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Here we go again...Warning of attacks...

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posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 04:57 AM
Bush talks of 'real threat' of Al Qaeda

By Anne E. Kornblut, Globe Staff, 7/31/2003

WASHINGTON -- President Bush warned yesterday that Al Qaeda has new designs for a terrorist attack on the United States, confirming that the airline industry was issued warnings this week about potential hijackings, especially on international flights.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 05:01 AM
Well, if they dont warn us of every little hunch and gut feeling they get; then after it happens some one blames them for it. Better to be safe then sorry. By making it so public, its possible that wouldbe hijackers are discouraged from carrying out any missions.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 05:02 AM
If they ahve designs then why dont they stop Al Queda?

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 05:07 AM
because they're trying to be funny. Scaring the heck out of the American public is amusing to the goverment.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 05:33 AM
IN MY OPINION Bush is a usurious blaggard and this is ths US Admins attempt to finish off British Airways whilst the company is on the ropes. He was 'clear' about it being International flights.
Perfect timing.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 05:47 AM

I hadn't considered the commercial ramifications like that. I'm sure Bush wouldn't consider himself usurious as he is unlikely to be able to perform basic compound interest computations.

I'm actually a bit concerned about antipodean flights as Oz is included in the recent warning timeframes.

But I have to say, the worst (least comfortable) flight I ever has was B.A. from London - L.A., in a plane with the most bizarre seating configuration I had flown in, where my femur literally could not fit between my seat and the one in front. When I complained, the lovely stewardess smiled and said "Yes, I know what you mean, we get a lot of complaints about that".

I am going to use words like 'usurious' and 'blaggardly' in my Mood Meter one day even though my dictionary doesn't tell me what a blaggard is.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 09:15 AM
Is that a "real threat", as opposed to a "false threat" like Saddam Hussein ?

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 09:51 AM
Bull#, if there's another large scale terrorist attack in the US, or in the UK, it will be used to conquer another middle eastern country.

Any sane person knows that that is the opposite of what al-qaeda want, they would rather stay low, re-group and co-ordinate small attacks, like the ones in North Africa recently.

The fact that Mossad are in London worries me more than al-qaeda, al-qaeda are not nearly as big a threat as Bush would have us believe, surely they would be terrorizing Israel on a massive scale if they were so dangerous and organized.

Bush is talking out his back side.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 04:46 PM
Al-Queada not a threat!? What the hell was 9/11? Al-Queada does like big operations. They want people to see what they can do. They go after land marks because they make such big news. Go ahead and tell the threethousand or so families who lost loved ones in 9/11 that Al-Queada is not a threat.
Your right though, Al-Queada doesnt want us to retaliate the way we did after 9/11. I dont think they planned on us going and shutting down thier camps in Afghanistan. If a country is supporting terrorism, then I say invade it. (that goes for SaudiArabia. Them being our friends is BS). We stood by and ignored Al-Queada for a decade and we got 9/11. Al-Queada will never stop until every last one of them is dead, in prison, or too discouraged.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 05:55 PM
Al-Quada is a threat of course, but Bush is just a war loving son of a gun married to the oil companies. But I think he's just trying to find reason to attack them to. Also, it took Al-Quada like years to come up with 9-11 and it didn't go excatly like they planned either. Don't you think that they need to re-group and come up with a much better way to try and take out on the U.S. Just look at how miffed the security workers got and how much better it is. Maybe now we will listen to the little things that told about 9-11 before it happened and be more prepared.
Yeah, Bush talks out his back-side a lot.

posted on Jul, 31 2003 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Ascachamion
Al-Quada is a threat of course, but Bush is just a war loving son of a gun married to the oil companies. But I think he's just trying to find reason to attack them to. Also, it took Al-Quada like years to come up with 9-11 and it didn't go excatly like they planned either. Don't you think that they need to re-group and come up with a much better way to try and take out on the U.S. Just look at how miffed the security workers got and how much better it is. Maybe now we will listen to the little things that told about 9-11 before it happened and be more prepared.

Exactly, Al Qaeda had put years of planning into 9/11 and need to lay low and regroup before they can attempt something on that scale again. Don't forget that the passengers have become much more vigilant and proactive during their flights resisting hijackers on the flight that crashed in Pennsilvania and preventing the "shoe bomber" from blowing up his flight. Basically Al Qaeda can pull off some car bombings but that's all their capable of. If they try to hijack planes again, not only do they have to get past security, but they have to control the hundreds of passengers on the flight, not to mention the air marshalls. That's a tall order, and if the cockpit door is secured, they can't control the pilots which makes hijacking pretty hard.

Originally posted by Ascachamion
Yeah, Bush talks out his back-side a lot.

That's because he sounds smarter talking that way.

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 01:25 PM
Yeah it does make him seem smarter. But I agree, they have a lot more to contend with if they try to pull a 9-11 off again.

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 01:30 PM

We are ALWAYS under threat of a Terror attack. We were before 9/11, and we are after.... Why foster the fear? Simple, because if they don't, after 9/11, they'll be accused of not informing the's just a CYA move, as always....

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