posted on May, 7 2005 @ 12:37 AM
But if we don't let Iran have nukes, then what reason will we have for obliterating them?
We'll probably have to let them actually use them first before we can go in, since last time we thought someone had the goods, they actually
So, really all we need is an excuse to obliterate them, and soon we will, but I really think Israel should go get their boots dusty this time.
Look, I don't want anyone to think that I'm taking this lightly, I'm just really tired right now.
But there are a few things that I consider:
We just spent about $300 billion on Iraq and Afghanistan, and the meter's still running. In the event that Iran does get froggy and jumps, how much
more money are our people going to be willing to spend, and what will be the real value of the dollar by the time we have to spend it. I mean, that
$300 billion could just inflate to $500 billion adding nothing to it in the next 20 years, and who's gonna pick up the tab? These kids you see
floppin' around everywhere? I think not.
We've got a few things to figure out about efficiency and accountability before we can think about taking out rogue nuclear terrorist states one by
one. You realize that if it isn't Iran, it's N. Korea, and if it isn't N. Korea, it could very well be some unknow non-state affiliated terrorist
We need to figure this out, and get our production up. Maybe we Americans need to have a realistic sense of loss before we'll again realize what we
actually have to lose. We don't seem to really know what's at stake in the general poplulous.
American Idol? What?!!!