Seal of the Antichrist in Soviet and Post-Soviet
Close the words, and seal the book to the time of the end;
until many are taught and knowledge is increased.
Daniel 12.4.
The Apocalypse has as many mysteries as words.
Blessed Jerome, Epistle 53.
Christ is Risen~
[edit on 5/12/2005 by helen670]