posted on May, 12 2005 @ 06:42 AM
Thanks Omega, i didnt think about the hate part, its simply meant to point out the exact antithesis of love, hate. The poem starts aggain, with
"it" which refers again to love, and hate is not mentioned anymore thruout the poem. How about this small edit?
Highest of Beauties,
yet most ignored,
while hate may destroy,
love remains and only grows.
Through the stars it ever expands,
it holds all together,
it keeps us alive.
This eternal emotion,
more powerful than all.
The essence of the light, ( term for God)
the creator of all!
Hmm, it should still sound good if you say it right. Did you think the last line was ok? "the creator of all" That was actually referring to God,
but it might, could be mistaken for love. I may try to place how important love is whend dealing with God some more. When i first wrote the poem it
ended like this,
"The path to the light,
beginning of all."
Here it is referring the fact that love is the true path to the light, or God, and not only that it is the beginning of all. This time the last line
is actually referring to love, however and can sort of refer to God as well.
Thanks for the comments,