posted on May, 7 2005 @ 06:59 AM
Four Britons were jailed on Friday for stealing software and giving it away free on the internet. They were part of a global gang of "Robin
Hood's" stealing from the rich companies (like Microsoft) and offering free software worth millions
The group were described by prosecutors as
""sad individuals" who spent their lives in front of computers." The thieves were motivated by
a hatred of software companies and were made up of corporate executives, university administrators and IT managers.
Often using moles in large corporations, the group cracked security codes for Norton Antivirus, Microsoft's Word and Excel products, and also pirated
games and design programs. The cost of their activities run into very many millions in lost profit ... the losses are incalculable.
Prosecutor Bruce Houlder told the court "
They see themselves as stars, night time tappers of keyboards. You might feel that their lives are
rather sad, living as they do for very large parts of their days and nights in a virtual world, in front of a computer monitor, cocooned from
existence." .
Full story here:;jsessionid=3SDTYWMMNHHBICRBAE0CFEY?type=topNews&storyID=8413460
Are you living a sad life in front of your monitor?