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Aliens & UFOs are a diversion !

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posted on May, 6 2005 @ 09:25 AM
I'll say it one more time. But, it won't be the last time you hear it. Perhaps you will listen and hear. Perhaps you won't. Ultimatley you decide. You are all searching for the same source that the question originated from. You are all asking questions, and should be applauded for that.


Follow logically the question you ponder. It will provide you with a logical answer. Then ask the next logical question you ponder. Eventually it will lead you to the truth.

I'm proud of each and every one of you, you are a credit to your self. But remember that the word "your" implies ownership. And your "self" may not be tangible. Everything you need to know the to know the truth already exists.

You have questioned everything. Congradulations and we applaud you for this. "The truth is out there." And if it isn't, then it isn't out there. You've questioned everything, but the 1 thing .....

I have faith at least 1 of you understand.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 10:03 AM
Esoteric Teacher, I've read a few of your posts and think I understand what you are trying to do. Ya know, the old "know yourself", "search for truth", "the truth is out there" kinda stuff...but what you need to understand is that most people here know this kind of stuff. We are past speaking in riddles and are constantly looking for the truth. You sound like you want to pass on some of your personal knowledge about religion, or the existence of ET, or just becoming self aware. All this is good, but all this is a bit played out, IMHO. I certainly don't think anyone is looking for anyone else's approval, so when you tell a group of people that you are "proud" of them, you come off a bit arrogant. But, I don't know you or know your intentions, so I could be completely talking out my arse

So, with all that garbage said, let's break things down a bit. I'm not saying you need to dumb it down a bit. But the cryptic talk makes it difficult to have a really good conversation. Which, let's face it, that's what most of us come to ATS for. There is really no real TRUTH here. We all hear stuff that we may have never heard before, especially in the Alien/UFO forums, but around here there is no such thing as PROOF, just evidence presented for you to make your decisions on what is TRUTH.

Anyhoo, nice to meet ya!

[edit on 6-5-2005 by mpeake]

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 12:19 PM
Why do I get the feeling that interjected in thread, Yoda has....???

Zealots look for TRUTH. We're looking for evidence and proof, and slowly but surely, we're finding it.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 12:33 PM
Much to learn, we have. Yes, yes....

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 01:54 PM
I suppose that the government also employs little people to run around in little alien costumes for the purpose of general public disinformation and chaos. They break into people's homes using the latest in "walk through wall" technology, poke people on the head until they wake up, then run away... all so that the person waking up will go "Oh my God, aliens are real!" and forget all about secret government conspiracies and black projects.


posted on May, 6 2005 @ 05:11 PM
look YES there is dis-information out there, and yes the goverment is doing it. AND YES the goverment is faking some things and trying to make the general public they are thinking they are seeing "ufo's" when they are actually observing secret AC. YES this is true we know this.

BUT here is the clincher, there is also something else going on that the goverment does not want us to catch on to. They dont want us to actually sit down and face the facts that something "else" besides what our goverments have developed is out there and has came here in the past.

YES they are using the whole UFO community against itself to keep the secret somewhat safe. AND yes there are people who are truley in the know that can not say anything due to the Goverment wanting to keep it a secret. And yes some people have lost their lives because of it. And some people have been driven mad and some people have simply lost everything except their own human life, because the govement has taken everything that was "them" away.

So your theory about the goverment using UFO's as a diversion is TRUE but its only partially true, because the fact remains that there is something "else" that has come here. And due to reasons known only within a select few it is being heavily guarded from the mass of humanity. There are plenty of documents illustrating why it is being hidden. And it all boils down to control. Religious control, politcal control, social control, govermental control, control control control. Humanity as a whole is not conditioned yet to accept the fact that the universe does not revolve around man on earth.

Until such time that some alien crafts WANT to cause the ultimate destruction of mankind will we ever really get full disclosure.

IF there truely is an advanced sentint alien race that has visted the earth, they surely know what their un-deniable presence will cause to the human population. And for what ever reason we as mankind have been spared so far.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 06:34 PM
Let me tell you something interesting, and you can ask any co-worker this question. Do you believe in UFOs or aliens? And their reply would probably be a scoff and a NO! The majority of the people don't give a damn about UFOs and the truth. They think that they already know the truth. It's “Religion”. This should be one of the biggest reasons that all governments want people not to believe in alien life. They see Religion as a set of rules which are deep in most human beings conscience. They want to keep the people as upright as possible with this topic cause they know that it's worked since the beginning of time. Why would a Government, who has the people thinking in such a way would ever want to confuse them on a topic, which might bring down humanity as we know it. "Social Disintegration", the enemy of progress. Most people will ask them selves, if aliens exist, is the bible right, is God real. And this could lead up to other thoughts, or a revolution for feeling deceived. Not that all people would think like this but it's a possibility. What kinda gov, would like to have a revolution in they're hands. Why make them think and act otherwise, the people are fine just how they are. Don't excite them (the people) or they will rise and we will fall. It would be a really stupid Idea to imply to the people that aliens do exist. The government has no need for such foolishness. If they are going to do something behind our backs they’ll just do it. The same way they did the U2, and the Atomic Bomb and had no need to make up stories, they just did it. We know that they have super secret planes that maybe defy any reason or explanation, and the other side does too. Why should they risk the most powerful Nation in the world, by changing their way of thought, just to cover some covert plane, or new chemical that will kill off many towns of people. They have been doing it all along. They don't need no Alien cover up for that. They will still do Evil things cause they have the power to do it. The prime factor that makes this govenmt work properly is religion. Bush uses it everyday, hell go to church on Sunday, and have someone killed in Iraq on Monday. He uses it to get the votes of most of the conservative people. Why then would he want to change they’re views for some secret destructive arm, or some atomic x-plane. How will we know what he has, you'll know when he uses it. Think the atomic Bomb, they just used it, no questions asked, and no American disagreement mattered.

So my take on this is keep the people on your side, don't fill they're heads with thoughts that my work as ammo, which later in life can, and will use against you. I believe that the Extraterrestrial theory is correct. That we are not alone in the universe and that we have or are still being visited by Alien beings. The Government knows it, and is keeping us from it. But the time will come when the truth will come out, and you’ll know when it happens.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Hal9000

xpert11, not to sound too demeaning, but I think you are not fully informed. Take the suggestion of others and take a look at the Disclosure Project book.


You misunderstood my point about Area 51 . My point is while the masses are trying to figuer out what gose on at area 51 nobody is questioning what happens else where.
There are also artworks of sea monsters eating are we to assume sea monsters exsited?
For those who say that I havnt explained how UFOs have been seen outside of the USA you seem to think that ideas dont travel it dosnt make any sense.
While modern commication allows ideas to spread rapildy humans have always convoyed ideas ever since we discovered writing.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 08:00 PM
personally..this universe is so can one race just dominate it all..there has to be something superior to us..look at aztecs and many of them they all draw aliens in there hyroglyphics..

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by toasted

have you read disclosure ? have you seen the DVD ?

Hello toasted,
Could you please ( or anybody else ) give me more information about this book? the whole title and the author maybe ?
I would like to look it up and buy it.

Thank You.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 10:46 PM
To answer the original question of this thread, yes, I considered the idea. I even suggested the theory that UFOs are not from outer space, but from the future, which is an even more rational theory than the alien one for many reasons. The only problem is that the very concept of tiem travel bugs me... how can you travel through time if time is just a concept? There not any proof of such phenomenon as "duration" in reality, so how can we build machines that go backwards and forward if there is no forward and backward?

The other interesting theory that I've been thinking of for some time: we are at war with aliens! But a secret, invisible war. It's that there are as much man-made that alien-made UFOs on Earth but the reason why the government does'nt wanna talk about the phenomenon and disclose their infos on it is that they have or are developing technologies which would make us able to fight against the aliens, but it is being kept to the highest level of secrecy for that not only the people, but ALIENS will not know about the secrets the government hides. Yes, that's right, counter-espionage and secret defense planning would be undergoing for decades under the guise of black projects, and that would be to wage a cold war against the aliens.

[edit on 6/5/05 by Echtelion]

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Bursuc

Hello toasted,
Could you please ( or anybody else ) give me more information about this book? the whole title and the author maybe ?
I would like to look it up and buy it.

Thank You.

The disclosure book and DVD are from a group of government and civilian contractor witness's to the U.F.O. phenomenon that have come foward. There is a non-profit org. that aims at getting the government to "come clean".

Here is their can view video on line or order the dvd/books here.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 11:02 PM

There are also artworks of sea monsters eating are we to assume sea monsters exsited?

We no longer need to assume. Some such creatures are now science fact, not legend, such as the Collossal Giant Squid...once thought to be mere legend, but now a known fact...

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 01:26 AM
bersuc , sorry , looking beat me to it


get the combo offer , DVD/BOOK...the 1st 60 pages of disclosure was worth the price of the whole deal [ for me ]

[edit on 7-5-2005 by toasted]

[edit on 7-5-2005 by toasted]

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 01:44 AM
Just chill out and watch Drumline everyone. That movie will answer all of your questions about life, trust me.

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 04:46 AM
Esoteric Teacher:

Are you copying and pasting that everywhere ?

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 05:34 AM
Believe we are the ONLY civilization in the universe its an absurd.

Its like few centuries back when they thought the Earth was flat.

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 09:36 AM
Thank You looking4truth and toasted.It's funny,i know about that site,but never knew about the book
.I'm blind sometimes

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by xpert11

Originally posted by Hal9000
xpert11, not to sound too demeaning, but I think you are not fully informed. Take the suggestion of others and take a look at the Disclosure Project book.

You misunderstood my point about Area 51 . My point is while the masses are trying to figuer out what gose on at area 51 nobody is questioning what happens else where.

Sorry, after re-reading it, I see what your saying. But the fact is, people are relentless when it comes to getting access to classified information. They are not just looking at Area 51. They are also looking at newly de-classified government documents also. This is what brought about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). If you spend some time in the government conspiracy forum, I think you’ll find people are looking elsewhere.

I think that what your saying that using UFO's as cover was considered very early (1940's) and maybe even encouraged at some point, but later when the UFO phenomenon gained strength, people wanted the government to act, and then the government decided against it and it has debunked it ever since.

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 11:34 AM
The government did not invent UFO's. However the Air Force has now publicly admitted 'using' UFO hysteria as a means to obscure their experimental aircraft research.

Remember -- the first shadowy reports of the Aurora were dismissed as UFO sightings.

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