posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Eyeofhorus
If you ever do any real (verifiable) research on Yale and Harvard, you'll find The Institute of 1776 along with the Porcellian Club, with both being
connected to Old Man Kennedy and FDR; both men spent their lives getting revenge on these "surface" masonic clubs for being rejected by them (within
only a few years of each others attendance of Harvard), with these "surface masonic clubs" operating as "transparent" training forums (without any
outward and obvious structure) for the more dedicated future masons (to be secretively selected in a very discrete but highly impish - though not
childish - manner), including several names we would all recognize, whether we like it or not. Realize, it doesn't take much to create a masonic
lodge; it can meet anywhere, regardless of form. Why do you think they hold at least one degree outdoors? To prove that the "cave or building" is
not the lodge, but the membership itself; the tools, including the alter, can be set up anywhere the Worshipful Master wishes (if you're lame enough
to actually call any eccentric old man that, without wondering if he's lost his mind for thinking much too highly of himself, for becoming a
Worshipful Master or WM for short).