posted on May, 5 2005 @ 09:22 PM
Basically, as long as you are talking, no vote. You can read Homer's Odyssey(sp?) if you want, you just have to talk. Also, you can't sit or lay
down while filibustering, you have to stand for the whole time.
Funny Fact. DixieCrat(Republican in Dem Clothing) Strum held the record. WHat was he trying to block? Civil Rights Act. Yep, a republican holds
the record for trying to keep blacks 2nd Class Citizens. Nowadays they are trying to ban filibusters....... hypocrits.
Now, for people like Carseller4(argued with him on this in other topics) who don't understand what a DixieCrat is, it was a democrat who lived in the
south. Now, why did they consider themselves democrats? Well, sure they wanted guns legal, abortion evil, and everything else on the republican
party line, but they believed in Federal Power over State Power. Yep, they were republicans, but since they believed in Federal Power over State
Power, they ran on Dem tickets. Also, for the people who didn't know this, Lincoln is a grand daddy of the Democrats.
Formally known as the Democrat Republicans, they were a political group that believed in Fed over State, just like Abe. Also, if you take ANY
government class the teacher should go over the formations of parties. How it started out Federal and Anti-Federal, then it was Federal and
Republican. Then you had Free Soilers, Republicans, Federalist, and a couple more. Now, as the years pass you drop the Free Soilers for slaves were
now free. In the end you have two main parties, Democrat Republicans and Republicans. Finally the Dems drop the Republicans and were just Democrats.
The difference? Democrats believe in progression, the republicans want us back to the 1200's. Democrats believe in Fed Power, like the US Postal
Service, Social Security, Federal Roads(highways), Welfare, Medicare, freedom of speech, so forth. Republicans believe in State Power, like Jim Crow
Laws, and uh, well, Jim Crow Laws about it. Democrats want a United States, 50 states in one nation, the republicans want 50 nations. Each state
would have it's own currency, laws, so forth. Democrats want the people to be represented by the people, the republicans want a high archy of a rich
ruling class. Democrats believe in both freedom of religon and freedom from religon. Republicans want a priest/minister to be president, to rule
America by theocracy, like the Taliban.
I know people go to school for this, but some teach more then others, and apparently mine taught more.