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When people started numbering letters, they numbered them A=6 and B=12 and
c=18 and so on and so forth. If you don't believe me, then look it up on the
net at
According to this numbering system,
the word "computer" adds up to the number 666, which is the number of the
Anti-Christ. This leads me to believe that the Anti-Christ will come
to power using computers. To read about the Anti-Christ in the Bible,
look in the Revelations part.
Since it seems that the Anti-Christ will come through computers, or at
least come to some degree of power, you should also know that there
is a satellite known as the HAARP satellite, which has the adverse
effect of controlling the weather, but can also cause some mood-
alterations within the human brain. If you do not believe me, again,
It is my belief that the Anti-
Christ will be using, not only computers, but the HAARP satellite
to control millions upon millions of people to his side.
For those of you who are too lazy to read up on the Anti-Christ in the
Bible, he is a person who will claim that he is God, when in fact, he
is the Devil and he will curse you with his so-called "blessings" and
drag you to Hell for not believing in Christ. His number is 666 and once
he comes, people may be barnded on their right arm or forehead so that
anybody without the mark will not be able to buy things and may be killed.
I urge you strongly to die for Christ as he died for you more brutally
than anyone could ever imagine.
It is rumored that the Pope after Pope Benedict will be the bad pope who
will side with the Anti-Christ and that it will happen in the year 2012.
I, unfortunately, have no proof or mystic revelation to back-up this claim,
but I ask you to have a little faith in this warning and keep your spirit strong.
By The Way.... Santa Claus also adds up to 666... just a little foot-note.