posted on May, 6 2005 @ 02:22 AM
"The Munitions Directorate successfully ground-tested the first flightweight, reaction jet control (RJC) system for air-to-air missiles. During the
test, four of the six reaction jet valves were actuated to duplicate a duty cycle that would be used on an operational missile during a close-in,
“over-the-shoulder,” target engagement. The test was a key risk reduction demonstration to the development of next-generation tactical missiles
with dual-range and/or dual-role capabilities."
"The RJC technologies demonstrated in this test will provide future missiles with unprecedented maneuverability without degrading beyond visual-range
performance. This flightweight system demonstration is an important milestone to the development of a single missile capable of performing both short-
and medium-range missions."
"The RJC system is comprised of a set of six independently actuated hot gas valves. In operation, the valves redirect a portion of the motor exhaust
to generate control forces in the pitch, roll, and yaw axes of a missile."