posted on May, 8 2005 @ 08:36 PM
With anything else, the sooner you begin the practice, the better the chances of success.
I realize now that I had many dramatic lucid dreams from a very young age--At the time, I thought lucid dreaming was normal, I did not know the
term, "lucid". I'd just assumed these were natural dreams, and everyone had them.
As far as AP, just about anyone who learns of the practice, becomes interested...Unfortunately, success can take much effort--more difficult for some,
but Im sure attainable to anyone willing to dedicate daily attention. Certainly, 14 is a fine age to begin. I had my first projection at 21..but If
I had known about AP, I would have been practicing thru the doorway of lucid dreams. That is my fav way to project because it is an easier transition
for me...No uncomfortable vibrations or hallucinations which may be present on the path thru the layers of reality, awareness and states
consciousness. The permiation of the fine sheath between wakefulness and sleep is necessary to achieve AP. You must find it, identify it and remain
there long enough to realize the sea of reality within it.
Keep in mind that success is not measured only by achieving a projection. daily meditation and just "thinking" about it very often thru out the day
is setting you up. Awareness training, focus, concentration...relaxation, clear mind training, self hypnosis, --Each time you practice any of these
you are strengthening the tool necessary to achieve AP/OOBE/lucid dreaming.
A 20 min session of meditation, or 1 whole minute of "clear mind" is a goal for a beginner in my eyes. ATS has a great number of posts on the
subject sure to keep you interested and on the path towards your goal. It is all about awareness...If you can learn to control the "chatter" of the
mind, it is a great step towards being aware when you arrive at the elusive time that you are able to project. Go into sleep with a clear clean mind,
a totally relaxed physical body, and intention of AP