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I'm new, I'm psychic - been learning by reading - ready to share by posting

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posted on May, 10 2005 @ 06:10 PM
Hello all,

I'm new here, but been lurking for a little while. I have a ton of things to share with all of you. You'll probably find me in Predictions & Prophecies, War On Terrorism, and Aliens & UFOs boards.

But before I dive in and post, let me take a moment to let you all know a little bit about me. Currently I'm a professional psychic / clairvoyant. I do one-on-one readings, but my passion is teaching at The Psychic School.

I was naturally psychic, but it didn't turn on until 15 during puberty. By the time I was 20 I had numerous encounters with ghosts and alien entities (It wasn't a fun time because I didn't understand my perceptions were a result of my psychic ability).

Starting at 20, I graduated from several advance clairvoyant training programs at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, Asclepion Psychic Center, and the Clairvoyant Center of Hawaii, totaling over 6 years of training.

Professionally I've been in private practice since 1995 and in 2000 I founded The Psychic School.

None of this really means anything as far as ego goes; I'm not really here to prove myself or act like a know-it-all. I'm here because I know I don't know-it-all so I can learn from others

My precognitive abilities can be very strong, but I don't really understand how it works or when things will happen. So basically, I'm here to share predictions and clairvoyant insight and learn from the members here.


posted on May, 10 2005 @ 06:16 PM
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posted on May, 10 2005 @ 06:20 PM
Welcome to ATS!

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If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to U2U a moderator anytime. There is always somebody online and you don’t need a minimum of points or posts.

Have fun and see you around the boards!

posted on May, 10 2005 @ 06:24 PM
Welcome to ATS. Have you done any research into what is called "Indigo Children"? I'd be interested in your input here.

Seeing as you're in the Bay area, do you see the Niners doing better this year? Bad joke, I'm a big Niners fan and they sucked "big time" last year.

posted on May, 10 2005 @ 07:24 PM
I'm familiar with "Indigo Children", but by know means an expert.

I've read and taught a number of them over the years and I believe myself to be one of the earliest incarnations.

Indigo Children know as spirit (and before they came to incarnate) that theirs was the generation that would live through the tribulation and assist earth as it shifts to the next dimensions of life.

They tend not to get "programmed" by society easily which will make them strong when society breakdown, but this can make some do poorly in school and feel like outsiders. They are very psychic, but they don't always have the know how to handle it.

This generation is getting attacked more than any other generation. When I say attacked, I mean given prescription drugs that shuts down their abilities. Therapists and counselors that make them think the have mental problems verse helping them understand they are psychic and how to handle it. TV and video games that fill their minds with violence (basically distracting them from themselves). By the time they are teens, they are in so much pain some drift to drug use to manage reality. It's pretty intense for them, but they are capable and I think once reality breakdown enough, they will suddenly realize their calling and kick psychic butt.

Indigo Children get a lot of credit, but we sometimes forget to thank the baby boomers. They were the first wave of evolved spirits incarnating on earth. They deserve a lot of credit because they paved the way for the Indigo Children and have had to endure the pain of human incarnation longer than the Indigo Children.

That's just a little of what I'm aware of. Is their any area your wanting to specifically explore?


posted on May, 10 2005 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by psychicschool
My precognitive abilities can be very strong, but I don't really understand how it works or when things will happen.

So, basically, your psychic abilities are completely untestable and unconfirmable then?

What is "The Pyschic School?"

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 01:02 AM
No - not at all.

I've seen many precognitive events manifest. It's how I know the ability is strong. When I see something in the future, it can be difficult to understand because it's not happening now. It can be hard to relate to and a little confusing because it’s not happening now.

The quote you are referring to which you then suggest means I'm untestable or unconfirmable has nothing to do with the actual quote or what I was saying.

I can say that in WWIII missiles will shower in US soil, but never WMD. I can say US will not use WMD in WWIII. I can say Russia and Israel and a third country will us WMD. I can say every grain of sand in Israel will melt due to nukes. What I can't say is when or why.

All I can say is what I see. If I added my own ideas or interpertation, it would no longer be what I originally saw. My own ego would get in the way.

Your untestable and unconfirmable comment enters into the typical atheist/prove it question most psychics get bombarded with. I’m really not here to prove anything to anyone, especially not to people I can't see or meet. Playing prove it with strangers is totally boring and most people already have made their own judgemnet about psychics and all they really want to do is validate that their conclusions are right

Although I have predicted events including the Tsunami, Northridge, and 9/11, I no longer waste my time trying to prove it to people. Even when I show notarized statements marked months before, it's never enough. Precognition is the one ability that I don’t use commercially. It’s something I usually keep to myself because people really don’t want to hear about it.

Also - you are asking what the Psychic School is – why don’t you click on my signature and find out - you didn't have to ask since the link is right there.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 01:34 AM
Welcome! Looking forward to exchanging ideas, thoughts.

I've had some interesting experiences/encounters with the so-called psychic realm....enough to be convinced that the "para-" is becoming much more the "normal", LOL!

I've finally decided to quite resisting and let whatever talent I have express itself...if it goes badly, my HMO has a great prescription program and a decent psychiatric treatment program.

I am not familiar with the Psychic School (I like the no-nonsense, name) but must confess that I found the Berkeley Institute to be a bit too self-conscious(?) and earger to adopt /align itself with religious symbology, (perhaps in fear of persecution?) for my tastes. I much prefer a more "scientific method"(ironic pun intended!)to the study. Personally, I think these Talents (kudos to Ann McAffrey) are most likely based in an inate ability to apply various aspects of quantum physics; physics are therefore merely "Quantum Mechanics" and MAJIC is the Manipulative Application of Juxtiposed Infinite Continuims.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by psychicschool
Hello all,

I'm new here, but been lurking for a little while. I have a ton of things to share with all of you. You'll probably find me in Predictions & Prophecies, War On Terrorism, and Aliens & UFOs boards.

But before I dive in and post, let me take a moment to let you all know a little bit about me. Currently I'm a professional psychic / clairvoyant. I do one-on-one readings, but my passion is teaching at The Psychic School.

I was naturally psychic,

First off, let me welcome you. I lurked around for a while before I signed in, and have no regrets. This appears to be an open forum with limited restrictions.

Some of the threads I read, I just have to toss onto the "waste of time" pile, but you seem sincere.

I've never talked to a psychic or known anyone that claimed to be psychic, but friends have told me some personal experiences that I've found hard to believe.

Any insight you might have into my personal future or events that will effect mankind on a global scale, would interest me.

But until I can see it, measure it, or hold it in my hands. I will be a sceptic.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 12:03 PM
Being skeptical of psychic stuff is normal and healthy in my opinion. I know I'm like that. Fortunately I have been able to learn how to use my clairvoyance to look at and research things I'm interested in. It allows me to "see" it for myself and make my own conclusions. I'm even skeptical of my own predictions simply cause I may not understand them until after they manifest.

At this point, the Berkeley Psychic Institute is more like a cult. It didn't used to be like that so much, but in 1995 a new person took over and it's gone to crap. BPI always had some major game playing going on their and they were never perfect.

Now in the world of physics, it's String Theory and M Theory that really excites me. It explains how a multidimensional universe works and how we can occupy a room that is also occupied by beings in other dimensions. This is a reality that psychics have been seeing for a while and science is finally starting to validate that. Pretty cool stuff.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 12:48 PM
"I'm here to share predictions and clairvoyant insight and learn from the members here"

please do share ! I'm curious, does your ability to predict things mean there is no free will, its all destiny ?

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 01:06 PM
Welcome psychicschool. I think you'll like it here.

I can say that in WWIII missiles will shower in US soil, but never WMD. I can say US will not use WMD in WWIII. I can say Russia and Israel and a third country will us WMD. I can say every grain of sand in Israel will melt due to nukes. What I can't say is when or why.

Wow! These are some hardcore predictions. I have no reason to disbelieve you but it's pretty incredible. How did you recieve this vision of nukes hitting America? Please be as detailed as you can. I am very interested in hearing more about your visions of the future. Can you tell us how you got your premonitions about 9/11? What form did they take? What sensations did you feel/smell/taste when you had these visions?

I liked your description of indigo children. How does one tell an IC from a simple rebellious kid? I am not sure that I buy the idea of IC's. If I went to the "psychic school", what tests would they do on me to find out if I was an IC?

Feel free to start up individual posts on any of your future/past visions if you are willing to wade in right away. I would love to hear more.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 03:59 PM

How did you receive this vision of nukes hitting America? Please be as detailed as you can. I am very interested in hearing more about your visions of the future. Can you tell us how you got your premonitions about 9/11? What form did they take? What sensations did you feel/smell/taste when you had these visions?

Just for clarity, I said WMD would not be used on US soil and the US would not use WMD in the war (maybe one). I think the best place to go into detail about this is in Predictions & Prophecies forum

How does one tell an IC from a simple rebellious kid? I am not sure that I buy the idea of IC's. If I went to the "psychic school", what tests would they do on me to find out if I was an IC?

Well, I think everyone is psychic. I don't think anyone is special or chosen. One of the things I don't buy about IC is that they are somehow special. All they are young people who are in touch with their psychic abilities. It's just a group of people who chose to have a life where they are young psychics. That's why I mentioned to older generations too. We are all psychic spirits and we have been incarnating in waves, changing the world. That's all of us, not just the IC.

At the Psychic School, we wouldn't teach you about IC. All we teach are tools to develop your clairvoyance. As a clairvoyant you could read an IC and learn for yourself, find your own truth. For example, in a spirit guide class we would have you get into a clairvoyant space, then look at a few different entities. We wouldn't tell you what an alien is, we just show you show to see an alien. People learn what an alien or an IC is by reading their energies for themselves.

I'm curious, does your ability to predict things mean there is no free will, its all destiny?

No, I believe in freewill completely. It's kind of a complicated topic. Looking clairvoyantly at what the human collective is creating in future time is more prone to freewill fluctuations. Tapping into the God Mind or the Universal Akasha can be more solidified, perhaps because God Mind is not limited by time/space and already knows the freewill outcome.

I think I should move over to the Predictions forum

posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 05:45 PM
Hey buddy, could you tell me what the name of my future wife is? Thanks in advance!

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by psychicschool

Welcome to ATS !! I havent been here long myself and i'm still learning my way around and the rules. I look forward to your posts. What feeling do you get from this statement if any? ......"When the pendulum stops, so shall the earth". Thanks and GL here. Magantice

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 06:01 AM
Greetings and salutations! I'm relatively new here myself however i feel like i belong here.

I just dropped by for a quick greeting and also one quick question. Can you also see auras?

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 06:36 AM
Welcome to ATS.

Now if you're really psychic, why don't you take the Million Dollar Challenge so we at ATS know you are genuine and you win a million dollars. It's win win. Do it.

I'll be eagerly awaiting news of your supernatural ability. Good luck.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by psychicschool

Welcome, and thank you for the eloquent post about the Indigos. That particular persuasion has been getting a lot of flak on this board of late, and there seems to be a concerted effort to drive us away, and to make us feel bad about ourselves. Of course this did not work, we know what we are supposed to do, and will do it no matter what happens. I too am part of the original mission to incarnate here, I came here in 1953. I raised two Indigo children, and am raising another one right now, a little dwarf boy that is so intelligent he can talk to adults at age 7 on a level they cannot yet understand. His school teacher has complained that he reads her thoughts, and knows what she is going to say, before she says it. I look forward to reading you. Love and Light, Autowrench.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by psychicschool

Is it possible for someone who, as far as they know, has no psychic abilities, to 'learn' them and become psychic?

Or is it more of a genetic disposition that could be 'activated' by some event?

I don't think I'm psychic, though I wish I was!

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by auto wrench

Where on these boards do you go that gives you the impression we are against Indigos? I probably wrote one of the worst possible stories around the phenomena and have to tell you it was strictly fiction. Nothing against Indigos, we are ALL indigo for that matter.

Get a grip man!

OP, I just do not want to take the Indigo thing to the towering heights of airy fairy ignorance and permit the abuse of the phenomena by kids being raised as cannon fodder and giving them excuses to behave badly and in an unconscious manner.

I know real Indigos, and they are far from the excuse that many parents latched onto about children with mental and behavioral problems.

If Indigos came in choosing their parents then why choose ones that would have them placed on drugs unless it is part of their life path?

The Indigos I know and have known chose parents that would reflect a higher life for their younger years.

Anyway, welcome aboard!

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