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New pope doomed

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posted on May, 6 2005 @ 06:46 AM
- Nostradamus

Bogota - The pope elected to succeed John Paul II will be assassinated and his death will spark a Muslim invasion of the West that will split the Roman Catholic Church, according to an interpretation of Nostradamus' prophecies by a leading Colombian author.

The Link

I question which Muslim country would have the ability to invade so deep into Europe as to actually invade Italy and then France?

Unless of course this is meant to be another self fulfilling prophecy therefore exists to encourage Muslims to make moves toward invasion.

[edit on 6-5-2005 by Koka]

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 07:05 AM
Nostradamus all of his Predictions leave a lot to be desired mainly froth & Bubbles or is it Smoke & Mirrors. Ask 100 different scholars get 100 different interpretations. Id give this one a miss.... Long Live the POPE...

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 09:39 AM
Yeah, he's doomed alright......

.....and here's his sucessor.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 09:45 AM
bring it on ! I'm sure the muslim invasion would be quashed in less than 2 weeks. Then we get a nice excuse from the UN to obliterate any target we want to, nuclear facilities, missile sites, military communication......

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 10:13 AM
Of course you know when and where and all detail too. Else perhap's you know nothing - nothing at all in terms of the Pope or demise of the Holy Father.


[edit on 6-5-2005 by Dallas]

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 10:16 AM
The Muslims have already invaded Europe, they're all around you just waiting for the signal to rise up and take over in a bloody revolution...just look at what happened in Holland!

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Koka
interpretation of Nostradamus' prophecies by a leading Colombian author.

The one I've read is very similar but by a Italian author.

I question which Muslim country would have the ability to invade so deep into Europe as to actually invade Italy and then France?

From the book its not one Muslim country but all of them under one leader who claims to be Muhammed reborn or something. Also Russia sides with the Muslim Super Nation for funds and the promises of the lands that were once part of the USSR.

bring it on ! I'm sure the muslim invasion would be quashed in less than 2 weeks. Then we get a nice excuse from the UN to obliterate any target we want to, nuclear facilities, missile sites, military communication......

The first stages are taken up by oil supplies being cut to the west thus starving the military of defencive capibilities, and along with Russian tech it not easy for the west to retaliate due to the Russians being able to power their veichles and the west not being able to.

Also according to the book nuclear weapons are used, one of the first killing the US President, but there not used in wipe out the world type numbers.
The war is classed as World War 3, followed by a short rest after the west pushs the Muslim/Russian forces back, World War 4 is when the Muslims side with a unharmed China and re-invade Europe but this time the west is ready and the invading army only reaches Italy.

[edit on 6-5-2005 by UK Wizard]

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 10:57 AM
The first stages are taken up by oil supplies being cut to the west thus starving the military of defencive capibilities, and along with Russian tech it not easy for the west to retaliate due to the Russians being able to power their veichles and the west not being able to.

Also according to the book nuclear weapons are used, one of the first killing the US President, but there not used in wipe out the world type numbers.
The war is classed as World War 3, followed by a short rest after the west pushs the Muslim/Russian forces back, World War 4 is when the Muslims side with a unharmed China and re-invade Europe but this time the west is ready and the invading army only reaches Italy.

well, you just made W's case for invading Iraq, and Iran maybe he'll send you a thank you note

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Dallas
Of course you know when and where and all detail too. Else perhap's you know nothing - nothing at all in terms of the Pope or demise of the Holy Father.


[edit on 6-5-2005 by Dallas]

I think you've mistaken me for Nostradamus, maybe you should do a Google...!!

and look up the term "Shoot the messenger" aswell.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 06:49 PM
I know that the various interpretations of Nostradamus make for good conversation. However the scenario described, has been preempted by the invasion and occupation of the Iraqi territory. Make no mistake about it. We did it for the oil, to prevent the scenario as described above. We are there now and we will never leave. No matter what the politicians say.
Nuclear strikes are certainly possible and plausible. The problem with that is that there would be no Muslim leadership or populace left after such an event. Retaliation for such an act would be more than devastating.
An invasion of Europe or any area controlled by the west is not an actual, sustainable threat. That is a scenario that exist only in the minds of those who have no real knowledge of the military logistical and technological capabilities of the western world today.
The Russians are certainly capable of great harm, but do not have the ability to engage in the type of sustained conflict that, that type of action would require. I'm not sure that any nation, including the US is able to do so.
China, is a real threat, but only in their geographical parameters. China's airlift capabilities are not sustainable and to invade and occupy an area that has suffered nuclear devestation on the scale required, is ludicrous.
It would be tantamount military suicide.
Many of us in the US tend to think of warfare and invasion in the terms of what took place in WW2 or even Iraq. Those times are long past. Warfare by today's standards, in no way even resembles those types of operations.
Someone above mentioned what happened in Holland recently. To equate that with a true Muslim threat to the secuity of the west is in my view, an un-informed opinion.
The people of the US, of which I am one, have an arrogant and ignorant view of the military capabilities of the western european nations. I have 26 years in the US military and have spent alot of time with foreign troops. Simply put. Be thankful that they are our allies. Most of those forces are extremely capable and very formidable. They do have the ability to wage horrindous war on anyone if necessary.
A nuclear strike on every major US city and military base on the US mainland still leaves 500,000 ground troops, 450,000 naval personnel and 148,000 Air force personnel armed with the most technologically advanced weaponry at large, stationed throughout the world. That encompasses only the conventional capabilities that would be left. This isn't 1950 or even 1980. We have as a military force, been very judicious, in the past 20 years, in showing the world what we are truly capable of.
Any invasion of the west would have to be an invasion of an area that had been devestated by nuclear conflict. Which means an invasion of ground that noone would want.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 12:26 AM
Having posted the above reply, I must say that yes the new pope is doomed.
He is a man in his middle seventies with a bad heart condition. He is doomed.
Also we have neglected the scenario of a staged nuclear strike on American soil that would serve to give the Administration a reason and opportunity, to declare martial law and totally suspend the bill of rights in the interests of National Security.
As a point of information, that also means that future elections are suspended until the state of emergency is lifted.
Guess who makes that declaration, right, the administration that is in power during martial law.That is the scenario I'd be watching out for. The global implications of something like that will be tremendous.

[edit on 15-5-2005 by freddieb]

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 01:04 AM
Nostradamus was not the only one who had this prophecy. There is a Muslim prophecy about this very topic.

Another time, Sheikh Al-Qaradhawi said, "The Hadith says that the city of Constantinople, the city of Heracles, will be conquered first. We conquered Constantinople and the second part of the prophecy remains - the conquest of Romiyya. The conquest of Romiyya means that Islam will return to Europe. In one of my previous programs, I said that I think that this conquest would not be by the sword or armies, but by preaching and ideology. Europe will see that it suffers from materialistic culture, and will seek an alternative, it will seek a way out, it will seek a lifeboat. It will find no lifesaver but the message of Islam the message of the muezzin who gives it religion but does not deny it this world, brings it to Heaven, but does not uproot it from Earth. Allah willing, Islam will return to Europe and the Europeans will convert to Islam. Then they themselves will be able to be the ones to disseminate Islam in the world, more than we ancient Muslims. This is within Allah's capabilities."

Excerpted from.

It does seem however that many radical Muslims are trying once more the old way of bringing islam by the sword to the world.

[edit on 15-5-2005 by Muaddib]

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 01:09 AM
Well, let's try this again.. What don't you mean?..


posted on May, 15 2005 @ 04:10 AM
Muslim invasion ?

Ppl, thats just a religion....just like any other else, with some idiots who hide behind to spread problems.
I have some muslims friends and they are just like any person from other religion.

IF there was really a religion war the Muslims would be SMASHED by the Catholics.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
The Muslims have already invaded Europe, they're all around you just waiting for the signal to rise up and take over in a bloody revolution...just look at what happened in Holland!

The most populist Muslim countries are in Asia. Europe has only around 3% of the world Muslims. That is hardly an invasion. As for the Netherlands I think you will find their Muslim population is only around 6%.

Between Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India you find almost half of the worlds Muslims and Asia in total has over 70%. I don’t see Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh or India invading Europe.

Yes, there are a few fundamentalists but I seriously think we have to stop this talk about the Muslims wanting to take over the world. Some do, but most are peace-loving people who like us just want a quiet life.

As for the Pope, I think he will have a nice life and die of natural causes.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 05:34 AM
lol oil who needs oil now days, we the west certainly dont need oil we have other propulsion methods in secret ready for use im sure, OIL is only used and needed by west cause it makes and runs the world as we know it today replaceing it just out of the blue or before it runs out would see a loss of £ or $ for people in control which would be a bad thing as Economy is run by it, but we deff have other methods ready and waiting to replace oil as soon as it dry up, lots of methods have been bought by YES you guessed it the OIL Companys for Ludicrus amounts of money to keep the economy in state of check, so the oil comapanys will be in control long after oil runs out with all the new alternatives to oil, the military deff has other methods to use mini nuke power batterys or whatever they are called can fit into very small spaces, let alone all secret methods of propulsion military has at its dissposale in a WW3 scinario.

Also im sure nukes are not the only super weapon we have, in 60 years plus you telling me we have nothing thats been invented that is equal to or worse than nukes (designed in secret) just look at how public reacts to nukes, so military would keep other super weps a secret for sure, just makes me think what we really have hidden away ready for retaliation in a WW3 times, almost 60 plus years of research an development, now take that and add how long it took to design and develop the Atom Bomb now go figure...

[edit on 15-5-2005 by blobby]

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 05:57 PM
The invasion is happening in Europe. The muslims have large families where the western peoples have families of 2 or less. When the current generations grow old and die out in 30-40 years the muslims will find themselves in a dominant position because all the decidant westerners have dies ot through old age and have not left large enough families to comensate for the aging society.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 09:26 PM
I'm glad you have the optimism to think that things will be as they are in 30 or 40 years.
I think you should start right now and have about seven children yourself to bolster the Army that is going to be needed to repel the dreaded
Muslim hord.
No wait, don't do that. Seven more that think like that may be too many. Just forget I said that.
I hope our children, from both sides, in 30 or 40 years will have learned a little.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 05:19 AM
Diddn't nostradamus write in a secret code, so it is hard to translate never mind understand!

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 05:57 AM


Thats probably becuse he's a Bavarian and cant shake off his History and his Love for Homeland (Beerland).

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