posted on May, 7 2005 @ 05:17 AM
A New Jersey man is auctioning a piece of toasted Wonderbread with an image of Runaway Bride, Jennifer Wilbanks. Bidding closes Sunday and is
currently exceeding $16,000.
NEWTON, N.J. - A man has made the case of runaway Georgia bride Jennifer Wilbanks the toast of eBay. Perry Lonzello, 48, says he carved a rudimentary
drawing of Wilbanks on a piece of toasted Wonder Bread and posted it on eBay on a whim.
"I just carved it on there real quick and put it on there as a joke," Lonzello told the Daily Record of Parsippany for Friday's newspapers.
An eBay spokesman said the high bidding on the toast but another example of the auction site reflecting popular culture.
"It's just another example of eBay acting as a mirror of what's on people's minds, particularly what's on the news if it's funny or unusual," said
eBay spokesman Hani Durzy.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Well this has to be the most bizarre thing I've seen, people paying the equivalent of a new mid-sized car for one slice of bread with some
scratchmarks on it... Copycats are already flooding the auction site with ?pirate? versions of the toast, but bidders aren't being fooled. Yeah
right, they're not being fooled...
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