posted on May, 10 2005 @ 08:26 PM
Ya, people like Verner Von Bron greatly helped the US in its rocket endevours, ya.
It's like this: As the US and Reds approached Berlin, there was something else on their minds: VOn Bron and his team of scientist. Fortunatley the
Good Guys made it to him first, though a few technicians were 'persuaded' to go with the Reds. The Reds however stumbled onto all the hardware, V2
rockets and what not. Then after the war the Reds went to work dillegently on rockets while Japan and China rehabed for a long time, some longer than
others, and the Good Guys were all like "We've got the A-Bomb and the B-29 Superfortress, what do we need rockets for?" 1949 was a big surprise,
let me tell you that.
The end.