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Certain age requirement for APing?

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posted on May, 8 2005 @ 07:25 PM
I just had a quick question. I'm 14 and am VERY interested in the subject of AP/LD. I have achieved 1 lucid dream and that was an accident lol. Anyway, I have been trying to achieve a conscious OOBE for about a month, which is how long i hae known about it. Every night I do Meditation/Energy work then i attempt to pull out of my body. I usually lose focus and fall asleep. Should I wait until I am older to attempt this or what? I am also interested in any person around my age that has tried/done this. Anyone help me out? I have ADD if that would affect my attempts in any way. Thanks

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Haliberd]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 07:29 PM
I don't believe in age limits

I had my first uncontrolled oobe at age 16. I have been experiencing the paranormal for as long as I have memory. Do not let age hamper your spiritual growth

as for losing focus and falling asleep, it happens to all of us. Instead of practicing at night before bed, try waking up an hour early and see if you have better results when you are not tired from a long day.

Meditation of any kind is good for ADD, of course it might affect how long you are able to sit still for meditation, but with practice you can overcome it, every minute more than the last is progress.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 08:36 PM
With anything else, the sooner you begin the practice, the better the chances of success.

I realize now that I had many dramatic lucid dreams from a very young age--At the time, I thought lucid dreaming was normal, I did not know the term, "lucid". I'd just assumed these were natural dreams, and everyone had them.

As far as AP, just about anyone who learns of the practice, becomes interested...Unfortunately, success can take much effort--more difficult for some, but Im sure attainable to anyone willing to dedicate daily attention. Certainly, 14 is a fine age to begin. I had my first projection at 21..but If I had known about AP, I would have been practicing thru the doorway of lucid dreams. That is my fav way to project because it is an easier transition for me...No uncomfortable vibrations or hallucinations which may be present on the path thru the layers of reality, awareness and states consciousness. The permiation of the fine sheath between wakefulness and sleep is necessary to achieve AP. You must find it, identify it and remain there long enough to realize the sea of reality within it.

Keep in mind that success is not measured only by achieving a projection. daily meditation and just "thinking" about it very often thru out the day is setting you up. Awareness training, focus, concentration...relaxation, clear mind training, self hypnosis, --Each time you practice any of these you are strengthening the tool necessary to achieve AP/OOBE/lucid dreaming.

A 20 min session of meditation, or 1 whole minute of "clear mind" is a goal for a beginner in my eyes. ATS has a great number of posts on the subject sure to keep you interested and on the path towards your goal. It is all about awareness...If you can learn to control the "chatter" of the mind, it is a great step towards being aware when you arrive at the elusive time that you are able to project. Go into sleep with a clear clean mind, a totally relaxed physical body, and intention of AP

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 08:43 PM
I believe there has been pressure placed on the Institute of Astral Projection to lower its age threshold from 20 to 18, in keeping with recent sleep research conducted by the REM Society.

Deregulation of astral projection could be damaging to minors, couldn't it?

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
I believe there has been pressure placed on the Institute of Astral Projection to lower its age threshold from 20 to 18, in keeping with recent sleep research conducted by the REM Society.

Deregulation of astral projection could be damaging to minors, couldn't it?

It really seems scandalous that 18 year olds can project their psyche to God-knows-where, but they still have to wait till 21 to buy a drink....

-koji K.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 08:54 PM
I dont see why you cant consciously project until you are 18 years of age....or is there a joke I missed there?

Considering you unconsciously project every time you enter REM sleep, thats saying going to sleep is...deregulatory?

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Haliberd
or is there a joke I missed there?

thats saying going to sleep is...deregulatory?

No. You didn't miss the joke, but maybe you could confirm your understanding with the I.o.A.P. You can see how upsetting the inconsistencies of setting legal psychic age barriers can be, from koji's response.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:03 PM
have any tips to how i can have one???


posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
but maybe you could confirm your understanding with the I.o.A.P. You can see how upsetting the inconsistencies of setting legal psychic age barriers can be, from koji's response.

How can i confirm my understanding with the I.o.A.P. ....What is the IOAP anyway?

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 11:45 PM
No 'age requirements' that I know of...........

Go for it

posted on May, 13 2005 @ 06:13 PM
I had my first OBE at 17, I remember writing it down in my dream book.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 05:57 AM
age restrictions? that's a good one. i been doing my stuff since i was a baby
but more aware of it since i was 8

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 11:01 PM
Whats so good about Astral projection or a lucid dream? I am sorry I am very ignorant in this subject and have found intrest in it lately.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 11:38 PM
I was about 13-14 the first time I had an oobe. I was sitting on a small boat on a calm sea, just drifting into my thoughts.

I was realy quite scared the first time it happened and the fear seemed to slam me back into my body. But I had no idea what was happening to me.

Definitley persue this and see what happens.

And write back to this thread and let us know how it goes.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 02:02 PM
I was pretty young (around 9) when I had my first involuntary one. Seems I tend to leap out of my skin whenever I physically go unconscious (though not if drugged). We were playing around with that game where you grab and lift, to knock out. One fool got lucky and it worked, and out I went... It wasn't very far, but it sure was weird. I'd forgotten mostly about it until it happened again later on (about a decade later, and a few times since). Since then, consciously doing it hasn't been easy, and I've rarely done it, but if I'm physically knocked out, I can guarantee 100% I'll jump out, hehe.....

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