Ingave, Mars has a few localized "Magnetic Anomalies" as well as a few localized Gravitational Anomalies (Something akin to those mystery spots
where you're all sideways
The Magnetic Anomalies are just something more like I guess where your compass would spin in circles, not really a "field" persay, not a planetary
one in anyway at least...
Which may lend veracity to the theory that our liquid core with solid inner core, acts as a giant dynamo to power our massive magnetic field...which
is something Mars nearly completely lacks, aside from those few annomalies.
As Mars's Core is believed to have completely frozen solid, even the mantle and crust...though as Dragonrider disputes there is probably a mantle and
thus a much thinner crust than originally suspected.
But I follow that mars is indeed more or less a frozen world, as discussing with Dragonrider, would make a lot of since considering the following.
about 60,000 years ago the last of a massive debris field surrounding Mars finished its plumit to mars, cratering it considerably. Leaving behind
just two remenants, phobos and deimos.
This debris field suspected, could have originated from a massive impact, like possible against earth, exposing so much of the mantle it killed the
furnace within and everything froze up, hence the apparent lack of plate tectonics evident with Olympus Mons.
So due to a lack of current geologic activity, and a thicker atmosphere composing nitrogen (Oxygen is such a lesser concern in the long run
fact, I haven't looked up but it's worth noting how much Nitrogen is on mars to begin with.
That and the exposure to deadly UV rays...what there is of Mars's feeble Ozone, is some 10-15 miles up...very thin,
And anyways, it is the magnetic field that spares us from death from the sun, not as much the Ozone, which is just another necessary part. It seems,
in our case, we need both...
And the dust storms on mars stir things up too much not for life to not exist in an entire "blanket" on mars.
Meaning if we haven't found any organic organisms by now...there are none.
Unless they are literally in the ice...which is possible as proven in Antarctica...
Anyways, most theories are wrong in some way, I'm sure this hypothesis will be looked at in 1000 years, as no different than the Greeks trying to
explain why the Earth is the Center of the Universe, and does not turn, because if the earth rotated we'd all fly off it....and it doesn't move, for
the same reasons...we'd be left in "space"
But it's a good theory none the less