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Democrats' urge Gore to run

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posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 11:41 AM
Backers pressure Gore to run again next year

By Alexander Bolton

Former Vice-President Al Gore is coming under pressure from political supporters and friends to jump into the 2004 presidential campaign even though he ruled himself out in December.

Gore�s spokesperson denied that there was any change of plans, but a former Democratic National Committee official close to Gore told The Hill he believes the former vice president may enter the Democratic primary this fall.

It looks as if there are really no democrats pushing there way into office, except maybe Clinton, but she'll never win.

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 08:32 PM
I was listening to the radio, the news was talking about Hillary Clinton running. They said she had a chance but in a head-to-head she'd never win becuase, while she may have few enimies, the ones she does have are high up.

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 08:38 PM
Although I believe Gore would have been a great Prez, he wouldn't win against Bush. Just like the Florida recount incident 2 yrs ago, Bush bashed his way in and eliminated any advarsaries(gore), even though this will never be proven, Gore should have been president, actually Gore is are president but the whole recount thing was a conpiracy making people believe now that Bush is are current president. Notice the governer of Florida is republican and it's Bush's brother?... Well if u don't u can keep living in a lie becuase Bush is a scoundral and dosen't care bout r troops

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by hellfireburns
Although I believe Gore would have been a great Prez, he wouldn't win against Bush. Just like the Florida recount incident 2 yrs ago, Bush bashed his way in and eliminated any advarsaries(gore), even though this will never be proven, Gore should have been president, actually Gore is are president but the whole recount thing was a conpiracy making people believe now that Bush is are current president. Notice the governer of Florida is republican and it's Bush's brother?... Well if u don't u can keep living in a lie becuase Bush is a scoundral and dosen't care bout r troops

yes bush rigged the entire national presidential election so florida would be the deciding state and made it so he and his brother could be questioned and ridiculed years after the fact. yes he did all this just for that.

you caught on to bushs conspiracy to be as unpopular as possible! yes sir bush loves nothing more than to have people think he's up to no good.

thank god we have you on the case, it all makes sense now.

thank you for your insight on this, its truly been and enlightening experience.

of all the states he picks florida? are you serious?

next you'll be telling me gore didnt take his own state because bush stuffed the ballots there.

amazing how people only question the votes from ONE of only FIFTY states.

cant see the forest for the trees can we? chop em all down so we can see that one tree! here, have a chainsaw.

i guess some of you never heard "sh!t happens".

i'm not a bush defender as i view him as just a politician and all politicians to me are the enemy but come on. yes it does SEEM like a conspiracy but if it is, it is a poor one. the best conspiracies generally wind up being the ones you never figure out. thats why they're still called conspirasies and not common knowledge huh?

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 09:32 PM

The core of the conspiracy is at a much higher level than Katherine Harris and the Florida election.

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey

Originally posted by hellfireburns
Although I believe Gore would have been a great Prez, he wouldn't win against Bush. Just like the Florida recount incident 2 yrs ago, Bush bashed his way in and eliminated any advarsaries(gore), even though this will never be proven, Gore should have been president, actually Gore is are president but the whole recount thing was a conpiracy making people believe now that Bush is are current president. Notice the governer of Florida is republican and it's Bush's brother?... Well if u don't u can keep living in a lie becuase Bush is a scoundral and dosen't care bout r troops

yes bush rigged the entire national presidential election so florida would be the deciding state and made it so he and his brother could be questioned and ridiculed years after the fact. yes he did all this just for that.

you caught on to bushs conspiracy to be as unpopular as possible! yes sir bush loves nothing more than to have people think he's up to no good.

thank god we have you on the case, it all makes sense now.

thank you for your insight on this, its truly been and enlightening experience.

of all the states he picks florida? are you serious?

next you'll be telling me gore didnt take his own state because bush stuffed the ballots there.

amazing how people only question the votes from ONE of only FIFTY states.

cant see the forest for the trees can we? chop em all down so we can see that one tree! here, have a chainsaw.

i guess some of you never heard "sh!t happens".

i'm not a bush defender as i view him as just a politician and all politicians to me are the enemy but come on. yes it does SEEM like a conspiracy but if it is, it is a poor one. the best conspiracies generally wind up being the ones you never figure out. thats why they're still called conspirasies and not common knowledge huh?
Yeah in fact I did hear the saying sh!t happens, but it happens with a twist behind. And to some of those people that have caught on to some of Bush's conpiracy, I congratulate u, at least we're not all living in a illusion and believe what we hear... and actuall defend it with all our heart,lol don't bother just keep on feeding on the hand that feeds u BS. cuz im not!

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 09:39 PM
We need a man with backbone to stand up to a bully. We need a man who just doens't give a dam. We need.....DEAN.

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

The core of the conspiracy is at a much higher level than Katherine Harris and the Florida election.

and we dont think this conspiracy is just about bush being president do we?

some do and i think they are short sighted in that respect.

i think that if there is a conspiracy here it goes away above those you see on the boob tube. this is all a puppet show for our amusement to keep us busy if you ask me.

but you didnt ask me did you? nevermind! disregard!

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 09:40 PM
Careful, hellfire, you are on a republican controlled site. Notice the warnings?

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 09:44 PM
Actually I did, I'm suprised I don't have 1?!

I also notice that some individuals that rallyed against Bush got those warns...

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 09:45 PM
We aren't talking about the same Dean that can point out faults but can't come up with a decent solution? Then goes on further today to say that he will explain more in detail come September...why wait?
Then your forgeting Kerry........
Now Gore may come into the picture.......
Just whats the DNC going to do with 'all' those choices?


posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Careful, hellfire, you are on a republican controlled site. Notice the warnings?

lol yes merely voicing your differing political views gets you a warning.

no offense but if you dont like it, leave.

dont ruin the board with your whiny complaints about how the board is being run. take it up with the admins and mods in private we dont need it here in these threads.

and ive said this before and i will say again, any person who thinks they are being censored for their politcal views on this board are sadly mistaken. if they REALLY were intolerant of your views you simple wouldnt be posting here. trust me, ive been on truly intolerant boards and this is board is far from intolerant.

somehow MA manages to post his views and not get is that? hmmm maybe you should reexamine your posting style.

remember, it is not what you say but rather how you say it.

i dont care what your views are but please stop this complaining. accept the board for what it is or leave it. it is not going to change to meet your needs, my needs or anyone elses.

does anyone need a reminder that this board is privately owned and that basically makes us guests in someone elses house? noone makes you come here.

now back to the topic at hand....

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 09:57 PM

I have asked for warnings a number of times.

The number of useless gnats and unidentified insects at this site who post gibberish and who have no knowledge of current domestic or world affairs is astounding (-ly high or low, take your pick).

As the warnings have not been forthcoming, I have instead sought the services of dominatrixes like Valhall and Banshee to administer cyber-spankings in lieu of physical punishment.

Those are more fun anyway.

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 10:00 PM
Hellfire: As you can see from the monkey's last post, I wasn't lying.

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 10:01 PM
ok but answer my question MA.

do you think this conspiracy is just about bush getting into the oval office or no?

i say (as i have before, even in this thread) that the conspiracy, if there is one, goes higher up and involves those you dont see on the television. they are merely pawns used to amuse/busy us so we the people are distracted.

would you agree with this or no?

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 10:01 PM
Hey MA, I would certainly like to get a definition or clarification on what "useless gnats and unidentified insects" would be?


posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
Hellfire: As you can see from the monkey's last post, I wasn't lying.

to paraphrase MA


but keep playing the role of victim, i find it amusing.

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
We aren't talking about the same Dean that can point out faults but can't come up with a decent solution? Then goes on further today to say that he will explain more in detail come September...why wait?
Then your forgeting Kerry........
Now Gore may come into the picture.......
Just whats the DNC going to do with 'all' those choices?


I'm sorry. Although I do like you, I can't trust your opinion. Why would I accept the adversary's opinion on who to like for a nominee. That makes HIS choice a shoe-in. That's just stupid. Furthermore, its not even close to the Democratic nomination. Give him time to formulate a plan.

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey
ok but answer my question MA.

do you think this conspiracy is just about bush getting into the oval office or no?

i say (as i have before, even in this thread) that the conspiracy, if there is one, goes higher up and involves those you dont see on the television. they are merely pawns used to amuse/busy us so we the people are distracted.

would you agree with this or no?
"those the ones that you don't see on television" u refer sounds like the NWO
Basically they create a shield of ignorance for us, right?

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey

Originally posted by Colonel
Hellfire: As you can see from the monkey's last post, I wasn't lying.

to paraphrase MA


but keep playing the role of victim, i find it amusing.

No victim here. I jst tell the truth. ANYONE can say anything about me but EVERYONE knows I tell the truth. (I have a rep for that)

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